Farewell, Andy Stanley?

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Andy Stanley is in hot water in the evangelical world after his sermon this past Sunday on his view of marriage. Did he cross the line?

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The sermon is on the church website. Andy Stanley's response to the controversy this past Sunday.


He does deny the Gospel by affirming SIN!!!


Hey man. Read the end of Roman’s 1. Andy has crossed that line.


It's people like Andy Stanley that made me a Calvinist and a fundamentalist, love your videos Dean by the way. He seems like he's trying to play both sides on the issue while trying to be affirming.


I do not follow Andy S. I did read a bit of his statement that went viral. When I read his sentence- “Jesus didn’t draw lines” I immediately thought of Jesus said narrow is the way that leads to life and few will be the people who walk on it. The path that leads to destruction is broad.
Jesus did not want people on the broad path. Jesus did not want anyone to be tares when the wheat and tares are separated but there are lines of demarcation in the gospel.


I will admit, I need to find out more about what Andy Stanley is saying. However what little I have heard has lead me to disagree with you over him. I agree about what you say about him not being or being a Christian. I like and admire what you say on most subjects But on this subject, I am not sure. The circle statement is not necessarily bad. I am probably going to continue to stand with Andy. I think that he is at least trying to be Christ like in loving all . Instead of condemning, which I see too many people doing.


Do you affirm that all of God's law is abiding in the new covenant? if not, what is sexual ethics and where do they come from?
