The Space In Between The Cognitive Functions

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Within CPT the cognitive functions are concepts to represent different extremes of human cognition. This video explores the space in between the two extremes.


About me:
Hi, I'm Harry, and I'm intensely passionate about personality typing and self-development - so much so that I have created my own Jung-inspired system, taking a more high-resolution look at the factors making up personality.

Through Cognitive Personality Theory I examine the underlying mechanisms behind cognition, and the means through which a single type can have limitless individual variation - I believe type itself is just a set of cognitive predispositions that can according to the needs of the situation be overcome.

I don't believe any type is limited in what they can achieve, but have noticed sensationalist attitudes and internet trends propagating a culture in which type-development is actively discouraged in favour of conforming to simplistic archetypes. Through CPT I hope to dispel various myths and oversimplifications of what constitutes personality type, and along the way encourage a healthier attitude towards type that allows a person to become not who they are told they are, but rather who they want to be.
00:00 - The Spectrum of Cognition
02:22 - Introverted Continuums
11:00 - Extraverted Continuums
11:33 - Orientational Spaces
12:52 - Attitudinal Fluidity
16:10 - Rational Continuums
19:25 - Wrap-up


Ni/Introverted Intuition - Broad & plethoric perception of internal world.
Ne/Extraverted Intuition - Broad & plethoric perception of external world.

Si/Introverted Sensing - Specific and concrete perception of internal world.
Se/Extraverted Sensing - Specific and concrete perception of external world.

Fi/Introverted Feeling - Subjective codec; internal emotional data & harmony.
Fe/Extraverted Feeling - Subjective codec; external emotional data & harmony.

Ti/Introverted Thinking - Objective codec; internal logical order.
Te/Extraverted Thinking - Objective codec; external logical order.

Lens - Perceives data.
Codec - Rationalises data.

Convergent - Positive, creative, enacting change and seeking novelty.
Divergent - Negative, authoritative, instilling consequence and driving utility.

For more clarification on terms see the CPT eBook!
Рекомендации по теме

I appreciate the effort to describe things more concretely in an SiTi way; it helps a ton. I’m getting through your book slowly but surely lol. It’s really more about what cognition and cognitive functions aren’t than what they are—but I’m only 2 chapters in and there’s a lot of confusion to deconstruct. My older brother is an ambivert who easily oscillates between the orientation of his dominant pairing (NeTe —> NiTi) making it difficult to “pin down, ” and your system is the only one that can explain in comprehensively. Thanks Harry! Brilliant as always


Lemme just...
**Grabs dictionary**
Alright, on with the video.


well said my friend, well said, You the most brilliant person . and hence amplifies this moment of just being happy i found your channel to begin with! thanks always for your intelligence, and etc etc all the other adjectives of your actions to make this flow. You're chill, and so smart. I always loved you, and your way of viewing the world! truly sending mad respect your way!!! don't stop! Also, ISFP here so any insight on any functions, via healthy, unhealthy, loop, grip, best ways to exceed full potential etc. ; would be mas appreciated! thanks CPT! you're a Legend.


Harry I always appreciate your videos and insights. Every time to elaborate on CPT I feel like I gain a new way of looking at personality. I’d love to know if plan to do, or have already done, any neurological tests like brain scans to show the more materialistic side of these processes. Enjoy your weekend!


Love it when you talk fluidity, as very few things are truly static. Thanks.


I like your comment in your "About me:" section that says we need " a healthier attitude towards type that allows a person to become not who they are told they are, but rather who they want to be". Sometimes I wonder if people are trying to type themselves at too young an age. When I was in my 20s, I was constantly trying to figure who I was, what career I wanted etc. Trying to figure yourself out by "typing" yourself at a young age may put forth a "this is who I'm supposed to be", rather than "this is who I am".

I don't know. I did not discover type until I was 32. When I took a test to "type" myself, I had already developed my "preferences" and did not use type to define me. The word "preference" also seems to indicate a choice. I never "chose" to have the preferences I did when I "typed" myself at age 32. It's just what I did, period. I didn't know I was "choosing" Fi to be my dominant function. (I'm an "INFP"). I simply did it, never knowing anything about Fi, Se, Ne, etc. I simply was who I was, and developed as I developed.

I've read a good book a long time ago called "Maximize Your Strengths and Minimize your Weaknesses". I've forgotten the Author and if that's the exact title. The main idea was that we all have strengths and weaknesses. If we try to strengthen all of our weaknesses and make them strengths, then our strengths will actually weaken. We can't be all things. It's good to have strengths and weaknesses. The point is to "maximize your strengths"- do more with them, know what they are; and use them effectively. "Minimize your Weaknesses" - know what they are, check to see if they are negatively affecting your life, and if so then figure out how to develop ways to keep your weaknesses from doing that. Otherwise, there is no real need to worry about the fact that you have "weaknesses" that are not as developed as your "strengths".

This is a very interesting exercise in trying to use cognitive functions and explain them while looking at the lens or using more precise langue. I just wanted to caution that probably no one can equally develop all functions and shouldn't try. I have difficulty with paying attention to details, for example. That was a weakness that was costing me when I was trying to write Individualized Educational Plans as a Speech Therapist in schools. These documents had to be very precise with specific language and no typing errors. I was very poor with writing them at first, but really worked on ways that I could write them with very few, if no errors. But...outside of my job...I'm still not a "detailed" person. I don't try to be. It doesn't affect me poorly and I really don't care a whit about paying attention to details. My "ISTJ" husband, naturally notices all kinds of details. He likes them. It's a real strength of his, and that's great. But...even if someone told me an "INFP" is typically strong in details. I would just say, really? Well, that's not me. I guess I'm not an "INFP". Who knows? So...yeah. Don't let your "type" define who you are. Just let yourself "be".

You are bringing "type" a long way from so "boxed in", Harry. You are "dispel(ing) various myths and oversimplifications of what constitutes personality type". This video particularly is in the range of getting away from oversimplifications. I hope it "takes hold" in the MBTI world and the world in general. This is so needed, especially in the MBTI world.


I remember there was a time I wasn't able to understand any of your videos until I use TiSi/SiTi to understand the definition of certain words you use around here and there and now it's quite comfortable 😂


Great video Harry as always! I'm really looking forward to see more CPT videos in the future :)


I started studying (considering my personal experiences) how the in-between works for me and trying to sort out what both sides of my brain work like when I go more to one side than the other. Because, I am a lateral thinker and as such, I actually am a lot of different types, based on circumtance. Yet, for the sake of stress relief, I do have to kind of power down to one side or the other. Today, I believe I am INTJ and ESFP. Which are said to be very like ENTP (also ISTP) and INFJ, respectively; which I often test as. Because, as I have continually told people when they ask how I am, I am dichotomous (at best). I am a dichotomous, theatrical, strategist who deeply needs to be left alone to think, or a wild distraction from thinking. INFP, ISFJ, ENFJ - I have been perceived as, bot only at times of great need. INFJ, ESTP, ENTP, ISFP more often but most of the time I am either thinking, researching, reading or singing weird songs and dancing about, painting and drawing and making up stories. The pictures Michael Pierce presents on ESFP of INTJ and ESFP together accurately represent me, when both types are taken as a whole person. And, also, it makes sense with the theory that people with higher I.Q.s use more of their brain. I used to test off the charts on I.Q. and I was also very deeply logical /pragmatic and artistic/feeling. Then, I got seriously traumatized and quit being deeply any of those and my I.Q. went down. It's still very high, just not the same.


It's always great when you use your current thoughts and actions to better describe the functions in action. That way we get to see the practical side of things. 😊

It really helps us to analyze it better whenever we're trying to understand someone else or even ourselves.

I got the impression I now can apply some of it to better understand my family members and perhaps even their personality types.

You're getting even better at explaining your content. Great video!🎉


This helps illustrate why the agency position is less flexible. A function's supporting element in a way defines it more so than the dominant, as the dominant is the Gateway for flexion. SeTe into NeTe, it's clear Te is necessary as the defining element. This isn't to assert a gateway, but in the end it will be easier to flex SeTe twords NeTe than it is to flex SeTe into SeFe?


This is good, I know as an ISTP I sit very far on the INFP side. I often find myself sitting in that intense resonating chamber then trying to figure it out. I agree that a lot of types, especially Fi/Ti doms are more in between those functions than it's made out to be. And that for thinking doms there's a lot more emphasis on the collective/other people, even though it's more an internal relational process than an overt social one.


Hey Harry! Cheers for a new cool video. Got a question: in previous videos youve mentioned that FeNe doms tend to use comparatively low-risks strategies for Fe. So, does this applies to TeNe doms? Also, would you consider (Fe/Te)Se less risk aversive than the (Te/Fe)Ne doms? As always, kudos to you man!


Thank you so much 😊 This is very helpful! SiTi is definitely a struggle for me~
Edit: I feel like the space in between is what makes typing so hard, but at the same time it just goes to show everyone is unique, what I tend to say often ;)


Hi Harry, it's me again xD
Errrr I have a question, pertaining to the idea of the 'External Medium' which you often cite when differentiating reactivity from proactivity. Basically, how does Technology/mobile devices/compulsive internet usage influencd the degree of engagement with an external medium? Just an interesting question I thought of xD


I love the idea of the space between Fi and Ti...I always wonder why I feel the way I do! :)


Can the authority function truly take a dominant position? for example an ISTJ would prefer to use ESTJ functions when starting an interaction, but they will be gradually pulled into an ENFP network due to being an irrational type.

Te in this case feels like a filter, something that ensures the ISTJ sounds logical. However, it can only communicate a small portion of Si-Fi.


Thanks for the video, I finally understand where my problem lies. I believe I'm an INTP, but it appears I've been using NeXe and NiXi simultaneously, which doesn't make sense.


Hello, do you think extroverts mistype a lot as introverts? I feel like I see this online or is it stereotypes ? After seeing this video I feel like they are more ambivert .


Could you dscribe the space between SiFi+ and NiFi+?
