How do you say QUEDAR in English? | Superholly

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Quedar is one of Spanish's most versatile words! In this video, we'll be diving in to 10 of the meanings it can have, with some explanations and example sentences.
It will take a while to feel comfortable writing your own sentences with quedar, but, hopefully, by the end of this video, you'll be able to understand quedar when it's being used.
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El inglés es el idioma más fácil del mundo y que lo enseñes igual de fácil es osea no impresionas para nada.


Ejemplos como estos son la razón por la cual agradecesco ser hablante nativo de español ☺️


Soy hablante español y te sigo en tu otro canal y llegué aqui sin querer y me acabo de dar cuanta que quedar tiene demasiados significados jajajaj


I'm teaching Spanish and it's very hard to explain all the meanings of "quedar", but you did an excellent job! Te quedó muy bien el video


I officially finished the semester so I'm returning to my Spanish learning. I hope to make better progress this time around. 💕💕


Holly para mí es muy bueno escucharte cuando hablas más en inglés que español, me ayudas en mi listening porque hablas bien rápido.


Holly: quedar.
Subtítulos automáticos de YouTube: G A Y B A C K.


El Inglés nos confunde con el "get", la venganza del español con el "quedar" jajajaja


Finally! A new Spanish lesson from the most beautiful Spanish teacher in the world! Mil gracias!


Well, I'm Brazilian and in portuguese we have the word "ficar" that is the equivalent of "quedar" in Spanish. I would say they're 98% used in the same way. It's pretty easy for us to get that feeling of " quedar". But I assume that it's a very tough word for english speakers to fully understand it. Don't give up, guys!!


Te quedo muy bien, ahora si no me queda duda que cada que das una clase, te queda tan así...., que quede muy sorprendido, te queda ser Youtuber.


Yep! Definitely needed this video. I am able to follow your Spanish videos 90% of the time, but sometimes it's just helpful to hear the explanations in reverse (or is it the right way around in my case?) from the English perspective. My mind often mutes the word "quedar" when I'm listening to Spanish conversations, because the translation doesn't track. I've just learned two uses of the word that I didn't know before, so hopefully my brain will "refresh" and take these usages into account moving forward. Thank you!


¿Alguien más cantó en el "que no quede huella"? 😆


Insisto, nuestro idioma tiene todas estas cositas que complican un poco al estudiante del idioma español! Tuve que explicar este verbo a un amigo inglés y sus múltiples formas de traducirlo según el contexto. Le resultó algo difícil! Saludos desde Argentina 🇦🇷


I speak Spanish and this chanel helps me to know what difficult can be my language OMG


We have many equally confusing words in English too...
1. Apology: A statement of contrition for an action, or a defense of one
2. Aught: All, or nothing
3. Bill: A payment, or an invoice for payment
4. Bolt: To secure, or to flee
5. Bound: Heading to a destination, or restrained from movement
6. Buckle: To connect, or to break or collapse
7. Cleave: To adhere, or to separate
8. Clip: To fasten, or detach
9. Consult: To offer advice, or to obtain it
10. Continue: To keep doing an action, or to suspend an action
11. Custom: A common practice, or a special treatment
12. Dike: A wall to prevent flooding, or a ditch
13. Discursive: Moving in an orderly fashion among topics, or proceeding aimlessly in a discussion
14. Dollop: A large amount (British English), or a small amount
15. Dust: To add fine particles, or to remove them
16. Enjoin: To impose, or to prohibit
17. Fast: Quick, or stuck or made stable
18. Fine: Excellent, or acceptable or good enough
19. Finished: Completed, or ended or destroyed
20. First degree: Most severe in the case of a murder charge, or least severe in reference to a burn
21. Fix: To repair, or to castrate
22. Flog: To promote persistently, or to criticize or beat
23. Garnish: To furnish, as with food preparation, or to take away, as with wages
24. Give out: To provide, or to stop because of a lack of supply
25. Go: To proceed or succeed, or to weaken or fail
26. Grade: A degree of slope, or a horizontal line or position
27. Handicap: An advantage provided to ensure equality, or a disadvantage that prevents equal achievement
28. Help: To assist, or to prevent or (in negative constructions) restrain
29. Hold up: To support, or to impede
30. Lease: To offer property for rent, or to hold such property
31. Left: Remained, or departed
32. Let: Allowed, or hindered
33. Liege: A feudal lord, or a vassal
34. Literally: Actually, or virtually
35. Mean: Average or stingy, or excellent
36. Model: An exemplar, or a copy
37. Off: Deactivated, or activated, as an alarm
38. Out: Visible, as with stars showing in the sky, or invisible, in reference to lights
39. Out of: Outside, or inside, as in working out of a specific office
40. Overlook: To supervise, or to neglect
41. Oversight: Monitoring, or failing to oversee
42. Peer: A person of the nobility, or an equal
43. Presently: Now, or soon
44. Put out: Extinguish, or generate
45. Puzzle: A problem, or to solve one
46. Quantum: Significantly large, or a minuscule part
47. Quiddity: Essence, or a trifling point of contention
48. Quite: Rather (as a qualifying modifier), or completely
49. Ravel: To entangle, or to disentangle
50. Refrain: To desist from doing something, or to repeat
51. Rent: To purchase use of something, or to sell use
52. Rock: An immobile mass of stone or figuratively similar phenomenon, or a shaking or unsettling movement or action
53. Sanction: To approve, or to boycott
54. Sanguine: Confidently cheerful, or bloodthirsty
55. Scan: To peruse, or to glance
56. Screen: To present, or to conceal
57. Seed: To sow seeds, or to shed or remove them
58. Shop: To patronize a business in order to purchase something, or to sell something
59. Skin: To cover, or to remove
60. Skinned: Covered with skin, or with the skin removed
61. Splice: To join, or to separate
62. Stakeholder: One who has a stake in an enterprise, or a bystander who holds the stake for those placing a bet
63. Strike: To hit, or to miss in an attempt to hit
64. Table: To propose (in British English), or to set aside
65. Temper: To soften, or to strengthen
66. Throw out: To dispose of, or to present for consideration
67. Transparent: Invisible, or obvious
68. Trim: To decorate, or to remove excess from
69. Trip: A journey, or a stumble
70. Unbending: Rigid, or relaxing
71. Variety: A particular type, or many types
72. Wear: To endure, or to deteriorate
73. Weather: To withstand, or to wear away
74. Wind up: To end, or to start up
75. With: Alongside, or against


Y nososotros nos quejamos de que hay muchas palabras similares en inglés, ellos han de estar igual con esta palabra viendo que sirve para muchas cosas pero con diferente significado, tipo:
"Quedate aquí tengo una ropa que te podría quedar y ya después nos vamos al restaurante que queda por la escuela"


Oh my gosh she just kept adding more and more meanings! I'm gonna have to watch this video every day to get the hang of this. Lol I only knew like three of those meanings


3 in the morning in Spain and I keep watching your videos, I can spend hours watching you, you're impressive and super funny!


Y yo luego de ver en canal de superholly me entero que también enseñas español... you're a great teacher Holly.
