Why getting a property lawyer before making an offer

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1. To review all legal documents related to the purchase.
Risk: Missing critical terms or conditions that could lead to unfavorable obligations or financial loss.

2. To check for any restrictions or encumbrances on the title.
Risk: Discovering later that liens, easements, or other restrictions limit the use or value of the property.

3. To assess legal requirements by property type.
Risk: Failing to comply with specific legal requirements for different property types could result in legal penalties or the inability to use the property as intended.

4. To advise on local zoning laws.
Risk: Violating zoning laws could lead to fines, legal disputes, or being forced to alter or remove structures.

5. To conduct title searches.
Risk: Overlooking issues with the property’s title, such as unresolved claims or disputes, could jeopardise ownership.

6. To check that all improvements on the property have the required building approvals and consents.
Risk: Discovering that improvements were made without proper approvals could result in fines, mandatory removal of structures, or costly legal battles.

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