Health systems regeneration - A whole-system approach to improve quality of care

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Organised by the Athens Quality of Care and Patient Safety Office, World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe

Health systems are facing unprecedented challenges, while the UN Agenda 2030 is lagging. In the turmoil of evolving population needs and expectations, underpinned by ageing societies and highly complex political contexts, health systems are in need of regeneration.

To achieve Universal Health Coverage, a path of renewal grounded in ensuring quality of care is underway in the WHO European Region. By consolidating measures that have proved to be effective and embracing innovative solutions, WHO is helping to drive health system reforms with a focus on a whole-system approach to quality of care. Building on people-centred, effective, and safe care, a systemic approach to quality of care emphasises equity, efficiency, access, and timeliness. Adequate governance, financing, and an empowered workforce are key for successful quality of care. Outcome measurements, supported by a digital, data-driven, and learning culture, work as catalysts, aligning all stakeholders on what really matters to people. This renewed quality of care approach can restore health systems and create an environment where all people thrive.

Ana Povo, Secretary of State for Health, Ministry of Health, Portugal
Lilian Vildiridi, Secretary General for Health Services, Ministry of Health, Greece
Liesbeth Borgermans, Visiting Professor at the Department of Public Health and Primary Care, University of Ghent, Belgium
João Breda, Head of the Athens Quality of Care Office & Special Representative, Athens Quality of Care and Patient Safety Office, WHO Regional Office for Europe
Válter Fonseca, Technical Officer for Health Systems and Quality of Care, Athens Office on Quality of Care and Patient Safety, WHO Regional Office for Europe
Stefan Larsson, Cofounder and Board Chair, International Consortium of Health Outcomes Measurement
Vita Steina, Advisor, Health Ministry of Latvia

Natasha Azzopardi-Muscat, Director, Division of Country Health Policies and Systems, WHO Regional Office for Europe
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