33 Strategies of War by Robert Greene | Whiteboard Book Animation Summary/Review

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"33 Strategies of War," by Robert Greene. Animated Book Summary

All Robert Greene Book Summaries:


Gaming Content(TridentLion)

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"48 Laws of Power," by Robert Greene(as a list)

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Who is Matlas McGill/TridentLion?
Fresh out of college after completing a B.A. online I was already a father of 2 kids. The greatest thing I learned from online college was discipline, having a goal and working your ass of until its achieved. I’ve worked various jobs since I was 13 years old, having had a strong value for hard work instilled in me while growing up. I worked jobs from landscaping, to restaurants, to even plays. After college I got into real estate sales to support my family and became successful doing so. However none of those jobs were igniting the fire of passion inside me; I didn’t enjoy doing those things. So I’ve been on a journey to become a better version of me, doing work I actually love. I became obsessed with learning and growth, reading hundreds of books, learning what other successful people do. I started to see problems as opportunities to be solved. So I set out to solve the problems: What do I want out of life? What do I want to do? What are my passions?

I found my passions are to learn, create, and to inspire.

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Music Credit:

DEAF KEV - Invincible (Provided by NCS)

Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0

-Additional creative content by TridentLion-

(TridentLionGaming) - featuring Video Gaming Music Videos & more.

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"33 Strategies of War" by Robert Greene | Whiteboard Book Animation Summary/Review | TridentLion

"What if you don't have one passion to follow?"
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Great as always man :D! Could you do "Never Split the Difference" by Chriss Voss? I find it extremely interesting and it is not as overdone on every similar chanel like these 100 summaries of "How to Win Friends and Influence People" everywhere


Hey TridentLion I love the way you summarize books can you summarize Mastery by Robert Greene


I saw this as introduction to the real book. Thanks man


+TridentLion, you did an incredible job summarizing Robert Greene's book. Very enlightening 🦄Unicorns are real🦄


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Ring the notification bell & comment that you did it. Then I will give you a shout out in a future video.


summary and review isnt the same. clickbait. and you didnt even read the book and this isnt even a summary, this is just reading names of chapters. clickbait
