HEALTHY LIVING IN ITALY: What I Eat in a Week 5 Months Pregnant, Summer Recipes, Workout, Farm Life

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This episode I'm focusing on getting motivated and healthy with no sugar and lots of gentle exercise. I'm taking you out on a boat off the coast of Tuscany, into the kitchen to prepare lots of healthy summer recipes, along on my new workout routine for the second trimester of this pregnancy, and sharing some family moments on the farm.
You can find my contact details, postal address, recipes and other info on my website:
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Every day I get so many emails and comments asking why you can’t locate the music I use or find it using Shazam. I purchase music licenses for almost all the music you hear in my videos. I buy them them from various royalty-free production music sites and most of the time they don’t list the performer because it’s music made only for film productions with an audio watermark throughout the entire track, unless you purchase the single-use license for $50-100 per track. I use a lot of opera so often I’ll reference the opera but I won’t be able to direct you to a recording of that specific performance that you could stream or buy on iTunes or Spotify. Hope that clears things up and thank you for appreciating quality music.
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#Italy #healthy #pregnancy
Рекомендации по теме

how sweet Gianfranco saying mulberry!! He’s learning so fast!! You and Guido are doing such a fantastic job including him in everything. Watching your family grow is such a treat!


This was a visual feast of colour and beauty!


I think you're an amazingly well rounded person and you look stunning! You go girl.


There simply are no words that can properly express how much JOY I feel when watching your videos!!! It's so sweet to witness how your family interacts, with such love and tenderness... so sincere, so real. I just have to commend you and Guido as a couple for choosing to meet daily life challenges through counseling when needed and for being amazing, conscious parents!!! Gianfranco is sooo precious. Love truly is the greatest Force there is. ❤


Love hearing Gianfranco talk. And the fact that he’s a great eater and loves everything that you give him, makes mealtime so pleasant. He’s a little foody like you two. 😊


As a retired swimming teacher, I would advise you to avoid doing breast stroke while pregnant. Your pelvis is more vulnerable and swimming breast stroke with your face out of the water can strain the lower back. However keep on swimming front crawl and back stroke, perfect for your fitness, and a blissful relief towards the end of your pregnancy.xx


Love to hear Gianfranco speak Italian words. I was bilingual as a child but then spoke English to my mom so she would learn, per my dad. So I spoke to her in English and she answered in Italian and it’s been the way since!! lol. Now in my mom’s old age and with dementia, I’m speaking words to her in Italian!


Your son is so smart for his age. I love all the stuff you do with him. So nice to see


Gianfranco has very good language skills. Mulberries is a hard word and he said it so well!


Kylie, you are absolutely blooming. you are so healthy. A real treat to watch your videos every week


Gionfranco speaks so well, actually speaks better English than most Americans, and manners, off the wall chart with manners, good job!!!! and look, not one computer to babysit!! The old ways are still the best ways...just my opinions.


Thank you for taking me away, you are like a good book that I don't want to put down. You take me to satori, everything around me could collapse, but I just stay focused. You are so talented Kylie and I am so grateful for you, your films, your editing, recipes and sharing your life with the world. Thank you for inspiring me, once again ❤💙💜


This video makes me hungry for these nutritious foods AND for a trip to Italy!! What a wholesome lifestyle!!


I love to hear and watch your little boy!!! He's so adorable.
What a lovely day you spent on the sea. Gorgeous!


Great way to start the day!!!
I just came in from my hour walk and then my swim. That’s my beautiful way of starting my day.!!❤


I didn’t just like this episode, I LOVED IT!! All of your creations are a treat! Gianfranco is talking up a storm! So great!❤ from Dallas, where it is equally hot and humid! 🥵😎


Beautiful video, I think we are all looking forward to cooler weather. 😎


Kylie, you are without a doubt the most beautiful pregnant woman I've ever seen. You are glowing and exercising is doing you good. You don't need advise from us. You're doing just fine.


Definately agree with healthy eating and exercise whether pregnant or not. So many health issues could be avoided if more people practiced this. Love all the fresh vegetables and fruits ❤❤❤❤❤thanks for sharing your little piece of paradise with us ❤❤❤ ❤❤


Love seeing your little family grow. You are wise beyond your years. You are a naturally strong woman and mother. Your nurturing and care for your family are evident in their love for you! Bellissimo! Well done! And pretty soon you will need a double stroller for those walks! 🎉
