Dispelling Neuro-Myths: Clarifying Brain Science and Neurodiversity

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DISCLAIMER: The title card at the beginning and end only appear briefly due to Nat having experimented with some AI editing software that cut out more of these elements than intended. Normal editing will resume from the #Neurodivergent Leadership & Well-Being webinar.
Recording date: 6th July 2023
About this event
Welcome to today's discussion on neuromyths, hosted by Nat Hawley. #Neuromyths are misconceptions about the brain and its functions that are widely believed and spread but are not supported by scientific evidence. Today, we will explore the sources and prevalence of popular neuromyths and critically evaluate the evidence behind these myths. Join us as we delve into this topic and consider the impact of these neuromyths on our understanding of the brain and its functions. Together, we will separate fact from fiction and promote evidence-based knowledge about the brain.
On this day, we aim to cover:
Explore the sources, prevalence, and effects of popular neuromyths
Consider the evidence underpinning common neuromyths to evaluate truth and benefit
To find out more about Exceptional Individuals and the support they offer please visit
Please register now to secure your place!
00:00 - Introduction
00:40 - About Exceptional Individuals, neurodiversity and this webinar
01:20 - About Us
01:48 - Neurodiversity and Fake News webinar
03:10 - Neuro Myths (First slide)
03:48 - Tall Tales about the Mind & Brain book
04:34 - What brain myths have you heard?
07:43 - Where do people learn about the brain?
10:33 - Neuro Myths (Second slide)
11:36 - '10% of the brain'
12:49 - Disproving myths
16:14 - 'Left brain/right brain'
16:30 - Put a pin on the creative hemisphere
17:50 - FMRI: Both brain hemispheres are active in creativity
18:24 - Belief: Stimulating the right hemisphere enhances creativity
19:36 - 'Multiple Intelligence'/Gardner's theory (1983) - Which suits you?
21:05 - A large part of intelligence is general ('G-factor')
23:30 - Myths about IQ tests
27:38 - Rank reasons for high IQ & longer life
30:57 - 'Learning Styles'
31:15 - What is your learning style?
32:24 - 'Learning Styles' - True or False?
36:04 - 'Smarter people have BIGGER brains'
36:16 - Do smart people have bigger brains?
36:53 - Smart people have larger brains, possibly due to neuron-related factors
38:46 - Other myths
41:31 - Is neuroscience relevant to education?
42:46 - 'Brain Boosting'
42:55 - Have you heard of the 'Mozart effect?'
44:08 - Did you play brain training games in the past?
45:02 - Brain training games don't boost overall intelligence.
45:40 - Misleading?
45:58 - Final recap! What statement is true?
48:12 - Takeaways
49:14 - What neuromyths should we cover next?
50:16 - Exceptional Individuals YouTube channel
50:54 - Neurodivergent Leadership & Well-Being
51:52 - Contact Us and closing remarks
Our blog posts on neurodiversity myths
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
Twitter logo icon by Abdul Abid
Facebook and Instagram logo icons by Pixel Icons
Please follow us on social media
Recording date: 6th July 2023
About this event
Welcome to today's discussion on neuromyths, hosted by Nat Hawley. #Neuromyths are misconceptions about the brain and its functions that are widely believed and spread but are not supported by scientific evidence. Today, we will explore the sources and prevalence of popular neuromyths and critically evaluate the evidence behind these myths. Join us as we delve into this topic and consider the impact of these neuromyths on our understanding of the brain and its functions. Together, we will separate fact from fiction and promote evidence-based knowledge about the brain.
On this day, we aim to cover:
Explore the sources, prevalence, and effects of popular neuromyths
Consider the evidence underpinning common neuromyths to evaluate truth and benefit
To find out more about Exceptional Individuals and the support they offer please visit
Please register now to secure your place!
00:00 - Introduction
00:40 - About Exceptional Individuals, neurodiversity and this webinar
01:20 - About Us
01:48 - Neurodiversity and Fake News webinar
03:10 - Neuro Myths (First slide)
03:48 - Tall Tales about the Mind & Brain book
04:34 - What brain myths have you heard?
07:43 - Where do people learn about the brain?
10:33 - Neuro Myths (Second slide)
11:36 - '10% of the brain'
12:49 - Disproving myths
16:14 - 'Left brain/right brain'
16:30 - Put a pin on the creative hemisphere
17:50 - FMRI: Both brain hemispheres are active in creativity
18:24 - Belief: Stimulating the right hemisphere enhances creativity
19:36 - 'Multiple Intelligence'/Gardner's theory (1983) - Which suits you?
21:05 - A large part of intelligence is general ('G-factor')
23:30 - Myths about IQ tests
27:38 - Rank reasons for high IQ & longer life
30:57 - 'Learning Styles'
31:15 - What is your learning style?
32:24 - 'Learning Styles' - True or False?
36:04 - 'Smarter people have BIGGER brains'
36:16 - Do smart people have bigger brains?
36:53 - Smart people have larger brains, possibly due to neuron-related factors
38:46 - Other myths
41:31 - Is neuroscience relevant to education?
42:46 - 'Brain Boosting'
42:55 - Have you heard of the 'Mozart effect?'
44:08 - Did you play brain training games in the past?
45:02 - Brain training games don't boost overall intelligence.
45:40 - Misleading?
45:58 - Final recap! What statement is true?
48:12 - Takeaways
49:14 - What neuromyths should we cover next?
50:16 - Exceptional Individuals YouTube channel
50:54 - Neurodivergent Leadership & Well-Being
51:52 - Contact Us and closing remarks
Our blog posts on neurodiversity myths
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
Twitter logo icon by Abdul Abid
Facebook and Instagram logo icons by Pixel Icons
Please follow us on social media