House to vote on two immigration bills. Will they pass?

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Rep. Kevin Cramer (R-N.D.) weighs in on President Trump’s policy of separating children from their parents who entered the U.S. illegally, and discusses whether the House will pass two bills that are heading toward vote.
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VETO both bills if they do cover a policy of No Amnesty, build the wall and mandatory E-verify!!!


Every city has a Juvenile detention center. They "NEVER" make the news.


I can’t believe they didn’t pass that bill today. I’m getting sick of nothing getting done.


Did they finally the same old debates..?
They need to pass. Get this done and over!


point blank you can't do it in their country you can't do it in ours. If American not careful the Aztecs tribe will take their land back.


When are they 'set to' look at the FISA Applications? When are they 'set to' talk to the FISA Judges? When are the 'set to' read the FISA Warrants? When are they 'set to' hold FISA UNMASKING Hearings? this is all Deep State BULLSHIT. You could settle this in FIVE MINUTES. But nobody does. FUCK EM ALL. Burn it down. rebuild. Uranium One / Fusion GPS / FISA Abuse / No Hearings? / No Judges? / No Applications? / Mueller / Rosenstein / Brennan / Clapper / Rice / Power / Rhodes / UNMASKING / Obamagate / FBI / Immunity / Bleachbit / perjury / Huma / Mills / Weiner / Laptop / Blackberries / IRS Hard Drives / Smashed. / Foundation / UNSECURED servers / Pervert Island / Blumenthal / Steele / DOJ / Strzok / Ohrs / Page / Yates / McCabe 700K$+ / Comey / Memos / LEAKERS / Lynch / Tarmac / DNC server? / Awan IT / Seth Rich / Taliban 5 / Bergdahl / Benghazi / Holder / Fast and Furious / DNC Fraud / Podesta / Mook / Palmieri / Fallon / Jarrett / Obama / Hillary / McDonough / Priestap / IG Report / TREASON


Everyone in the comment section does realize if they live in america and are not native american they are an immigrant so this shit could apply to you think about that
