Being Mean Won't Ever Change People's Minds

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I've been guilty of being mean right back to people...and I typically feel like a fool once I process it later. Rude people in traffic is a difficulty for me as well. I need to apply this lesson in other areas in my life, not just the internet. Thank you for posting this.


Context matters. A clear and direct rejection can work wonders.


Had to watch this 5 times in a row to understand the message


Most of the times you don't discuss to convince the other person. Your interlocutor will not change his mind, you try to convince the audience the interlocutor is wrong.


Saying a lot without saying anything at all. Great work 😂


Emotional collateral is also earned and very rarely will a stranger or acquaintance change a mind. Try building a relationship and earn some respect before you try to share your opinion!


Kinda like the more something gets hated on, the more it actually grows. Case in point, people in the porn industry. They get more negative attention than most anyone else but make more and more money because of it


Such people would rather unleash their ugliness out onto others than take a good long hard look at it in the mirror and change it.


Define “mean”.

Remember that we live in an age where disagreement is “hate speech”.

Additionally, those who blindly follow the narrative are more prone to be truly mean than those who disagree with them. It’s a self defense mechanism when their beliefs are challenged.

Lastly, we’re beyond the point of trying to convince others. The evidence of the truth is quite glaring, that one merely needs to do a modicum of genuine research to discover it. The fact that someone hasn’t done that yet means they’ve chosen to believe the narrative. It’s their “religion”.

Thus, the battles online aren’t about discovering truth. They’re about “whose god is stronger”.

Once we start seeing the conflict as a religious war instead of a civil conflict of ideas, everything makes sense.


What about people who just refuse to listen.


this is stupid, so many times you be respectfull, and people will eat you, you attack them, they get scared


Thinking that THIS is exactly _why_ free speech, even terrible speech, is so extremely important. Stupid people that aren't allowed to say the only words that they know are always the 1st people to use violence to get their point across. Banning words, ANY words is horribly dangerous & moronic. Humans get angry, it _IS_ human nature. Taking away a human's voice with a very limited vocabulary, is _never_ a good idea.


This is 💯!! Correct. Also Beautiful. ✌️♥️


People throw insults and just want to be right, rather than actually listening to your main point. If you cant reason or logically put forth an argument without an insult, you’ve already lost.


This is so absurdly untrue. Emotion does not care how smart you are and we are all to some degree subservient to it.


Thank you, hope You're having a nice day.


I've assumed that kind people are smarter for a long time but never heard or looked into why. This is a great explanation, should look into it further.
Keep up the great work Chris it's micb appreciated ❤️❤️


being mean won't change minds maybe, but a lot of people have earned it and sometimes, that is all the justice you can get in a corrupted system/society.


Just ask yourself a few questions... Have you ever changed someone's mind with insults? Has the feeling you get from "winning" a debate with insults ever been long-standing.


i agree, this element reallty does matter, one party riled up makes it hard to proceed with good discussions.

i think another element that matters is the goals of the debate. if it's to get closer to a truth, then both parties can win from the debate become stronger from debates. it's no longer about proving another person wrong it's more about getting to the bottom of truths.

for example i had a debate with a estes logistics customer service lady, i made the projection that due to low competition in your market that it's favorable your company harms customers that the customers are the losing party in that relationship. that your company is fixed limited by it's terminals while customers you service grow exponentially without limits. so your company kinks up the economy if you will. she then said "we grow alot, we just opened up terminals" i knew she was being misleading, and i further asked her how does she know how that, what terminals where, where was the story you saw? etc. she it became clear she didn't know, she was being misleading and we got to the bottom of it without me needing to directly change her mind on something.
