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Why is everyone piling on Lippert, Grand Design and the RV Industry as a whole? Do Campers and RVers have the full story? Or are they simply venting from other frustrations? The Wingman addresses the frame issues and offers an invitation to RV manufacturers. Will anyone accept his offer? @GrandDesignRVTV @Lippert.


Think you may have a lemon RV? Here are some resources.

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Many large companies have failed when they move the engineers out of management and replace them with MBA graduates, HR people, and attorneys.


We have purchased two RV's. Our first was a small 18 ft TT. We bought it from Bretz in Missoula MT. It was a good little camper and we enjoyed just getting started in camping and learning the ropes. However, we had two dogs and the camper didn't have a slide out. So it was cramped. We decided to move up a bit. We traded for a Jayco 24RL at Bishes RV in Kalispell, MT. We have never had a major problem with this camper either. It fits our needs very well, and even in this hard-to-find-a-campsite era we can still get out 4-5 times in the summer. We take our grandkids and we have a fun time for a few days. I forgot to mention that when we traded for the Jayco 24RL it was in early 2021, Covid was here and campers were in demand and short supply. Dealers had signs out that would buy your camper. We got more money for our trade-in than we had paid for it. I've got my fingers crossed, but I would say that ours has been an enjoyable experience. Plus we got free lifetime propane from Bishes! Sure, we have had a few small issues, but I am handy enough to fix them myself and if not I have a really good RV mechanic who can and charges half of Bishes shop rate.

Now, we are thinking about upgrading again. We are trading for a 3/4 ton pickup and thinking about maybe a 5th wheel. But, yours and other videos and my research on the current industry quality control (or rather lack of it) and poor materials has turned me off from that now.

I watched a video of another YouTuber who is a good resource. He was visiting several RVs' at a show recently. A nice 5th wheel he videoed had a mfg. suggested retail of over $100, 000, but was offered at this show for less than $70, 000. I don't know what this really means, other than the industry just throws numbers out there to make you think you are really getting a deal. Which is BS. If they are willing to sell it for less than $70, 000 then that's what it's worth. Ask any lender what a one or two-year old camper of the same type is worth. It probably won't shock you to find that it might be worth $50, 000 or less. So, in effect people today are paying $70, 000 at 10-14% interest with good credit on a 10-15 year loan for a product that is designed to fail before the end of the loan. A new camper can depreciate between 10–20% of its value in its first year, with some models losing up to 30%. After that, the depreciation rate slows down, with some models losing around 10% in the second year and 5% in the fifth year.

So, not only is the manufacturer's product suspect; their warranty is suspect and their BS financial and pricing strategy is ridiculous on a product that depreciates at a tremendous rate. And the other kicker? Try to get a campsite at the place and time you want to go.

Allen, I want to thank you for the time and effort you put into your videos. It is especially not easy in an industry that is in such poor customer relations, product-wise. They have their heads buried in the sand, hoping this will pass. Well, it won't. The country is in serious financial trouble, and the manufacturers are going to feel it very soon. Only the strong and competent will survive.


Nothing will change until the RV Industry is regulated just like the automotive


Well Wingman, thank you for this video. I’ve never RV’d before. I want to rent numerous times and with different types prior to my first purchase. I retire in 5 years and any future purchase would be done then. After listening to that email I don’t know what to believe. If let’s say this guy is correct, the the only one true way of getting the manufacturers attention is to QUIT BUYING! Everyone right now, simply quit, boycott, take a stand, write letters to on the manufacturer of choice say… “We’re done, no more, not buying another unit until the quality improves.” If buyers don’t buy, dealers don’t sell. If dealers don’t sell, manufacturers aren’t making. Do I like boycotts? No, and they are only effective if everyone does it. It’s unfortunate that good honest people get hurt in them. But corporations only know and listen to the bottom line. Hearing this video makes me glad that I’m only in the research stage. I’ll never buy a Covid era camper because of these quality issues. I would hope that everything is fixed by the I ever do buy one. Thanks for the video.


I believe him. And with the horrible roads


Today’s manufacturing is built for the bare minimum! That goes for houses, cars, bridges and yes RV’s!!


Rampant drug use etc has been a problem for a number of years across manufacturing in the US. And just plain laziness too. My ex was a maintenance mechanic in a number of manufacturers . . So repairing the manftg machines . . 2-3 X a week came home with stories of malfunctions caused by purposeful “jams” so the guys (& some gals) could go have an extended smoke/toke/drug/social media break . . No one ever “saw” anything (or wouldn’t admit it) so an entire line would be shut down for hours for repairs. According to unions those folks had to be paid as if they were working even though they weren’t. Oh the stories he told!! Costs to company was Aweful! And quality control was laughable.


Bottom line the RV industry commands premium $$$ for subpar quality materials, construction, standards & service. Not to mention they hide behind the legal umbrella of confusion.


As a 20 year veteran rv park owner the number one thing I have learned is rvs are junk. All in fact cheap or expensive all junk. Number one complaint with rv owners is getting warrantee work is the worst nitemare in their lives. The old units from the fifties and sixties seem to defi the trend that more modern units have. Probably in those times pride in workmanship was not second to profits. Think I'm crazy, operate a park for 20 years and look with pitty at the poor souls that invested their life savings in buying something that will be sitting along side the road waiting for a tow truck just to be taken to a repair facility to find out they may be living in their camper in the shops back lot. Not to mention the exorbitant expense to get unit back on the road. These rvs may be cute, cool or really fancy but the lipstick will soon wear off the pig and expose the tragedy the owners got themselves into. Keep up the good work wingman, these rv owners should keep up with your reporting.


Never go alone when looking at rv's! If able get a certified rv inspector to tag along. Having an used rv dealer lie to you face about safety concerns should raise a big ol red flag.


Alan the best advice I can give is go visit a few dealers and inspect the goods yourself. Make sure you inspect it like it was going to be yours. Keep in mind the cost of the RV you are inspecting.


Hi Alan. Long time listener and enjoy you channel but have a few issues with this video. The questions you ask are reasonable and deserved but seemingly draw conclusions too fast without first hearing from Lippert. To get so worked up based on one mans opinion isn't right.

First off, the accusations have not been proven about the steel, the workers, drug use or frame issues maybe being the RV manufacturers fault as per their requested built specs. Also, any manufacturer using ex-convicts can be construed as a good sign, being viewed as giving someone a second chance to redeem their lives. People wanting to turn their lives around don't go trying to seek employment - It is hard and difficult process only the motivated attempt to do. I've worked with ex-cons so I know this first hand.

Additionally, it you are gong to be hard on the RV industry, and I believe they need to be seriously leaned on, then go easy on people like Liz from Liz Amazing. You were too critical of her just a short time ago when all she is trying to do is the exact same thing as you. You said one of her examples of poor workmanship should have been intuitive enough to have had an inspection before buying the RV. That was kind of harsh compared to your tone. Her example are real people with significant build issues. Maybe you should interview her and join forces in this effort (after you apologize).

Finally, what about the manufactures who are not getting a lot of complaints? Rockwood used to be one of your sponsors and you often sung their praises. I am getting a second Rockwood party because of your interview with one of their managers during the pandemic.

I like your channel and style, but you asked for comments and an honest discussion and this is my contribution to it. Much appreciated, Kerry Sabella


This is nothing new, the 2015 38’ toy hauler we bought for retirement almost destroyed us financially and physically (long term stress is debilitating). The collusion between the manufacturer, LCI, and the dealer was stunning. The list of hidden defects is long and would never be found on a PDI. The short list by the end of year one; suspension failed twice grinding off the tires, the 2nd time hauling home completely empty after having the springs replaced by the dealer. Roof failed causing de-lamination because (as was verified by an authorized dealer) the roof material was cut short at the rear of the coach and bare wood covered with sealant. Wires pulled out of crimp connectors in control panel. Interior wood trim fell off. Slide floors rotted because of water incursion. The list is too long to share here. It was falling apart in the driveway and was unsafe to tow. Dealer service amounted to letting it set on the lot for 6 weeks then calling to pick up only to find nothing was fixed. No problem, schedule another 6 weeks and repeat until the warranty expires. Again there is too much to this sordid story of delaying and covering of backsides to fit into a comment. Our attorney stated as long as the dealer is “willing to repair” we had no legal recourse in PA. That doesn’t mean actually repair, just willing. We finally got out from under that mess which can only be described as an act of divine intervention, oh it cost us make no mistake, but another long story for another time.


The right thing is the right thing . . .


PS my new old rig is Perfect or soon will be. After four years of research and then three years of searching and doing all my due diligence I still got screwed but I'm gonna return the favor to the errant fraudster and I will have one of the last of the great coaches 😊


At 63, I grew up camping. I carried my family camping and had been one of the best times of my life. That said, the last camper I bought was a used 2005 Fleetwood Providence DP. Other than general maintenance, it has held up pretty well. I admit that I would love to purchase a new camper, either a tag along or fifth wheel. Aside from spending that kind of money on the latest and greatest upgrades new campers have, I have heard quite a few nightmares others have had. The general overall quality is pretty discouraging from what I’ve been told. I can’t see myself in taking the risk when the one I have serves my purpose very well. The economy certainly is in no one’s favor. In the end, I don’t foresee the industry getting better. I enjoy your show and your pointed response to not only the industry, but to the inconsiderate RV’s out there. Keep up the good work.


Obviously the large Lippert frames last about two years. Lippert IS THE PROBLEM. The NTSB should shut down Lippert until their 'engineers' figure out how to design, build and weld strong frames and suspension that last 20 years. Obviously Lippert has never load-tested these large frames on the road over hundreds of miles or they might learn something. They certainly aren't listening to their customers, that is for sure. You can't expect the floor, walls and ceiling of an RV to hold tight to a flimsy, flexing junk steel frame with minimal welds that aren't worth a crap. I hope Lippert is sued out of existence for they have cause more problems for good people than should be allowed by law!!!


Its everywhere besides the rv industry. Just look at Boeing.


Profits over customers - keep that up and pretty soon they won't have either. As reports of poor quality escalates, they will have fewer and fewer customers. It's a ridiculous self-inflicted injury from which no company can long survive!


Alan, your temper is boiling, your as red as a wet hen!! Keep up the pressure on these silly manufactures. Keep up the pressure on the dealerships also!!!
