Windsurfing Code Red 2 - Maui's Biggest South Swell in a Decade

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Really fun session windsurfing on Maui's South Shore with the best South Swell in Hawaii in many years.

* Marcello Del Monaco - Live Gamerz
* Vladislav Kurnikov - Primetime
* Tiko Tiko - Against All Odds
* Rain - 2050
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I started windsurfing age 10 in NZ and my bedroom walls were covered in your posters, I told my parents I wanted to be like Robby (they laughed & couldn't afford to buy me any windsurfing gear). I saved up all my own $ money for all the gear & even made my own wetsuit by hand so I could windsurf through Winter. I spent up to 9hrs a day on the water, eventually ended up being a sponsored rider and went on to compete for a few years thx to watching you lead by example - I was in awe when I was 10 and still in awe now! You're a massive inspiration to us all and this South Swell edit was yet another stunning film captured beautifully! Aloha Robby from NZ, )


This is why after 60 years of surfing and knowing zero about windsurfing I can watch Robbie Nash anytime and be completely amazed. This is a particularly absolutely beautiful video.


What can be said? A masterclass by the legend. Notice the harness flapping freely as Robby negotiates over, under, around and through the most hellish wave conditions with fluidity and control. Amazing.


This is No flippy, spinny, spready jumps, just my idol of the youth playing with waves and performing STYLE! Thanks Mr. Naish, godfather of windsurfing!


I’ve been surfing for 50+ years and I’ve only seen a handful of folks as next level as Nash. This is art.


You're such a legend Robbie. From watching you in Mistral videos in the early '80s to the present day, you've showed all the others the way it is done. Kudos to your film crew as well.


It’s like watching R.I.P. from the 80’s again, but in Hi-Res video. Kudos to you, Robby to be able to do the same things 40 years later and without even breaking a sweat!!!


It was the fall of 1979 as I remember, and I (having learned to windsurf couple of years earlier) entered “the North American Windsurfing Championships“ at Brigantine NJ, just north of Atlantic City.
At dinner, we ended up sitting with a blonde teenager from Hawaii who was looking a little lost. He was kinda shy but very pleasant and unpretentious. I learned that someone had flown him out to compete and I thought that was odd. He had explained that he lived in Hawaii because his dad was involved in surfing and moved the family out there a few years earlier.
At the awards, when I won the masters class (I was all of 39 or 40) I was pleasantly surprised to see that he had won the whole damn event!
Fast forward about a decade. I’d won some F2 competition in the Caribbean and enjoyed my prize which was a trip to the Canary Islands which coincided with the windsurfing world cup event there. At that point the sport grown, my wave sailing skill didn’t even exist, and I went down to the beach to see how Robbie was doing. He was competing but did not have a board caddy. I had cracked a couple of ribs, but was happy to do grunt duty on the beach, which I did.
Same nice pretentious guy who did remember the Atlantic City meeting and it was fun helping him out. He took me to some after-race party hosted by a French guy who did the cooking.
So now it’s 2022 and I’m 81 years old. Still windsurf very occasionally and have watched his growth as a legend and purveyor of kitesurfing gear.
Was wonderful seeing that pink mistral sail on a “regular“ windsurfer again. No kite, no foil.
From Lake George NY where the wind still blows and you can actually drink the fresh water, good memories and aloha, Robbie. You are the Lionel Messi of windsurfing!


Legend, I don't think people realize how much strength it takes to be at this level at this age. Kiting, wing foiling are easy by comparison, windsurfing requires a lot more dedication (and gifts) to maintain this level. I've been lucky enough to meet and talk Robbie on a few occasions, he is such a great human and ambassador for these sports. One Robbie story: he's on shore in Hatteras talking to a friend of mine, I'm on the water on an Aero II 6 meter kite in 0-45 mph storm front wind. Robbie says to my friend "who's that idiot." LOL #badgeofhonor #humancrashtestdummy 👍💪


US1111 - was my inspiation as a kid. And you are continuing to be an inspiration now. Keep rocking Robbie.



Robby, charging is what comes to mind watching this. A mega charger you will always be. Amazing & inspiring!


I just stumbled upon this video and was amazed how the hero of my youth is still out there doing things only few men dare to do. What an incredible arm and grip strength he must have. I first got in contact with windsurfing when I was 6yrs old, in 1976, in Curaçao. Although I loved doing it till in my 40's whenever life allowed, I never became a wave surfer. It just seemed too scary to me😂. I stuck to my trusty slalom board (Mistral Screamer) and tried to go as fast as possible with the occasional jump when the big lake water got big enough swells. I'm in my 50's now and illness has taken most of any strength and stamina I had left. I will never windsurf again I guess, but I brings me great joy to see Robby still ripping it up out there on Maui.❤


Pan Am cup, Kailua Bay, 1981. That did it. I had windsurfed before on basic plastic boards but those few days opened my eyes to a whole new dimension. I moved to Hawaii and have been windsurfing ever since. Thank you Robby, Aloha, from a Limey in Hawaii.


GOAT! Beautifully filmed, awesome video. Thank you Robby for continuing to let us land-locked windsurfers live out our dreams vicariously...


A session And conditions that only you could dare getting into. Always the awe you inspire. I grew up watching you and am still in admiration by your prowesses. Long May you live and (wind)surf Robby. Windsurfing would not be what it is without you.


Robby is an artist, I started windsurfing in the 80’s because of him! Very inspiring!


Lovely footage of the wave train and the sailor playing as free as a bird. Thanks Meistro


I lived on the Big Island for many years & I used to love to visit Mau'i...I've seen that spot many times on big south swells-it's experts only for sure...there's a chapter in Gerry Lopez's autobiography, Surf Is Where You Find It, which details a defining moment in his evolution as a true big wave surfer...he got worked pretty bad & washed to the shore exhausted...he really didn't want to paddle back out, & possibly face another beating---yet, he told himself, "If you don't paddle back out there right now, you'll never be able to face these kind of waves again." So, naturally, he paddled back out, & caught more waves...the title of the chapter is "When in doubt, paddle out!" Yet, there you sat alone on the morning of the second day of that huge south swell, in the windsurfing capital of the world, & no one else showed up---so, you went back my mind, you are the best surfer on the planet...your skill, experience, & pure courage are on another level, even among the elite of the sport...the waves were so beautiful & awesome to watch, even just on video, with you riding them with such majesty


Fantastic, this is what life is about: do what you’re good at, enjoy it and share your joy with others.

I love watching Robby Naish’ videos on YouTube, it brings back the feeling of standing on a surfboard, being one with nature and friends and simply enjoying the moment.


Holy sh&t balls that’s some sick sailing. Robby’s humble and down to earth on the beach, so you forget how hard he rips, wow. Legend indeed.
