[4 Min] Stop Getting Mammograms to Prevent Breast Cancer

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Common practice is that women often seek out mammograms every October during Breast Cancer awareness month, but how effective are they exactly? The answer is only 30% effective! Young women have dense breasts by definition which don't show up on a 2D mammogram. That leaves a very large room for error for catching breast cancers. Mammogram technology is already 120 years old has become an antiquated test and screening modality. Join Dr. Levandovsky MD to understand what you should do instead.

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I will never have a Mammogram. I'm in my 50's and my doctors are livid with me, but it's my body and they only care about money. I have found only 2 doctors in my life who genuinely listened and cared and they are no longer around. Sad state of affairs in the medical industry.


I am 67 and have never had a mammogram. In addition to the radiation, I always felt that smashing breast down flat cannot be good for them. I am so glad this information being exposed.


I had a freind who was a radiologist who was constantly being criticized by her superiors for taking too long to evaluate mammograms. She was one of more than twently radiologists but the only one who would take time to carefully study the mammograms. The other radioligist cranked through far more than four per hour. My friend said that on average over the course of a week, she could only read four per hour if she wanted to do a good job and not miss any cancers.


Funny how there is no such thing as a Testiculargram where the scrotum is put in a vice for 10-15 excruciating seconds per testicle for 2 different views


I am 65 and have never had a mammogram. I finally found a doctor I just love who is with me on this.


What about mammograms causing cancer cells to increase.


Two things I’d never do 1.mammograms 2. Vaccines


Cancer screening and treatment is an industry, in addition to the fact that there is no “threshold dose” for ionizing radiation, meaning no safe dose. Every exposure to ionizing radiation in a population causes some number of cancers. Annual mammograms find some of the cancers because they caused them. And does smashing your breasts flat feel healthy to you when it is happening?


I had a mammogram that "showed something " I didn't get another one for 7 years. That one also "showed something " Biopsy confirmed a tumor and they quickly whisked me to surgery. A 1mm tumor was removed. 2 lymph nodes were removed. They felt I had cancer and needed chemo and radiation. I refused chemo and was super reluctant on the radiation but finally caved to all of the pressure. I have not returned for a mammogram since then and do not plan on EVER having another one. I'm 64 and it's been 6 years since that diagnosis. I don't think that 1mm "tumor" would have ever caused me problems. It's ALL about making money. There is HUGE money in cancer treatments.


My wife had hers they found a tumor early...operated and shes alive today because of it..the mammogram aint nothing copaired to chemo...chemo came closer to killing her than cancer did...


I head by a doctor that mammogram has the equivalent to the radiation of 1000 x rays! Then if they find something they order a sonogram which is much safer. Why not just stick with a sonogram?😮


I’m one of those who had a mammogram and they found a cancer. I had a double mastectomy and 2 years later, the implants they put in me were recalled, so I had to have a deip flap to have any breasts. Let me tell u, I regret all of it. My cancer was so minimal, I most likely wouldn’t even spread. I regret it all, because I feel I was over diagnosed.


I always have my mammograms, thank goodness. I was diagnosed with breast cancer thanks to this and a very vigilent radiotherapist who detected a small tumour. An invasive type which was caught early. At the time I was back home on holiday from my life in a country where mammograms weren’t available. Had I not taken the time to do this I would have returned for the next few years oblivious to my health state.
My treatment finished eight years ago. I understand why people are reticent but they are almost all exclusively those who have not had cancer. Those that were diagnosed in time thanks to this, have now more than 80% chance of survival.


Saved my life! Not all breast cancer can be felt.


I’m fearful of being pulled into deep involvement with the medical pharmaceutical insurance industrial machinery, and I think that statistically, the odds of that happening are greater due to over-diagnosis and over-treatment than actually having my life saved by catching an aggressive cancer.
I’ve had a few mammograms and an ultrasound, they both are painful. I’ve decided that I prefer to pursue health with diet and lifestyle rather than seeking sickness with asymptomatic screenings. But everyone feels differently; if getting screenings makes one feel more in control or something, go for it, but those of us who choose not to participate don’t need to be bullied into it


I got one at 35, 40, and 45, but am not having any more. My doctor was okay with me skipping last year, but we’ll see going forward. This is a huge business. What no one is mentioning here are the high number of false positives. Women get treatment for a disease they don’t have all the time. The treatment is poison and shortens lives. People need to make their own decisions. I’ve realized lately I am the one in control of my medical care.


I've never had a mammogram & I'm 70 and never had breast cancer. I refused the mammograms when I was first offered, 30 years ago - I told the doctor I thought they were a bad idea and he was like, okay, I can understand your point of view. And it was no big deal. I do check my breasts a couple times a week. This is still the best way to find cancer, it seems to me. And the best way to avoid harmful radiation. To avoid getting it in the first place, eat well, stay slim and exercise.


I have never had a mammogram and never will. My body, my decision.


We need to force insurance companies to stop demanding them. My poor wife has to go through three different uncomfortable tests every time they want to screen her, and it's only because our insurance company insists on the first mammogram. The ultrasound is always the last test and we have to pay a deductible for it.


How come we’re still in the Middle Ages with medicine?
