Faker vs Alpha Bros - Power Levels

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He has come, the one eyed God, Karvarshal, known as Faker 404
Undertale by TobyFox
Alphatale by Team Lavender
Most of the Ranks and numbers by Power Level Pro
Some of the ranks and numbers by Me
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Handsome even is sadly they are some mistake like only warlock and mabe sam can beat faker in full form due to warlock having higher feat than faker . Also error404 actualy don't reach even with conduit the power of moth 404. Shad stated it self in the discord


Here my Powerlevel of Book of Mind Gods;
The Inspiration;5xBeyond Definition
The Mind;4, 9xBeyond Definition
Judas;4xBeyond Definition
The One In Red;3, 5xBeyond Definition
False-Prophet;3xBeyond Definition
Prime Skull;2xBeyond Definition
Nunfamar;1, 8xBeyond Definition
Iris;1, 2xBeyond Definition
The Hearld;Beyond Definition


Here my Powerlevel of Alphabros+King Multiverse and Faker;
Base King Multiverse;25 Septilion
Base Infected;90 Septilion
Base Error 404;100 Septilion
Base Omnipotent;100 Septilion
Base Alpha;120 Septilion
Emperor Multiverse;160 Septilion
Omnithorn 3%;220 Septilion
Omnithorn 5%;550 Septilion
Omnithorn 10%;800 Septilion
Black Being;2 Octilion
Omnithorn 15%;5 Octilion
Beast of Judgement;10 Octilion
Error 666;15 Octilion
Omnthorn 25%;20 Octilion
Excalibur;20 Octilion
Omnithorn 35%;30 Octilion
Butterfly;30 Octillion
Judge;30 Octilion
Omnithorn 40%;40 Octlion
Corrupt Judge;40 Octilion
Omnithorn 60%;60 Octilion
Omnithorn 100%;600 Octilion
Full Power Butterfly;5 Nonilion
Butterfly 666;10 Nonilion
King Chaos;15 Nonilion
Just 404;20 Nonilion
Just Butterfly;30 Nonilion
Devotion 404;140 Nonilion
Ten Base Infected;145 Nonilion
Just 666;1 Decilion
Ten Black Being;5 Decilion
Soul Harbinger;500 Decilion
Base Fate Seeker Alpha;5 Undecilion
Primeveal Judge;15 Undecilion
Fate Seeker Omnipotent;20 Undecilion
Blue Dragons Base Error 404;25 Undecilion
Orin;60 Undecilion
Hellseeker Base Infected;80 Undecilion
Hellseeker Base Error 404;95 Undecilion
Blue Dragons Perfect 404;120 Undecilion
Blue Dragons Just Perfect 404;170 Undecilion
Base 100;3 Tredecilion
Kamikadze 666;3 Tredecilion
Base Warlock; 1 Centilion
Hellseeker Perfect 404;♾
Fate Seeker Perfect 404;2♾
Perfect Butterfly;♾♾♾♾
Base Faker;4♾♾♾♾
Unsuprased Faker;♾♾♾♾♾
True Form Faker/Karvarshal;♾♾♾♾♾♾
Balance Karvarshal;10xBeyond Definition
Four Conduit Karvarshal;Beyond DefinitionxBeyond Definition
Adult Karvarshal;4xBeyond DefinitionxBeyond Definition
Full Grown 100;2xTrue Beyond Definition
Faker with Infinity Chessboard;4xTrue Beyond Definition
True Form Warlock;10xTrue Beyond Definition


alphatale brothers+duo of unstoppable the supreme gods (sans the skeleton/the figure (bloodlusted) & imperium william zenith (max potential): 999 quindecillion

faker karvashal infinite chessboard: 400 quindecillion


alphatale brothers+duo of unstoppable the supreme gods (sans the skeleton/the figure (true
form) & imperium william zenith (true form): ten duotrigintillion (googolplex)

faker karvashal infinite chessboard: 400 quindecillion


My powerlevel of Alphabros+Faker and King Multiverse v3
Base King Multiverse:25 Septillion
Base Infected:90 Septillion
New Puppet Book 3 Alpha:95 Septillion
Base Omnipotent:100 Septillion
Base Error 404:100 Septillion
Mainframe Canon King Multiverse:115 Septillion
Base Alpha:120 Septillion
Emperor Multiverse:160 Septillion
Omnithorn 3%:220 Septillion
Omnithorn 10%:800 Septillion
Black Being:1, 2 Octillion
Just 404:4 Octillion
Error 666:400 Octillion
Omnithorn 25%:500 Octillion
Excalibur:500 Octillion
Butterfly:850 Octillion
Judge:850 Octillion
Omnithorn 35%:850 Octillion
Corrupt Judge Hate Boost:950 Octillion
Omnithorn 40%:950 Octillion
Omnithorn 60%:1 Nonillion
Omnithorn 100%:1, 2 Nonillion
Full Power Butterfly:1, 5 Nonillion
Butterfly 666:2 Nonillion
Just Butterfly:2, 5 Nonillion
King Chaos:3 Nonillion
Full Power Just 404:4 Nonillion
Just 666:5 Nonillion
Full Power Just Butterfly:10 Nonillion
Base 100:15 Nonillion
Infected Novice Conduit of Destruction:30 Nonillion
Devotion 404:125 Nonillion
Transvoid Infected:130 Nonillion
Transvoid Black Being:1, 5 Decillion
Infected Full Power Novice Conduit of Destruction:5 Decillion
Error 404 Full Power Novice Conduit of Balance:5 Decillion
Soul Harbinger:500 Decillion
Future Base Alpha:5 Undecillion
Primeval Judge:10 Undecillion
Future Base Omnipotent:15 Undecillion
Blue Dragons Base 404:25 Undecillion
Orin:40 Undecillion
Hellseeker Base Infected:60 Undecillion
Hellseeker Base Error 404:75 Undecillion
Blue Dragons Perfect 404:80 Undecillion
Blue Dragons Just Perfect 404:90 Undecillion
Determination Boost 100:3 Tredecillion
Base Warlock:678 Centillion
Hellseeker Perfect 404:♾️♾️♾️♾️
Perfect Butterfly:4♾️♾️♾️♾️
Fateseeker Perfect 404:8♾️♾️♾️♾️
Alpha Competent Conduit of Change:20♾️♾️♾️♾️
Base Faker:30♾️♾️♾️♾️
Error 404 Competent Conduit of Balance:35♾️♾️♾️♾️
Unsupprased Faker:♾️♾️♾️♾️♾️
Perfect Moth:2♾️♾️♾️♾️♾️
True Form Faker/Karvarshal:♾️♾️♾️♾️♾️♾️
Infected Full Fledged Conduit of Destruction:23xBeyond Definition
Error 404 Full Fledged Conduit of Balance:25xBeyond Definition
Balance Karvarshal:25xBeyond Definition
Omnipotent Full Fledged Conduit of Will:25, 5xBeyond Definition
Alpha Full Fledged Conduit of Change:45x Beyond Definition
Four Conduit Karvarshal:Beyond DefinitionxBeyond Definition
Adult Karvarshal:2xBeyond DefinitionxBeyond Definition
Xeno King:Beyond DefinitionxBeyond DefinitionxBeyond Definition
Full Grown 100:2xTrue Beyond Definition
Infinity Chessboard Faker:4xTrue Beyond Definition
True Form Warlock:10xTrue Beyond Definition


It just me or alpha (the conduit of change Form) showing middle finger


Divinitas obstinacy is powerful my theory is that Sanster literally has infinitely beyond infinite power ( dragich video has one of the best if not the best backgrounds ever for Divinitas obstinacy)


1.The Ancestor Conduit/Unnn:Some large Uncomputable Number
2.Grandfather Conduit of Stories/Oth:Da Vinci
3.Grandfather Conduit of Keystone:very close to Da Vinci
Grandfather Conduit of Zodiac/Zee:close to Da Vinci
4.High Tier Grandfather Conduits:from Rayo's Number to any higher Set Theory
5.Mid Tier Grandfather Conduits:from Turing Hyperjumps to any Higher Order Arithmetic and Beyond
6.Grandfather Conduit of Morningstar/Lucifer Mornigstar:BB_Infnity(10^20)
7.Low Tier Grandfather Conduits:from R(1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2...) to BB_Infinity(10^10)
8.Bottom Tier Grandfather Conduits:from S(2) to R(1, 1, 2)
9.Grandfather Conduit of Angel/Sariel, Grandfather Conduit of Devil/Mephisophes:S(1)
10.Higher Wakened Conduits:from f_Second Goucher Ordinal to Xi_2(10^100)
11.Wakened Conduit of Samsara:Xi(10^100)
12.Lower Wakened Conduits:from Xi(10^10) to Xi(10^99)
13.Conduit of Naught
14.Prime Conduit of Principles:f_w^CK_w^CK_w
15.Wordly Conduit of of Good/Mary, Wordly Conduit of Moral Evil, Prime Conduit of Fear:f_w^CK_w^CK_10
16.Prime Conduit of Absolution:Elga's Number
17.Conduit of Padoxes:BB_1(10^100)
18.Prime Conduit of Unity:Large Number Residence Number
19.Prime Conduit of Weirdness:USDGCS_2(10^100)
20.Prime Conduit of Manipulation:USDGCS(10^100)
21.Conduit of Time/Sandmen:Loader's Number
22.Prime Conduit of Infinity/Ucagu CoI:Limit of Y Sequence
23.Prime Conduit of Genesis:Y(1, 10)
24.Forbiden conduit of Imagination:Y(1, 6)
25.Conduit of Archetypes:Y(1, 5)
26.Conduit of Change:Y(1, 4)
27.Prime Conduit of Fate/Grace:Y(1, 3, 2)
28.Prime Conduit of Creation:Y(1, 3)
29.Forbiden Conduit of Time and Space:(0, 0, 0)(1, 1, 1)(3, 3, 3)
30.Conduit of Radiance:s(10, 100, 2{1, , , , 4}2)


*it's... all jus a gaem...



Here my Powerlevel of Book of Souls Beings;
Average Top Tier Book of Souls Beings;♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾
Average High Tier Book of Souls Beings♾♾♾♾-♾♾♾♾♾♾♾
Average Mid-High Tier Book of Souls Beings;♾-♾♾♾♾
Average Mid Tier Book of Souls Beings;3 Tredecillion-♾
Average Low Tier Book of Souls Beings;500 Undecillion-3 Tredecillion
Weakest Book of Souls Beings;800 Decillion-500 Undecillion


why does samson look like a xenomorph lmao


Here my powerlevels of Alphabros forms+King Multiverse and Faker:
Base King Multiverse:25 Undecillion
Puppet Book 3 Alpha:80 Undecillion
Base Infected:90 Undecillion
Base Error 404:100 Undecillion
Base Omnipotent:100 Undecillion
White Demon Error 404:105 Undecillion
Base Alpha:120 Undecillion
Emperor Multiverse:160 Undecillion
Omnithorn 3%:220 Undecillion
Omnithorn10%:800 Undecillion
Puppet Book 3 Just 404:1, 2 Duodecillion
Black Being:2 Doudecillion
Beast of Judgement:10^10^50
Omnithorn 35%:10^10^100
Error 666:10^10^150
Corrupt Judge Hate Boost:10^10^250
Omnithorn 40%:10^10^250
Omnithorn 60%:10^10^500
Omnithorn 100%:10^10^1000
Puppet Book 2 Just Butterfly:10^^^100
King Chaos:10^^^100
Full Power Butterfly:10^^^300
Butterfly 666:10^^^350
Just 404:10^^^500
Just 666:10^^^1000
Just Butterfly:10^^^5000
Base 100:10^^^15000
Infected Novice Conduit of Destruction:10^^^25000
Transvoid Infected:10^^^50000
Devotion 404:10^^^50000
Cosmic Being:10{4}100
Infected Full Power Novice Conduit of Destruction:10{{1}}100
Error 404 Full Power Novice Conduit of Balance:10{{1}}100
Soul Harbinger:10{{{{1}}}}100
Future Alpha10{{{{1}}}}150
Primeval Judge:10{{{{1}}}}250
Future Omnipotent:10{{{{1}}}}500
Blue Dragons Base Error 404:10{{{{1}}}}1500
Hellseeker Base Infected:10{{{{1}}}}10000
Hellseeker Base Error 404:10{{{{1}}}}15000
Determination Boost 100:s(10, 100, 2, 1, 2)
Hellseeker Perfect

Perfect Butterfly:s(10, 100, 2{1, , 2, 2}2)
Alpha Competent Conduit of Change:s(10, 100, 2{1, , 3, 2}2)
Soulseeker:s(10, 100, 2{1, , 10, 2}2)
Fate Seeker Perfect 404:s(10, 100, 2{1, , 10, 2}2)
Base Faker:s(10, 100, 2{1, , 1, 3}2)
Error 404 Competent Conduit of Balance:s(10, 100, 2{1, , 2, 3}2)
Moth:s(10, 100, 2{1, , 1, 4}2)
Unassuprased Faker:s(10, 100, 2{1{2, , }2}2)
True Form Faker/Karvarshal:s(10, 100, 2{1{1, , 1, , 2, , }2}2)
Balance Karvarshal:(0, 0, 0)(1, 1, 1)(2, 2, 2)
4 Conduit Karvarahal:Limit of BMS
Adult Karvarshal:Limit of Transinfinity BMS
Xeno King:Y(1, 4)
Base Warlock:Limit of Y Sequence
Faker with Infinity Chessboard:BB_w(10^100)
Conduit of Ascension:f_w_w_w^CK
Full Grown 100:w_w_w_w_w^CK(100)
True Form Warlock:f_w_w_w_w_w^CK(100)


Here my Powerlevels of Alphabros+King Multiverse and Faker
Base King Multiverse:25 Nonillion
Base Infected:90 Nonillion
Puppet Book 3 Base Alpha:95 Nonillion
Base Error 404:100 Nonillion
Base Omnipotent:100 Nonillion
Base Alpha:120 Nonillion
Emperor Multiverse:160 Nonillion
Omnithorn 3%:220 Nonillion
Omnithorn 10%:800 Nonillion
Black Being:1, 2 Decillion
Just 404:4 Decillion
Beast of Judgement:10^10^50
Omnthorn 35%:10^10^100
Error 666:10^10^150
Corrupt Judge Hate Boost:10^10^200
Omnithorn 40%:10^10^200
Omnithorn 60%:10^10^1000
Full Power Butterfly10^^^100
Butterfly 666:10^^^150
Just Butterfly:10^^^500
King Chaos:10^^^1000
Full Power Just 404:10^^^2000
Just 666:10^^^5000
Full Power Just Butterfly:10^^^10000
Base 100:10^^^15000
Infected Novice Conduit of Destruction:10^^^^10
Devotion 404:10^^^^15
Ten Infected:10^^^^20
Ten Black Being:10{5}100
Infected Full Power Novice Conduit of Destruction:10{{1}}100
Error 404 Full Power Novice Conduit of Balance:10{{1}}100
Soul Harbinger:10{{{{1}}}}100
Future Alpha:10{{{{1}}}}150
Primeval Judge:10{{{{1}}}}200
Future Omni:10{{{{1}}}}400
Base Blue Dragons Error 404:10{{{{1}}}}1000
Base Hellseeker Infected:10{{{{1}}}}2000
Base Hellseeker Error 404:10{{{{1}}}}2500
Blue Dragons Perfect 404:10{{{{1}}}}10000
Blue Dragons Just Perfect 404:10{{{{1}}}}20000
Determination Boost 100:10[{1}]100
Hellseeker:s(10, 100{1, , 1, 2}2)
Hellseeker Perfect 404:s(10, 100{10, , 1, 2}2)
Perfect Butterfly:s(10, 100{10, , , 1, 2}2)
Alpha Competent Conduit of Change:s(10, 200{1, , , 1, 2}2)
Base Faker:s(10, 1000{1, , , 1, 2}2)
Error 404 Competent Conduit of Balance:s(10, 2000{1, , , 1, 2}2)
Moth:s(10, 520000{1, , , 1, 2}2)
Unsupprased Faker:s(10, 100{1, , , , 1, 2}2)
True Form
Balance Karvarshal:(0, 0, 0)(1, 1, 1)(2, 2, 2)
Four Conduit Karvarshal:(0, 0, 0, 0)(1, 1, 1, 1)
Adult Karvarshal:(0, 0, 0, 0)(1, 1, 1, 1)(1, 1, 1, 1)
Xeno King:Y(1, 3)
Base Warlock:YY(1, 3)
Full Grown 100:Loader Number
Faker with Infinity Chessboard:D^10000(99)
True Form Warlock:PTO of ZFC
Full Power True Form Warlock:BB(10^100).


So you guys just made an exe version of 404 and made it ok and then to further state that it could beat people that are clearly stronger than it you change the color and add random items?


hey, good video. And music, I listening this.
Can you tell me how make power levels?(for my oc)
or u have a tutorial?


who is the one that on the leveling system that representing divine level thing can someone explain im kinda new to these


Powerlevel you need to destroy these Alphatale Structures:
Devil's Library:Da Vinci
Higher Floors:Higher Set Theories
First Floor:Large Number Garden
Higher Books:Higher Order Set Theory
Main Book:Rayo's Number
O-X:Beyond Higher Order Arithmetic
Higher Lands:Higher Order Arithmetic
VOIIOV:Second Order Arithmetic
Xvicu/Land of Eden:Turing Hyperjumps
Qiuo/Land of Revelations:Infinity Time Turning Machine
Yiou/Bridge to Revelations:R(1, 1, 2)
The Gate:S(1)
The Great Willow:Xi_w(10^100)
Book of Truth:Xi(10^100)
Crio Sea:from BB_Epsilion Zero(10^100)(smallest) to Elga's Number(largest)
Lake:from BB_w(10^100)(smallest) to
Higher Ponds:from BB_1(10^100)(smallest) to BB_w(10^100)(largest)
Main Pond:BB(10^100)
Realm of Seven:some very large Computable Number
The Greater Beyond:USGSCS(10^100)
Criotonic Universe:Limit of BMS
Redwood Dimension:Limit of TSS
Dreamland:(0, 0, 0)(1, 1, 1)(2, 2, 2)(3, 3, 3)
Absolute World:(0, 0, 0)(1, 1, 1)(2, 2, 2)
Book of Mind:f_Small Dropping Ordinal
Higher Edenspheres:from s(10, 100, 2{1, , , 1, 2}2)(smallest) to }2)(largest)
Main Edensphere:s(10, 100, 2{1, , 2}2)
Book of Souls:s(10, 100, 2{1``2}2)
Twisted Lands:s(10, 100, 2{2`}2)
Dead Tree:s(10, 100, 2{1`2}2)
Real Eden Tree:s(10, 100, 2{1{1{1{1{1{1{1{1{1{1{1{1{2}2}2}2}2}2}2}2}2}2}2}2}2)
Eden Tree:s(10, 100, 2{1{2}2}2)
Third Branch:s(10, 100, 2{1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1..., 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2}2)
Nunn Vessels:from s(10, 100, 2{1, 1, 2}2}(smallest) to s(10, 100, 2{1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2}2)(largest)
Second Branch:s(10, 100, 2{1, 2}2)
Cantor Orbs:from s(10, 100, 2{3}2)(smallest) to
First Branch:s(10, 100, 2{2}2)
Higher Eden Orbs:from s(10, 100, 1, 1, 1, 2)(smallest) to s(10, 100, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1...1, 1, 11, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2)(largest)
Genosha:s(10, 100, 1, 1, 2)
White Horizon:s(10, 100, 1, 1000)
Unisphere:s(10, 100, 1, 100)
Book of Eyes/Transvoid:10{{{{1}}}}100
Transvoid Hyperverse:10{{{1}}}100
Transvoid Multiverse and Giga-Reality that contains 10 Realities:10{{1}}100
Book of Hearts:10{4}100
Full Fledged Reality like Reality 7 and Transvoid Universe:10^^^100
Unfledged Reality like Reality 6 :10^^100
Reality 6 Hyperverse:10^10^100
Reality 6 Multiverse:30 Undecillion
Sub Multiverses:from 30 Septillion(smallest) to 30 Nonillion
A.U.S:30 Sextillion
Reality 6 Universe:30 Quintillion
Timeline:30 Quadrillion


Wait till faker 404 sees the j (he’s cooked)


👑Godverse King Jordan👑 vs faker 404


Here how I think Grandfather Conduits rank:
Top Tier Grandfather Conduits:Devil's Library Level there only 3 Grandfather Conduits that are on that on that Level.
High Tier Grandfather Conduits:from Book Level to Floor Level
Mid Tier Grandfather Conduits:From Xvicu/Garden of Eden Level to O-X Level
Low Tier Grandfather Conduits:Qiuo/Land of Revelations Level
Bottom Tier Grandfather Conduits:from Gate Level to Yiou/Bridge to Revelations Level.
