3 Weeks Old: What to Expect - Channel Mum

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Taking part in this video is:
Hayley Challinor

Channel Mum is the UK's first YouTube community for mums. We bring together the best of YouTube mum talent to reveal the honest face of parenting.

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my 3 weeks old baby sleeps during the day.. than she keeps me up all night long..if she happens to fall asleep than she wants to sleep on my chest. 😊


Channel mum is the best! You got me thru my pregnancy and I had no idea you gave baby information weekly until I stumbled across this video. I'll be back every week jus like when I was pregnant. I will miss the other lady tho. She was amazing. Happy 3 weeks to my baby. :)


When my son was born, I was really surprised, cause I'd expected him to be red and wrinkled and was prepared to try to find him adorable anyway, but he was handsome from the very first moment, the spitting image of his dad.


What milestones should the baby be hitting at this point


Reading comments with one eye asleep ... I miss sleep 😩


Anyone else have a 3 week old that's clinging constantly... I can't leave for any amount of time


Doubting myself and syaring to feel sad due to frustration over my mother contiously telling me I'm not producing enough milk and that i need to give in to formula bottle feeding as well as use a pacifier. Now I know this is all normal


My baby is going to be 4 weeks tomorrow and this week I feel like is the first time I got to come up for air since baby make her grand entrance haha I finally got out for about an hour drive around town by myself just to feel alive and it was lovely! And sleep is slowly coming back to us, it’s still tiring but I am seeing improvements! Baby is gaining weight and so cute, feeding well. So we’re happy! The little wins! 💞


My baby sleeps all night obviously feeding every 2-3 hours but so happy he doesn’t have his days and nights confused. Makes it so much easier, especially with having a 2 year old


My baby girl turned 3 weeks today. I am enjoying these moments.


My 3 week old baby boy favors both my husband and myself… he has a good mixture of both of us ♥️


This video made me feel like my experience is normal. Thanks!


Thanks for the video. I think in many places at the moments mums are not alone anymore. My wife and I are having both our fair share of sleep by dividing the tasks and the time with our 3 weeks old baby. I take care of the night shift and she takes over around 6 a.m. when I go to sleep. Colics are indeed really painful for the baby and us and our son has developped acne this week as well. I'm quite sure I'm not the only man out there taking active care of the baby and sharing responsibility with my wife. We are both having a great time!


been doing it alone since i came home from the hospital 3 kids under 4 atm really hard bf works all the time...


I'm a first time mom wow it's hard wow I'm so tired


I’ve been suffering with Postpartum anxiety thats causing me to not be able to sleep, I just started some meds so hopefully they’ll help. But I don’t want to be on them long, I just want to be back to normal. My baby is amazing he basically sleeps through the night and eats pretty regularly.


I need good sleep and I spent precious time when she is awake for while. It's priceless


Love this channel and the content you ladies really have carried me through I am currently 35 weeks pregnant and already preparing for post natal.


😅 I feel like a criminal for saying whoops I'd probably be struggling a lot if I forced her to sleep in a bassinet but she just hated it and woke up to comfort feed every 15 minutes until she exhausted herself at 4am, and then would sleep all day. I caved in and now just have her fall asleep on my chest and yeah I sleep on my back she's perfectly nestled on me and then every 2-3 hours when she starts rooting, not even needing to cry, it wakes me and I sit up, put vampire diaries on my phone (muted with subtitles to not wake the hubby), and breastfeed. Then i...lean back down with her on my chest and fall back asleep. Easy peasy but frowned upon.


My 3 week old usually stays up majority of the day and sleeps through the night .. she does wake to feed every two hours .. and her cooing is heart melting
