NEXUS 3 New Town part 2 - final

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The next lecture on NEXUS-engineering, Lecture 3: New Town and Gardenring. Save the Cities, combine upsides of City life with the upsides of Rural areas. New Town is part of crating a vision and starting a plan and projects towards a good future for all in the abundance of nature.

Part 2 can also stand alone for New Town.
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Thanks Professor . I found it really an impressive topic and a wake up call for the globe !!


Dear Ralf,
my girlfriend and I have red your book and we feel very inspired by the concept. We are right now in the process of looking for a plot, where we can start a little regenerative oasis, but of course we would much rather be involved in an effort like “das neue Dorf”. We know of the global eco village network, but on there mostly eco village like projects are listed. Are you aware of any new villages that are in the making at the moment? Im very glad that you are creating and sharing your wonderful concept!
Best regards,


Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge! I learned a lot and I am motivated to find out more now! Also your idea of new towns I understand better after this two videos! Still I have some questions. Do you think domestic animals should be a big part also, for providing not only eggs, but also milk, materials for clothing like leather and wool and working power? Then there should be common lands around the new town for pasturing the animals and making hey, what do you think? And why do you want to have tractors and cars instead of using horses, oxes or water buffaloes for transporting products etc.? Because for having "green energy" you still need rare earths for example. What are your thoughts to this topic? Also where this new town will grow grain? And who is supposed to provide this and how would you plant it?

Hier ist ein Artikel, der den Trend als Thema hat, Leben durch Technik
zu ersetzen, wirklich sehr lesenswert, für mich war er echt Horizont
erweiternd! Auch hier ist das Fazit: zurück zur matriarchalen
Zivilisation,   zu kleinen Subsistenz Gemeinschaften.

"Welt ohne Leib" von Claudia von Welhof, erschienen im "Bumerang".

Leben altbewährter, lokal angepasster Haustier Rassen ist extrem
bedroht (so wie das alter Saatgut Sorten), sie brauchen ihren Job zurück
als Helferlein der Menschen, den ihnen die Technik genommen hat
(Arbeitskraft, Nahrungsmittel Lieferant, Dünger Hersteller, Material
Dienstleister, Landschaftspfleger).
Wir stehen hier vor einem allumfassenden Problem. Welches wir lösen können, vorausgesetzt, wir erkennen des Pudels Kern.


Addition to my video: I have just saw John Kempf "The Plant Health Pyramid" @FrVI. great! This leads to what Dan Kittredge (see my above presentation) does, who goes even further.


Hi! My book "Neues Dorf" (=New Town) in German is now available as a pdf in Spanish with professionl translation for free on request to me. Please write to me on RO ett TUHH dot DE subject 'New Town Spanish'.
Portugese version in the making, readers with correcting the non-professional translation are welcome.
Kind Regards Ralf Otterpohl
