The Emotion Wheel - How to use it

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The emotion wheel is a tool that enables people to describe and verbalize their emotions, as well as understand the relationship between and intensity of their feelings. The ability to articulate and identify emotions is an important component of emotional intelligence.


This was very very helpful. Thank you so much! I struggle with overwhelming emotions and stayed so repressed for so long, I forgot how to identify them much less express them. I appreciate this.


There are typical "places" where most people feel emotions. The throat, chest, and belly are most common!


Even though many psychologists have accepted the theory of basic emotions, there is no consensus about the precise number of basic emotions. Robert Plutchik proposed eight primary emotions: anger, fear, sadness, disgust, surprise, anticipation, trust and joy, and arranged them in a color wheel.🙌


I like the principle idea of the Emotion Wheel and it's benefits in helping develop Emotional Intelligence and helping us articulate feelings. Great video


Robert Plutchik was actually my grandfather and he greatly inspired my mother to be a psychiatrist.


Great video.. great channel! Your channel, more than any other, inspired me to begin my own YouTube journey 6 months ago. And for that, I will be forever grateful!

I had no idea there were 8 ‘primary’ emotions that the majority of others could be boiled down to, but that’s incredible knowledge to store away and carry with us!!! Again, thank you!


Love your videos and i am grateful that i watch them freely


I feel like my life has been an emotional wheel lately 🖤


Great video! Really makes you think about the consequences of the current education system with exams and all


Interesting information, it was delivered too fast though.
It helped to use the settings to slow it down a bit, rather than constantly pausing and/or rewinding.


emotional wheel also makes it more fun and uplifting


Personally, the book Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman helped me a lot when it comes to becoming conscious my emotions, and reading other people's emotions. Great Vid :) !


This was a quick simple thorough and well presented lesson.👍🙂👍


I'm motivated by the transformative essence embedded in this material. A book with like content sparked important changes in my worldview. "The Art of Meaningful Relationships in the 21st Century" by Leo Flint


What you said in the video made sense, so I checked out the blog, but the wheel you show there doesn't reflect at all what you said in the viddeo (like p.e. anger ranging from annoyance to rage).
I'm confused.


Question, how does it help deal with your emotion?


I have a really strange feeling, I think it's called anhedonia but I'm not sure I kinda feel neutral and numb and don't quite enjoy of the things I used to enjoy before it worth noting that I've been in quarantine for a whole year since the beginning of covid. If anyone knows how to get over this please help me this is so scary specially for me who is an artist so therefore my emotions have a direct impact on my work please help


what about when one loses purpose in life
they gain a feeling of emptiness and loss, they're not sad but its a type of depression
but if it is considered a type of depression does it go with sadness or nah?


A different take on the emotion wheel or 'circumplex'

The colors of the rainbow do not begin to reflect all of the infinite hues of reflected light. However, the myriad colors of the world are not separate things, but are in truth admixtures of three primary colors, red, yellow, and blue. This simple conceptual scheme provided the explanation of color that made the replication of color easy, to the delight no doubt of interior decorators the world over.
Deriving complex structure from elemental processes serves all the physical and biological sciences, and like the metaphors of disease and space and time, can encapsulate a world view in a phrase. However, feelings or affective states have not been so tractable, though an early psychologist would demur. He was the late 19th century psychologist Wilhelm Wundt, the founder of experimental psychology. Wundt wanted to know the rudiments of felt experience, or affect, and his aim was to see if affect, like color, can be derived from rudimentary components. Wundt believed that the affective components of of the human mind could be determined by a rigorously objective introspection. That is, he thought that affect or feelings could be broken down (or reduced) to their basic elements without sacrificing any of the properties of the whole. Wundt’s introspection was not a casual affair, but a highly practiced form of self-examination. He trained his students to make observations that were free from the bias of personal interpretation or previous experience, and used the results to develop a theory of affect, which derived from three bi-polar dimensions. According to Wundt: “In this manifold of feelings… it is nevertheless possible to distinguish certain different chief directions, including certain affective opposites of predominant character.” Wundt identified three bipolar dimensions whose permutations comprised moment to moment affective states: (i) pleasurable versus un-pleasurable, (ii) arousing versus subduing, and (iii) strain versus relaxation. An attentive reader would note that strain versus relaxation also reflect unpleasant and pleasant affective states, however these states differ from our workaday pleasures and pains because there are continuously rather than intermittently present. So, with this new perspective, Wundt in effect postulated one discrete and two continuous affective dimensions. For example, a delicious meal or touching hot pan are pleasurable and un-pleasurable states that occur discretely, however the relative activity of the covert musculature is continuous, as it our moment-to-moment state of alertness, or attentive arousal.
What Wundt did not know and could not know at the time due to the rudimentary observational tools then available was the source of arousal and pleasure, which are respectively due to the activity of mid-brain dopaminergic and opioid systems. The neuromodulator dopamine elicits a feeling of alertness and energy, but not pleasure, and is induced through the experience and anticipation of novel positive events. On the other hand, opioids are induced in very small regions or ‘hot spots’ in the brain, and are foundational to our pleasure and pain. Finally, arousal and pleasure are not just complementary but synergistic. In other words, pleasure stimulates arousal, and arousal stimulates pleasure. This reflects the fact that the neuronal arrays or nuclei that induce dopaminergic and opioid activity abut each other in the midbrain, when individually activated can have synergistic effects, or dopamine-opioid interactions.
If we map the continuous affective dimensions of Wundt’s proposal to each other, when informed by affective neuroscience, Wundt’s color wheel can flower, and make not just observational but predictive events. The vertical axis would represent dopaminergic activity, from high to low, whereas the horizontal axis would represent the degree of covert neuro-muscular activation, or muscular tension, again from high to low. High arousal would be felt as a sense of energy or alertness, and low arousal would be felt as a sense of lethargy or depression. High tension would be felt as anxiety or nervousness, and low tension would be felt a pleasurable state of calm or relaxation. Mapping these affective events and their physiological correlates gives us emergent affective states that match the emotional labels in our affective wheel, or ‘emotional circumplex’. Thus ‘elation’, or a state of pleasure and arousal would occur when arousal is high and tension is low, ‘frustration’ would reflect high arousal and high tension, ‘worry’ would reflect low arousal and high tension, and ‘relaxation’ would correspond to low arousal and low tension.
And so with a little tinkering of Wundt’s proposal, his observations are correct after all, and perhaps as the affective wheel turns can help psychologists arrange the colors of emotion in ways that would do interior decorators proud.

For a more detailed analysis of Wundt’s work and how is accurate introspection can map to simple neurological truths, see pp. 47-56 in my little book linked below and on my website on the history and implications of the neuropsychology of incentive motivation.
