Homemade Itchy Dog Spray

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Natural itchy dog spray, may help give your itchy dog some relief! It's no fun watching our pets itch and itch!

Hello, I'm a Functional Animal Dietary Consultant.
I formulate pet food for manufactures/internationally and commercially.

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1/2 cup of Vinegar (with the mother)
1/2 cup of green tea (good quality dark)
1 cup of distilled water.
Pour into spray bottle with the funnel. You are done.

I summarized it since it’s hard to hear over the loud music.


This is a great video and presented well but you also must look into why your dog has itchy skin. Is it an allergic reaction, fleas, diet? After a lot of trial and error I found out that my little guy was allergic to his diet. No wheat, no beef and no corn diet worked. No more itchy skin. So understand the reason behind the symptom.


The only thing I get concerned about is some of these things might really sting a dog skin especially if a dog has been scratching and broke their skin even a little bit :(


Although I struggled to hear above the loud music, I went to the written version and think it's an excellent recipe. Will try. Please see John 3.3 John 3:16 John 14:6 Thanks. God bless


Very good remedy thanks Don't need music


Thanks for this! I actually used a vinegar and water mix, which my dog doesn't like. But now Ill try the vinegar with mother plus green tea and water and see if that's better for him. I wish you had gone ahead and said the source of the green tea leaves used as that is preferable to having to do a big search for them and usually must purchase many different kinds in that process. I have not seen bags with leaves that haven't been nearly pulverized as tea companies seem to think that is preferred for some reason.


What is Apple Cider Vinegar with The Mother?
In short, it is apple cider vinegar that still has the culture of beneficial bacteria that turns regular apple cider into vinegar in the first place. This is similar to the SCOBY (also called a “mother”) in Kombucha making.
The excerpt above came from a site called wellness mama, about acc w/ the mother..the


I do this and add a few drops of really good lavender essential oil to it. It helps. My dog loves it.


Thanks you could also add aloe gel then, rub this mixture on abdomen, legs help stop itching.


today is the first time it became raw so I went out and pulled a limb off my aloe vera bush and put it in the blender. I liquified it and applied it to there raw wound and she let me put it one her and she came back for more. I think it is soothing like a burn. I feel so bad for her. She is a bichon and we keep her hair short so it won't kink up so much and itch. She just started that allergies and my back yard is very dry and there m ay be mites there so I am rubbing her down now and washing her little paws. I am going to Trader Joes to get all the ingredients for my little girl and try it.. Thanks


I had no problem hearing you at all. 👍


1 omega 3 ever day for my dog is the only thing that helps his severe itch and rash..It took about 2-3 weeks to start helping but he's completely free from itchy sores. I tried everything before the tech at my vets office mentioned omega 3 and how it works....It took 3 years of trying every product you could think of and it was all for nothing....I hide it in his food so he doesn't know he's getting a the tech didn't mention omegas on the day I was there for his appointment Im almost positive he would still be suffering from the persistent rash he kept getting.


Thanks for this wonderful natural remedy, and I can see a lot of comments below about the audio quality but unless you've edited the video, I haven't had any issues. Audio very clear and audible and the music isn't drowning your voice. Will look out for more of your videos too. Ciao!


I used coconut oil and clove bud oil 5 parts to 1 and it works really great!


Thank You Queeniechi Our Dogs Are Doing Much Better With There Itchy Paws


Thank you so much YouTube for the playback speed 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻


I will try this recipe and get back to you. My daughters dog itchiness drives me crazy (empathy) hope to help the 4 paws.


P.S the music was louder than you talking so was struggling to hear what you were saying. You displayed it all very well though so I could see what you were doing


I LUV Rodney he lives in my home town and owns an amazing store called Planet Paws just 10 mins from me my dog luvs going there... He is FULL of knowledge and truly loves animals as well believes in natural healing... He is God to all dog owners at the dog park, I have yet to hear a bad word about him after years of taking my dog to the park only high praise, that says a lot..


Wish I could hear you... I love my dogs and they are itchy...
