5 Things You Should NEVER Do Around a Girl That You Like

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Instagram: @courtneycristineryan

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On the topic of insecurity, I find it unfortunate that people often can't tell the difference between someone running themselves down, and that person being able to admit their shortcomings. One of these is definitely insecurity, and the other is a definite confidence and humility.


Guys: Don't agree with everything she says. Be yourself and stay strong with your opinions. She'll respect that.
Girls: Don't take forever to respond to texts. It messes with guys' heads. If you're too busy to chat, say so. If you're not interested, say so.


Big turn offs for me:
-If you feel you are being evaluated by her.
-she treats you like a consolation prize, disposable
-she talks too much about other guys
-she makes you feel used
-she complains a lot, being negative
-she doesn’t like herself, or loves herself too much, believing she is perfect


Putting her up on a pedestal was always one of my problems. I always treated every woman like "She's the one!". And then when she rejected me, my worship would turn to hatred. It was a real strange way of thinking. Lost lots of time sitting around thinking about woman that didn't give a shit about me. Now it just doesn't matter to me anymore.



1) Talking poorly about yourself (insecurity is a major turnoff)
2) Staring at her continuously or making no eye contact at all (the trick is to make moderate eye contact, and this takes some practice)
3) Being pushy (this could end up making her uncomfortable)
4) Putting her on a pedestal (remember, she is not a goddess)
5) Pretending to be someone that you are not (don't be a liar liar, pants on fire; focus on presenting the best version of yourself)

Here is one that I will add to the list:
6) Continuously messaging her (While it is true that some women want men to be direct/effective communicators, don't over-do it. If she wants to talk to you or respond, then she will do so)

What other items can be added to the list?


The internet needs more videos like this: clear, direct, and honest without being condescending. Personally in my past, the "talking poorly about myself" was a common shortcoming. Wish this video existed years ago haha, but I'm sure it'll help someone else. Thanks Courtney for the consistedly frank and helpful tips for all us dudes out there.


1. No negative self-talk
2. Stop constantly apologizing
3. Stop staring or avoiding eye contact
4. No pushy behavior
5. Don't put her on a pedestal
6. Don't pretend to be someone you're not


Well placed self-deprecating humor can be a light-hearted icebreaker, *and* show if she can laugh at herself.


Most of these points are what they teach you not to do in sales... and it makes sense.


So happy that I have no girl around me that I like, so I can do all those things.


If I’m around a girl I like there’s a 99% chance it’s not mutual. So I just keep to myself and go about whatever I was doing.


This was a great sponsor for your channel! You have made so many great points on skincare, but I never take the time to get into what to buy and how to use it. For me, this was a great alternative. I also feel I watched so many of your videos that it makes sense to give something back. 🙃

Great video btw, especially the part about not saying bad things about yourself. It is crazy the effect your mindset can have on your confidence!


Important things: 0:18 First Thing - Talk Poorly About Yourself; 4:40 Second Thing - Stare At Her / No Eye Contact; 5:25 major important (and I totally agree with that); 6:23 Third Thing - Be Pushy; 7:20 Fourth Thing - Put On Her A Pedestal; 7:57 additional note; 8:35 Fifth Thing - Pretend To Be Someone That You're Not; 9:33 important note; 10:18 that's one big truth (it all starts from us, like it or not); and 10:39 to summarize all the told here.
The things that you have told Courtney, some of these things can also refer to women as well. Generally, it's impolite to stare in people (but that's the life situations that we can discuss in some other topics). But It's quite normal to make an eye contact. Among the all mentioned, what I consider as impolite way of behaviors are these things:
6. Talking too much about the previous relationships that ended badly (that goes for either men, and women);
7. Playing hot / cold games (I would rather call it Yes / No games) (honor exceptions for those who don't play it);
8. Showing no empathy at all;
9. Opening too much (especially when seeing someone for the first time) (that goes for either men, and women);
10. Showing no interests in everything.
And speaking of the sixth thing (Playing hot / cold games), I suggest that you Courtney should also make that kind of video or videos if you haven't made it. If you have made it, send me a link. Thank you very much.
The color of the nails goes well with the color of the ring and the pattern of the dress.
La perfection madam.


I know I struggle with points #1 and 2 a lot. Confidence is such a nebulous thing. It’s difficult understanding what exactly it is on a practical level. I’ll definitely try not to talk bad about myself but it’s an uphill battle.

On the other side of the final point about texting, one thing I can’t stand that women frequently take too long to respond to texts. I have to force myself to not text for a long time just to pretend I’m busy just so she doesn’t get turned off by me texting too much. “I’m too busy” is not a good excuse.


First part is so true! Having to reassure someone all the time can be draining for someone else who usually sees the more positive side of things


Ever since I was going to school, I was NEVER under any circumstances comfortable disclosing that I was diagnosed with ADD out of the fear of being written off. It even got to the point where I was so ashamed of it that if I had a relationship with a woman, I would never tell her about it at all and keep it secret for life. However, what provided relief was that I was once told that I do not have to tell her as soon as I meet her, but to prove to her that I am independent first before disclosing my diagnosis so she would have nothing to worry about in the end.


I think a lot of people also need to sit back a bit and not try to find a relationship right after a breakup. The biggest issue I've personally seen with that is people essentially try to pick up where they left off and get attached and comfortable waaaay too quickly with the next person.
For me a turn off is when someone gets super touchy way too quickly.


Courtney, I believe this is your best video by far! You've pointed out potential pitfalls that I can relate to. I was amazed to find out just how much of this applied to me. I have the utmost respect for you.


I was told whenever you put someone up on a pedestal you’ll never reach them.


Advice 1-4: don’t be yourself

Advice 5: don’t don’t be yourself

Very insightful.
