Don't say Please! Make Polite Requests with Modal Questions

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Imagine you need an extra lesson from your teacher during their lunch break. Should you point to your paper and say "Explain, please!?" Please makes sentences more polite, but it is not the best way to ask for a favor from someone. Please does not have superpowers!

Learn how to use modal verbs as polite requests. If you really need a favor, it is best to use a question. This video will teach grammar, meaning, and pronunciation. Learn this important function of language.

Next time you ask your teacher or friend for a favor, use one of these grammar patterns to be polite. Stop saying your sentence request with the word "please" this doesn't convince people to help you!

Please is not the magic word!

Рекомендации по теме

you are the best teacher Ryane
have a nice life


You are amazing teacher. I have seen that in Texas, they mostly say Ya! Also, now I have seen Howdy at start of WordPress. Howdy was invented in Texas A & M University, meaning How do you do?
