Modeling Amp Shootout - Katana VS Marshall VS Blackstar VS Fender

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Here it is! 4 modelling amps compared, all have 12” speakers:
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0:00 - Clip 1 - Vintage Drive
0:53 - Clip 2 - Cleans
1:29 - Clip 3 - Modern Gain
1:55 - Clip 4 - Edge of Breakup
2:24 - Clip 5 — High Gain
3:06 - Clip 6 — Headphone Out + Built in FX
3:57 - Dirty Sounds - Boss Katana 50 Mkii
5:31 - Dirty Sounds - Marshall CODE 50
7:05 - Dirty Sounds - Blackstar Silverline Special
8:38 - Dirty Sounds - Fender Mustang GT-100
13:05 - Clean Sounds - Boss Katana 50 Mkii
11:41 - Clean Sounds - Marshall CODE 50
13:05 - Clean Sounds - Blackstar Silverline Special
14:33 - Clean Sounds - Fender Mustang GT-100
16:00 - More Videos

Signal Chain (see links below):
Gibson Les Paul Tribute T Goldtop / Harley Benton CST-24HB / Harley Benton TE90QM / Harley Benton JA-60 /
Boss Katana 50 Mk2 / Marshall Code 50 / Blackstar Silverline Special / Fender Mustang GT100
Shure SM57 (close) + SE R1 Ribbon Mic (Room)

See more Amp Demos here:

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Gear that I use + recommend:

Boss Katana 50 Mk 2 (Amazon US):

Marshall Code 50 (Amazon US):

Blackstar Silverline Series (Amazon US):

Fender Mustang GT Series (Amazon US)

Gibson Les Paul Tribute T (Amazon US):

Gibson Les Paul Tribute T (Amazon UK):

Gibson Les Pauls (Amazon US):

Gibson Les Pauls (Amazon UK):

Harley Benton TE-90QM (USA):

Harley Benton TE-90QM (UK+EU):

Harley Benton Jazz Master/Jaguar White (USA):

Harley Benton Jazz Master/Jaguar Sunburst (USA):

Harley Benton CST-24HB Tortoise Flame (USA)

Harley Benton CST-24HB Tortoise Flame (UK+EU)

All Harley Benton Guitars (USA)

All Harley Benton Guitars (UK+EU)

Shure SM57 (Amazon US)

Shure SM57 (Amazon UK):

Shure SM57 (Thomann USA):

Shure SM57 (Thomann UK+EU):

Ditto Looper Series on Amazon (US):

Ditto Looper Series on Amazon (UK):

Рекомендации по теме

Thoughts / FAQs:This was a very difficult test to do fairly, they are never going to sound quite how they sound in the room. As well as this they have different speakers (All however 12") and loads of amp models to choose from. All of them can be dialled in to sound great with a bit of tweaking, and all have their uses 👍


This is how to demo gear. No 18 minute preamble and no 45 minute solos. It's about the gear, not the lighting finger speed of the performer. Very impressed.


The real fight was between Boss and Blackstar definitely


The Marshall sounds like it's being played in the room next door.


Damn I was just about to buy the Code 50 but compared to the Katana it sounds like someone threw a rug over it and hid it in a box.


Great Demo:
1.) Katana
2.) Blackstar
I just don't find any sufficient tonal value in the others


The Blackstar sounds the most genuine to my ears.


I think the silver line is the best sounding amp. It has its own unique tone and doesn't sound like it's trying to be a Marshall . It has the more natural overdrive sound.


I love that you included the “Morning Star” riff. The Katana and Blackstar were definitely the best. The other two sound like toys.


The My Own Summer riff sounds great with any amp. The Katana and Silverline sounded very close to each other.


This is the best demo I have seen on YouTube. Awesome dude! Thank you for comparing these amps- perfect! It’s about time someone did and you nailed it. Rock on!


Katana and Blackstar for me were a close best but, when it came to clean effects and crunch tones the Katana won.


The Boss Katana for my ears won this hands down. They all sounded a bit muddy and muted in comparison. The other 3 all had good and bad sounds but non as consistent as the Boss. Great comparison video.


Excellent demo & comparisons- best I’ve seen on YouTube!


I just got a Boss Katana 50 mk2 and I love it. This sound comparison just confirms to me that I made the right decision. The Blackstar sounded really nice too, I would be happy with that amp as well.


That is probably the best amp comparission video I've ever seen! Right on mate!


Just bought katana 100 watt mk 2 and I’m thoroughly satisfied
The brown setting with slight OD and delay Is amazing. Sustain for days


That's one of the best shootout videos ever! The pacing and the length of the riffs and the switch time is just perfect! Also great riff choice demonstrating all I needed to hear especially palm muting! Many other YouTubers should learn from this! Too bad I didn't particularly like any of the amps :D


That Blackstar surely sounds great. And I'm still glad to have a Katana 50 myself.


Katana then Black star was my thought. I have been thinking about a katana for about a year but this comparison really helped me. Thank you for the work that was put into making this. Rock on you ALL!
