Everyone Made Fun of Shy Guy Until He Transforms Himself And Gets Every Girl's Attention

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Everyone Made Fun Of Shy Guy Until He Transforms Himself And Gets Every Girls Attention

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I really love this movie, the most heartbreaking moment is seeing Duncan break down after finding out that his dad doesn't want to see him. I love his friendship with Owen.


i kinda had a mentor friendship like this, im 35 yrs old. at that time i was 25 and i met a kid that was 16 going to 17, his parents are drug addicts so he would ride his bike all day. one day while working on my yard he stopped and asked if he could help me pick up the grass for 5$. i said yes, he would come over 2 times a week for the whole summer, i gave him 25$ instead of the 5$. one day i found out his dad took his money that he had saved almost 250$. One day i saw his dad walking to a known drughouse, i stopped my car and offered him a ride since it was raining when he got in the car, i told him that the money he stole from his kid was from me and now he had to pay it, at first he got mad but he noticed how pissed i was he gave me 100$ at that moment, i told him that if he ever try stealing again from his kid i would look for him. eventually the boy moved in with me and my girlfriend at that time when he turned 18 he stayed with me for about a year and got a good job now he is married and expecting a baby he comes from time to time to visit me with his wife. he treats my son like a brother and i am happy he broke the cycle of his family. im very proud of him


😂😂ngl lewis caught me off guard in the end, imagine how many farewell parties was made for him.
Owen is the kind of friend you wish to meet, the small kind gestures he made for duncan impacted his whole persona. Great movie.


The water park is the only place where he receives love and acceptance, thats relatable. It is sad and heartwarming


Thanks to his comedy roles, it is so easy to forget that Steve Carrell is actually a damn good drama actor. He plays the role of a scumbag who disguises himself as a nice guy so well


Since Sam Rockwell usually plays unlikeable jerks, it's almost surprising to see him as a happy go lucky childish adult, while Steve Carell is the complete opposite. Also, it's funny seeing Carell and Toni Collette play boyfriend and girlfriend, when they were previously siblings in "Little Miss Sunshine."


Lewis really can't make up his mind can he😂😂😂


The world needs more love, innocent, supportive and true. Good people where are you?


Every introvert needs a friend like Owen


That ending made me cry tears of joy. I'm so glad the mom realized her mistakes for neglecting Duncan. Also for finally not caring how Trent feels


I have never seen this movie but your recap has brought me happy tears. Thank you for you upload. Great job!!


Such a Good Movie .
Kids, teenagers feeling hopeless, sad should watch such movies .
Makes them realise some important facets of life.
Duncan didn't loose hope .
Whe he found happiness somewhere else, where his actions won't hurt anyone, he did enjoy it and also made others happy .
He also made his mother realise her mistakes and become stronger because of his decision making.
This is Feel Good Movie .


Owen is the friend that everyone needs♥️


the funniest part lewis changing his mind after getting a farewell party


Glad i stumbled into this. Im gonna watch the full movie now. Steve Carrell as a jerk and Sam Rockwell as a likeable guy. Awesome.


we tend to forget that teens do have a logical understanding of things, they lack world experience, but they do understand more than what we give them credit for


It's amazing how oblivious the mom is to her son's perspective or mutual feelings between her and the stepdad. Like the dude is clearly an asshole to her son.


Trent’s not the bad guy, the mother is. I damn sure would never allow a person to treat my kid this way


Wow! Great recap. Explaining the little and subtle moment and details that we sometimes missed or forgot, let me understand the movie 🎬 better in a shorter time making the recap just as good if not better than the actual movie 🎬. Thank you 😊


While watching this video, I forgot I was watching a recap movie. What an amazing movie it’s so emotional and yet so bright!
