Is CAPTAIN MARVEL Wrong in Marvel's Civil War II? || NerdSync

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Marvel's Civil War II event has not only the heroes divided, but also the fans. Although, the split isn't as even as you'd think. With most of you siding with Iron Man, it makes me wonder if Captain Marvel is simply wrong. We'll discuss some great points you guys made on last week's video on the philosophy of Civil War 2, as well as the Hulk Hogan Super Suits!

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in the words of Captain America "I thought the punishment usually came after the crime."


Here's the thing; Carol hasn't spoken about deterring crime at all. It only seems she wants to push the idea of pre-punishment. Maybe it's unclear through poor writing on Bendis' part (let's be honest, it wouldn't be the first time), but I'm still firmly on Stark's side because Carol's views on control and pre-punishment are taking things to a level of Injustice Superman.


I swear, the comic will end up having him foresee captain marvel committing a crime and either she locks herself away, or goes against everything her side is about so she wont get detained.


Ulysses may have seen the end of the world, but HOW many times have earths hero's stopped the end with out knowing it's going to happen? Countless times!


I'm in the "Why are we fighting? we've had Time Travel since forever" side


I was on the fence with Civil War 2 on whose side am I on, but I have to be on Team Iron Man after reading issue 4. I am going to SPOIL a bit so be warned. Stark's studies and Beast confirming it says Ulysses visions are basically an algorithm that is based on probabilities that can be easily be wrong as well as be correct. Stark presented all these findings to all the big time heroes including Captain Marvel. However Carol wouldn't even consider changing her tactics. I kind of think I get why Carol is going hard on this. Because if she even admits for a moment that she is mistaken on her approach, then Bruce and Rhodey died for nothing, and I don't think Carol is prepared to accept that. Not to mention, in this issue, Ulysses appears to get one wrong and SHIELD and Capt. Marvel detains an innocent woman with a squeaky clean record. This finally draws the battle lines between the sides.

This all really sucks in my opinion because I feel Carol Danvers is falling into the same pit that Tony fell in the first Civil War and becoming the clear bad guy here, and love Captain Marvel. Not to mention they just announced Brie Larson is playing her.


After watching this I'm completely unswayed and still team iron man


the vision said Bruce was about to turn into the hulk... but he only was about turn (if he was to) into the hulk because everybody was there... but everybody was there only because they received the vision... And before that Bruce had no reason to turn, he hadn't turned for weeks.... so.... i call team ironman: it's A future, not the future. And this was a prophecy that turns true due to the own existence of the prophecy, the only difference with this timeline and the one the avengers saw is that hawkeye shot him in this version.... but again, if the avengers were not in that place reacting to the vision.... nothing would have happened... so i think Ulysses only sees "about-to-be-born Timelines", not the future.

i'm sorry, Iron-man is right, this is wrong. (if you want to listen to this visions and make a plan if it happens, but don't take it as something that is sure)


I'm sorry, I've never been a fan of Carol Danvers and this comic doesn't help. This is all my personal opinion, but I just found her annoying here. Regardless of what is seen in the future, people have the choice to not do it.


Civil War 2 is just a cash grab. The story isn't as interesting and they're killing characters so people would buy it. It's truly poor quality. Why didn't Captain Marvel answer Iron Man when he asked "if Ulysseus sees that you're going to commit a crime, should we arrest you now?"? She's a total hypocrite.

The conflict isn't interesting...


Innocent until proven guilty. That's how the law works. You cannot be proven guilty if you haven't done anything. Also there's a big difference between the things Ulysses has predicted so far and day to day crime. Everybody knows that Thanos is bad and means to do bad. A lot of Hulks life has been him going off the rails. The heros of Marvel know these things and have dealt with them before. These things are no surprise, but to impose a preemptive strike on people with no history of misconduct or people trying clean up their act is wrong. Again innocent until proven guilty. With Captain Marvel's way of thinking no one can be innocent.


Here is another big problem with seeing the future powers, a lot of the times it only shows you something that is happening in the moment in the future, it almost never show the lead up, zero context.

What if they see a future with Captain Marvel killing someone, and they suddenly wanna take her out of play? What if that person she is killing stops something big like that person was trying to kill a lot of people or end the world? We have no clue, and you take her out of play only to make matters worse!


The big problem I have with Ulysses is that how his powers work are a complete mystery. His mind is an unreadable blank. They're really taking a leap of faith with him.

And while you can argue that he saved the Earth by predicting the attack by the Celestrial Harvester what if the purpose of the whole Celestrial Harvester was to convince the heroes to use Ullysses to prevent crimes. There is a reality warper loyal to Red Skull on the loose after all.

Was Bruce Banner actually going to hulk out or was that a false prediction in order to bring about his death?

Isn't it convenient that a direct threat to the Cosmic Cube, Thanos, was taken out as soon as he stepped foot on Earth?

And look Captain America, agent of Hydra, has joined Captain Marvel's side.

Should also be mentioned that SHIELD already in the murky gray of late, seems to be completely off the rails with assassination attempts on Nick Fury, an obsession with the New Avengers, and the most recent turmoil in Agents of Shield.

Which brings up the ultimate, horrible threat. Ulysses may not be predicting the future, but creating it. To use you bank robbery example. a guy may be a law abiding good citizen. Ulysses has a vision. And the guy becomes a bank robber, his past rewritten.


Captain Marvel's intervention always results into violence


Just a reminder, we do these live now so that 30 seconds of black at the beginning will be edited out soon, just give YouTube a bit to update.


Wish I had seen Richard Rowe's comment so I could like it, I totally agree. I don't see what the debate is, you can compromise. Minimize damage done by the criminal/try to dissuade them from doing the crime, and don't lock them up forever when they're innocent. (By the way, I don't really like the live shows, I prefer the normal ones. I don't see the livestreams and so it's kinda weird to see responding to the chat, and it makes an extra half a minute of just black screen.)


I now believe that Ulysses is actually a villain. He's currently trying to split up the most influential and powerful heroes and has killed the more reasonable ones that would control Tony(Bruce and Rhodey).
IDK what his motives are, but it just seems to make more sense than Marvel just writing him up as an innocent cause of war.


Maybe I'm not reading the right tie ins but to me it seems like Captain Marvel keeps trying the same thing over and over again & expecting to get different results. I know during the trail Carol talks about times Ulysses powers helped them avert major disasters but we never get to see most of those.


Trying to interfere with the future would honestly cause a Butterfly effect.
The future is not written yet, might not even happen, the potential of something.
Suppose you manage to stop one person's crime before it starts, but it might cause a chain reaction that he/she becomes a bigger threat later on because, you punished him/her for something he/she didn't do yet.
Or, someone else starts to pull a crime or two.

Honestly I'm on team Iron Man because he's right.
Trying to stop something before it happens makes another horrible event happen.
I'd like you to look at "Wally West VS Black Flash", where Jay managed to save Wally, but Linda died because the Black Flash was going to kill Wally when he got there.
It's reasons like that we shouldn't trust some vision, cause it can change, it can be effected, and you can effect others around you.

Turn one stone and the whole tower falls down.


I'm with iron man because I think they need to investigate ulysses' powers more before totally believing them. Maybe he's not seeing the future but an alternate future? Also, I don't trust him 100%. Preventing sounds good but punishment before crime is not right. The setup idea sounds ok but also a good means to test ulysses' powers
