Fender GTX100 Vs BOSS Katana MkII - Which one Should you Choose?

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There's no doubt the BOSS Katana has made its name as one of the most popular practice amps in the past decade. With a wide range of amps sounds & built-in effects, it's truly proven to be versatile for any home, practice & even stage setup.
New for 2020 Fender introduces their new GTX50 & GTX100 amplifiers. With an upgraded Celestion speaker & latest software update. Get lost in a world of tone with endless presets & modelled amps.
Can Fender's GTX100 give the BOSS Katana a run for its money? Let's plug them in & find out!

Check out our Guitar Amp Buyers Guide:

↪️ Episode Guide ↩️
» 0:00 Fender GTX100 Vs BOSS Katana MkII
» 1:15 History About Both Amps
» 4:10 Quick Specs & Features
» 7:00 Fender GTX Vs BOSS Katana Clean Tone
» 16:22 Fender GTX Vs BOSS Katana Crunch Tone
» 26:36 Fender GTX Vs BOSS Katana Lead Tone
» 34:05 Fender GTX Vs BOSS Katana Brown Tone
» 39:46 Which one Would You Choose?

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Great to be back and reunited with my buddy Lee and the crew – big love and hugs to everyone in England going through lockdown number two :-)


“We’re happy if you buy the fender, we’re happy if you buy the boss. We’re just happy if you give us your money.” 😂


most affordable tube amp vs most expensive solid state


I just went and picked up the Fender Mustang GTX 100 tonight. I’ll say this amp definitely serves a purpose. I can now practice late with headphones and also without at reasonable volumes. In addition the Bluetooth functionality is awesome. I was able to quickly hook up my phone and play a drum backing track off of YouTube to practice to. The amp is pretty easy to learn. It also has a tuner built in. It sounds fantastic as well. It’s also very light. This is by far one of the best purchases I’ve made in a long time. This amp just unlocked many more hours of practice opportunities that will make me a better player.


People need to talk more about bedroom tone v live tone. I wish someone had explained this to 16 year old me. I'd just use my bedroom tone, which sounded great but occupied the whole frequency spectrum, with the band. Then I'd wonder why I was inaudible, then I'd keep turning up till I was silly loud, crowding the bassist, my parts were still muddy and the band asked me to turn down.

Now I run bass at around 1, mids at 9, treble around 6 (depending on amp) and still often use and EQ boost to kick the mids. My parts are clear in the mix and not too loud because they are sat in the correct frequency range.

Oh... and though I'm a strat man I use a tele live. Also a big help to cut through.

...and turn down the gain, even for heavy rock.

Last tip: get an amp stand.


Interesting point from Lee about the guitarist's journey. I think there's a further stage. You've owned the more expensive amp that fits your style (in my case, a Boogie F50). You built a fancy pedal board with a switching system that gives your two-trick-pony amp enough flexibility for the range of music you're playing, and added a power-soak to allow you to get your sound in smaller venues. But now you're just tired of the complexity, the number of possible failure points, the weight of everything, the time it takes to set up and pack up, the panic when something isn't working and there's only 10 minutes before the gig starts, the cost of re-valving etc. And you wonder whether all this extra time, effort, stress and cost is adding a proportional amount of value, either to the audience or to you as a player. Then along comes the Katana. So you switch to (in my case) a Katana 100, a GA-FC and a couple of expression pedals, purely to simplify and de-stress your life. Now you make one journey from the car to the venue, guitar case in one hand, Katana in the other, pedals and cables in a light back-pack, and in 5 minutes you're up and running and ready to play. And you find you enjoy playing your Katana just as much as you ever enjoyed playing your expensive valve amp, and it's just as good for your audience. So many people in Katana community groups are using Katanas having ditched their valve-amp and pedals rigs.


In the app for the Mustang, every amp model has a setting option called Sag. If you turn that down, it becomes much louder, and more present. If you turn Sag up, it becomes more subdued and compressed. If you had adjusted that down in this video, it would have been much closer to the Katana sound. The Mustang also offers a lot more options than the Katana with many more amp models and ability to move any pedal before or after the amp in the chain, in any order you want.


I have a GTX100. While I do agree in this demo the Boss does come thru better.
But I also think that with more familiarity with the range of the GTX, s amp models, you could get a much better comparison of the two amps.
Anyway love seeing Rob back and always love seeing The Captain!


Best comparison shootout on You tube of these amps in my opinion. Great stuff!! Well done gentlemen!!


While I do love and enjoy watching all of the videos from the team at Anderton’s, there is something special about the combo of Chappers & The Captain!


Can you guys do a direct Fender comparison, say the Mustang GTX's model of a Twin Reverb vs an actual Twin Reverb?


I'll take the GTX. It just does everything you could ever want. Fenders, Vox's, Marshalls, acoustic amp, acoustic sim, good effects, built in more could you want? I own a GTX50 and it sounds great to me.


The part of this video that I enjoyed the most was the "applications" discussion. I thought it revealing what you two thought that each amp was best for -- the "home" tone vs. "pro" tone argument. I'm an older campaigner than either of you, and I've done the amp with pedals thing and liked it. That said, the most satisfying "gig" I've played was for a friend's birthday party, where it was just me, some tunes in a cell phone for "backing tracks", me, my axe, and a DigiTech RP250 that I've since sold (to help pay for one of its big sisters). I had tweaked the RP's sounds for months and had many of them just so. I plugged into the venue's PA and WENT! Not only did things sound great, but before I knew it, someone had set up a tip jar for me, and I EFFORTLESSLY made $13! That would NOT have been possible with the old amp and pedals routine, as it would have taken too long to get the best sounds. I even had a few patches with ducking delays, which REALLY sounded great as well as studio-like. Since then, I've acquired an old Zoom G9.2tt Guitar Effects Console, and although I might be loathe to play it out because of its age (maybe 15 years) and its fragile 12AX7 valves, I would also like to hear IT through a nice PA. I also think that it would be possible to program each unit to yield whatever cut and punch Chappers would like to hear. So that's my take on my own gear. As for the BOSS and Fender amps you demoed in this video, I would probably go with the BOSS unit unless I never was going to play it out, in which case the Fender is that much more like my current digital gear and would win the day. So there! Thanks, fellas!😎❤️️🎸‼️


Always amazing to see you two together again in a video. Fender sounds pretty good, but I still like the sound of the Katana the best. Hope you guys are well!


I have the GTX 100 and the Katana Mk II, and I love both of them for the differences.


Owned both. GTX hands down. The interface on the iPad is so freaken good. It's fun and functional. It's not my paint shredding Fender Machete, but I really like it. I did't like the way the Katana dual purposes some of the efeects knobs. Confused my feeble old mind.


I just went to the music store, I was set on the Katana because of this video. I test them both and chose the GTX because of the easy of setting the tones. I even left the store convinced that the Katana sounded better. On day 3 of owning it I discovered the Global EQ menu and my mind and ears were blowned by the jump in tone quality. Now Im postive I made the right choice.. i can make my Fender Mustang GTX sound exactly how I want.


I've played them both and I had a preference for the Fender tones, but I could just as easily see someone preferring the Katana. I don't think you would go wrong with either.


I own both and this review is spot on! Man I wish we had an Anderton's in Texas.


The Fender GTX 100 sounds better at gig volumes. All of the “amp” settings are great - turn the knob to the amp you like and go. Very simple. Owned Katana 100, Helix LT with powercab and this sounds better especially on the Fenders and Plexi amp. Light, very loud, looks good. Gigged 30 times with it and it has been reliable too. At any venue loud enough less than half volume.
