Peri Menopause Symptoms Crying for No Reason

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Crying for no reason! What’s wrong with me. Can you relate?

This was me, 39 almost 40. Life was good. I had nothing to worry or complain about. So why was I sad and in tears for no reason. Crying behind the bathroom door, or taking a bath at 4 o’clock in the afternoon, crying my little heart out.

Firstly, YOU ARE NOT GOING MAD, It’s a common symptom on peri menopause.

You’ll find more information on Peri Menopause symptoms & natural solutions here

Sometime the crying stage lasts just a few months, sometimes longer. The uncontrollable crying can start at any time, at work, when in company or alone. And it can be embarrassing when you can’t explain what’s wrong.

THE CAUSE? Often it’s low oestrogen, our happy hormone. It acts like an antidepressant. Often it’s just a phase, a sudden dip in oestrogen when we’re more emotional. Plus lack of sleep, low oestrogen levels can make sleep more difficult, tired and emotional. Then there is stress again we often feel more stressed during this time of life.

Adding in foods rich in Phyto oestrogens can help. Herbal & homeopathic remedies or mindset work, EFT and hypnosis. SUBSCRIBE to learn more.

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