House Plans to Vote on Democrats’ $2.2 Trillion Stimulus Bill Thursday

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The U.S. House will go forward with a vote on the Democrats’ $2.2 trillion stimulus package, as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin have so far been unable to reach a compromise.

Talks Thursday between Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin brought no immediate breakthrough on a deal for a new pandemic relief package, while the House prepared to vote on a Democrat-only plan.

Pelosi and Mnuchin “discussed further clarifications on amounts and language but distance on key areas remain,” Pelosi spokesman Drew Hammill wrote on Twitter. “Their conversation will continue this afternoon.”

Pelosi said earlier in the day on Bloomberg Television that she won’t accept whatever the White House offers just to get a deal done.

“This isn’t half a loaf. What they’re offering is the heel of the loaf,” Pelosi said. “It’s no use going into a negotiation just saying you’ll take the path of least resistance.”

The speaker expressed skepticism to her colleagues earlier Thursday of the chances of a deal.

At a morning news conference, Pelosi said the two sides are still far apart on the total amount of stimulus and how it would be apportioned. Many of the same sticking points that have resulted in the current stalemate, including aid to state and local government, remain.

“We’re hopeful we can reach agreement because the needs of the American people are so great,” Pelosi said. “But there has to be a recognition it takes money to do that.”

Both sides face increased pressure to act as more companies announce job cuts, including airlines that had received help under earlier rounds of federal support, and there is little time to act before the Nov. 3 election.

The S&P 500 Index pared its advance by more than half after Pelosi’s skepticism was reported. U.S. stock markets have been whipsawed this week by speculation over whether a stimulus deal can be reached.

When asked if President Donald Trump would personally step in to participate in the negotiations, White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany said the administration has offered a “good proposal” that compromised on spending levels, but said Democrats are still seeking unacceptable provisions.

“First I would say Nancy Pelosi is not being serious,” McEnany said Thursday. “If she becomes serious then we can have a discussion here.”

House Democrats proposed a $2.2 trillion stimulus package that Pelosi described as a “proffer” in negotiations with the White House. Republican congressional leaders have rejected it, but the Democratic leaders made plans to go through with a vote.

Mnuchin said Trump instructed his negotiators “to come up significantly” from the initial GOP proposal of a $1 trillion pandemic relief plan.


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Pay congress nothing until the unemployment rate goes below 4%.


90% of the funding will go to states not the people.


Why aren't people rioting over our inept congress #draintheswamp


Stop Congress pay untill agreement is met...these snakes do not represent nobody but themselves...


Canadians have been receiving $2, 000 a month since June, it stops December 31, 2020. What is wrong with our government, if it is the so-call riches country in the world?


Everyone is sick of this lying politician. All she does is run her mouth and make false accusations. She ain't worried about anyone but herself.


Vote them all out. Elect new faces, regardless of who they are they are not the ones that played with your money.


When she said were still alive. My exact thought: unfortunately.


This woman has shown her true self. She has completely failed us in EVERY SINGLE thing that was put before her. And spent millions of our taxpayers money on her lavish home, ice cream, and all of her recesses she takes


"for our heroes"
I wonder what heros she is talking about.


I wish these old people would go somewhere and sit down. What happened to the children are our future!!


Hey while you are eating ice cream I am eating another sandwich at my moms house because I can't afford food. I used to make 3, 300 a month and now I'm making 800. I'm hungry. I want my old job setting up stages for concerts back. I want my life back. I did not qualify for unemployment because I had part time jobs. I am hungry. I want to afford food.


Why couldn't they have just quickly passed the direct stimulus payment part of the deal back in May then go back and negotiate all the rest after? Why keep people in limbo for 5 months?


Why is she still working? Shouldnt she be in a nursing home somewhere ? And weres our stimulus checks Nancy ?


No 2.2 Trillion. Take the 1.6 compromise already! Holy hell.


True story: A man in the tenderloin asked me for a job. I told him I’m in the same position and that he needs to vote better. BTW I still handed him a $10 spot. It was the least I could do. Nancy isn’t coming to our aid. Ill walk the streets she won’t with the people she forgot about. I don’t write stuff just to troll. I genuinely care about the people in my community wether U agree or not.


did anyone catch the podcast she was on where she said she wouldnt agree
to another check with trumps name on it


Where in the Flip is the other 2.1 trillion stimulus? I recieved ZERO dollars just more work. Unbelievable Certain companies are banking huge. Apple Amazon Tesla Wal-Mart


We need anything at this moment Speaker Pelosi


You can clearly tell she's just reading
