Conan Exiles: 3 Great Jungle Base Locations!

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Today we're in The Exiled Lands, finding three great base locations in the Jungle! This area is full of space, but with access to thralls and iron being so important, some spots are better than others. Enjoy!

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The following music was used for this media project:
Music: Fantasy Ambience by Alexander Nakarada

Colonizing Conan Mod Collection:
00:00 - Intro
00:13 - Location 1
01:34 - Location 2
02:51 - Location 3
04:25 - Outro

#conanexiles #ageofsorcery
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I'm planning to do the other biomes at some point too, which one should I do next?

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If you do end up building a base in the jungle one thing I would recommend would be to mark down on the map just a small outpost that you make in a relatively iron rich place for the express purpose of harvesting and smelting it (think a total of like four foundation blocks at most). It allows you to really set up in another area and use higher tier beares to lug a bunch of iron home. Also if you set up right next to a black hand camp, if you manage to get a disassembler up-and-running they drop a lot of stuff that is made out iron.


jungle just has great atmosphere :D thanks for the video :D


I built on the river next to Dragon's Decent right next to Bay of Hulks. That area is awesome. Plenty of iron around, plus thralls and panthers. My favorite spot so far.


I found out yesterday that you can build in the eastern barracks tree if you own the derketo dlc. Kinda of tricky because the POI prevents you from building too low on ruin or too high on the canopy such you can't do a lot but it was a fun exercise.
A lumurian building set would also be fun, but Idk how well it would translate to the thin walls the game uses.


K8 above the obelisk is actually where I built my base on official 1520. Very cool spot. Resource runs for sure, but super easy to get back via obelisk. 10/10


The middle build really caught my attention.


I made a treehouse base just by the Staging Area and with a map room it makes for an excellent out of the way yet really interesting base with tons of space to build between different trees.


Western part of the Jungle (and my favourite biome, the jungle-desert border) has some massive con for new or non-hardocore characters (such as those under my guidance) - it lies in sphere of Cultist of Sobek Purge influence, one of the most brutal Purge in Exiled Lands. Lately in my solo games (even though I play primarily on IoS map), I tend to turn Purge off completly, I love to create something and don't want my creations obliterated and my pets slaughthered with such ease (especially on IoS, where most of the region falls under "Accursed Purge" aka Angry Cimmerians with star-metal equipment and demon-fire orbs). Personally, I was probably one of the few people who liked "wild surges" in the beginning of IoS development - possibility that few agressive humans fall into your base to more likely test you then to obliterate all you created within minutes was more appealing, and I honestly miss it.


Its on the edge of the jungle but I love the the large jungle island. Has a small pond on the lower part and a perfect spot to build with only one way to it. I know you know the one I mean.


Port of Xel-ha is best for starting. You have brimstone and iron close. Gorillas aren't bad, and you can change top floor of existing building into you home.
From there you can simple take over and renovate entire city of Xel-ha. I almost did it once.


Suggestion… 5 bedroom single detached family home. Complete with driveway/carport, garden and yard, etc.


Yea, I had never really considered a jungle base due to the lack of iron deposits available, guess using the new fast travel devoices does overcome that issue. I did build once near the pirate camp a beach front property per say, but one would not really call that a jungle base.


Very Cool! Off Topic question can you unequip arrows from a bow?


Location 1 might be good for singleplayer, put on official or private servers, not so much? You can't get there without climbing, at least I can't seem to find a way that doesn't involve climbing, which mean you can't really haul thralls there as they drop while climbing. In single player you can just use admin teleport but in multi you'd need a teleportation device to get them up there. Now if you have a route that doesn't involve climbing I'd love to know/see it. Now don't get me wrong it's a nice location with plenty of resources, but it's difficult terrain/acess makes it hard to get thralls up there, despite it's proximity to Flotsam and Xel-ha.


I love the jungle but I hate the constant crappy rain. It ruins it.

I built a awesome Sorcerer tower right in between the two giant Spiders in the Silkwood now that we have teleporting.


Explains why the foot traffic near me. Thanks 😭🤣


Ugh, I wish I could build like that but me and all my friends play on pvp servers.


Second place is beautiful but not safe. No water lake, no stone around, not much tree.


This is all pve don’t go to these spots if you on a pvp server
