10 Hidden Rules All Jehovah's Witnesses Must Obey

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From avoiding higher education to refraining from personal Bible study without the organization's literature, these rules keep the tight-knit JW community under control. In this video, we’ll dive deep into these 10 secretive policies, revealing how they shape the lives of Jehovah’s Witnesses—often leading to extreme consequences for those who disobey. Whether you’re an insider, a former member, or simply curious, this video sheds light on the secret world of Jehovah's Witnesses.
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I was raised as a JW child back in the 80s and 90s. Everything in this video is absolutely true.


I left over 30 years ago and that’s the one thing I learned as being one…NEVER BECOME ONE ☝️! And all this is so true.


Whenever there’s a crisis affecting lots of people Muslims fall over backwards to help everyone no matter what their religion is. The Grenfell disaster is a great example of this. Its sad that JWs in general won’t help others outside their cult. No one is better than anyone else.


I was raised in a JW household and from a young age, I always had this “off” feeling of the entire thing. 3 meetings a week, bible studies and field service just never made sense to me! As an adult, I am now Agnostic but my family views this as if I worship Satan. I’m so glad my mom and I see it for what it is but it’s sad to see people I love most in this shit show. Also- I’ve seen the consequences of young kids being baptized. 😞

Let’s not even start on how messed up it is to be shunned and publicly humiliated for making human mistakes. You may be reinstated but people still gossip and use it against you.


Need to get out? Don't be a prisoner. Get a new phone and number, relocate to somewhere a good distance away (regardless of the cost), and start a new life. If you still have faith in the Lord, you can try other churches. Your life and freedom is priceless, and you should get the most out of it. In the USA we have been blessed with freedom. It's a travesty to waste it.


I’m disfellowshipped for fornication and life has never been better. I love that they gave me a green light to do whatever I want since I’m no longer a part of this nonsense. Donate all your money to us because the end is right around the corner. 👀


They are the definition of a High Control Group.


I was watched 24 hrs 7 days a week when i moved intonmy guardians house, she even took away curtains from the glass door to my room so she coulf watch me dress, to being watched in my HS. Having me moved across from a newlyweds under to seem like they care as I was an orphan watched through my living room window feom which they can see from their much higher apartment. It suffered from PTSD since i left over 30 yrs ago. It took me a long time to shake always looking over my shoulder and affecting my relationship as he said no one is after you as he didn't understand what this cult does to you!


True Christianity is about God being there for you.
Other faiths are about you being there for God. (Or their god/s).


Just found your channel subbed excellent video, well researched thank you❤


They are getting desperate if they are encouraging child baptism.... REMEMBER HOW OLD WAS JESUS WHEN HE GOT BAPTIZED...age 30


Just look at the GB members ..Does that give you faith or concern...Take a minute to consider


Yes it's a very old and successful cult. They make Pol Pot, Mao, Ho Chi Minh, Jim Jones very envious


Jehova's witness is manmade... You either do exactly what Jssus says or you are going by association... made by man. The poorest form of knowledge. Get over your own self-righteousness and religions and follow the word of Christ.


Almost like the old communism life the Chinese had to endure. 😢


Remember the word religion comes from the Latin RE LEGIBUS which translates as concerning/about rules or laws. Rules are about controlling members. Most of these rules are manmade, not from God. Many years ago I quit the Catholic Church after 8 years studying to be a priest. Never looked back, now a happy agnostic


What I know about JW's is that they are peaceful, non political, and sexually moral. They have strict codes of conduct. That's their choice, we can still have choice right?They are not perfect. they do more bible study and worship than most other religions, and of course the door to door ministry, something every other religion can't achieve, and is envious of. Of course some people will have issues if they are disciplined. Don't just write them off, they are not a threat to anyone. Be a hater if you want to, that's your business. My wife is a JW, and I haven't seen the dark side you portray that isn't present in any other organisation. All organisations have issues, standards and rules, that makes them what they ARE!


actually shunning is Biblical....1 Corinthians 5:9-13 New Century Version (NCV)
I am writing to tell you that you must not associate with those who call themselves believers in Christ but who sin sexually, or are greedy, or worship idols, or abuse others with words, or get drunk, or cheat people. Do not even eat with people like that.


the only rule JWs are required to follow is the rule of love. With love there are no rules
