The Open Forum Episode 27

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Episode 27 of 'The Open Forum' where Christians are invited to join the discussion with our panelists Hamza, Ijaz, Sadat, Abbas, Nazam & Imran. Guests will be invited on a first come first serve basis. Please note we can only have a maximum of 10 panelists (including efdawah panelists) at any one time. Link to join the panel :

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0:00 - Intro
0:49 - Brothers Abbas & Imran join
1:00 - Purpose of this stream & other stream
2:12 - Stream being only for Non-Muslims
2:58 - Trying to verify Sheen's identity
4:44 - Muslim guest joins & salams exchanged
5:00 - Dawah discussion in VR
7:43 - Pastor Jason: connecting issues
9:26 - Continued Discussion on VR Dawah
10:10 - Young Welsh: Corruption of previous revelations if Allah's ﷻ words can't be changed
23:58 - Suleiman asks to the link for the previous arena stream
24:33 - Muslim guest given information about the streams
25:51 - Sean (Christian): echo issues
26:38 - The message of the Bible being consistent despite the contradictions
30:13 - Catholics vs Protestants on changing the Bible
33:41 - Issue of the Preservation of the Bible
39:40 - Message of the Bible being that Jesus is God
40:33 - The Doctor's Diagnosis 🩺 on the previous two topics
49:16 - Claim of Qur'an saying that previous scriptures aren't corrupted
50:16 - Corruption of the previous scriptures
52:17 - Why is the Bible Holy ?
52:42 - Prophecies in the Bible
57:23 - Anonymous authors of the Bible
59:24 - Prophecy vs Foreshadowing in the Bible regarding the sacrifice
1:03:56 - Message of the Bible regarding the nature of Jesus PBUH
1:05:05 - The Consistent and simple message of the Qur'an
1:10:19 - Christian academia differing on the nature of Jesus PBUH
1:14:23 - Following the authentic teachings of Jesus PBUH & struggle of faith in Christianity
1:18:00 - Guidance from God in a clear manner
1:21:50 - Carol: fails to join
1:22:30 - Seeker of truth (Hindu): Sects in Hinduism
1:24:13 - Goal of the muslims
1:25:25 - Definition of truth
1:27:25 - Beliefs of Vaishnavism: Reincarnation
1:28:28 - What is the goal of a human in Islam ?
1:29:24 - Avatars (Manifestation) in Hinduism
1:31:11 - Nature of God in Hinduism
1:37:55 - Worshipping Only Vishnu/Krishna out of the other deities
1:39:45 - Differentiating between different Avatars
1:41:56 - God's nature and message of Islam
1:44:27 - Establishing the truth of Sources of Hinduism
1:46:05 - Personal journey of the guest and leaving Celibacy
1:50:26 - Robust concept of One God in Islam
1:52:37 - Leaving the presence of God to face trials on Earth
2:03:25 - Pleasures of Paradise in Islam
2:08:00 - Is God personal or impersonal ?
2:10:21 - Humans being driven by pleasure & enjoying it in Paradise
2:15:18 - Salvation not being exclusive in Hinduism
2:17:25 - Concept of Karma
2:19:30 - Brothers Nazam & Jake pay a surprise visit
2:21:46 - Unitarian Christian: Monotheism in the Bible & Prophets representing God
2:27:35 - Interacting with Muslims in Alaska
2:28:47 - Brothers Yusuf, Jake and Nazam join
2:29:32 - Unitarian Christians' view on Islam
2:32:58 - God's role in spreading Monotheism through Islam from the perspective of a Christian/Jew
2:38:54 - Was Prophet Muhammad ﷺ decieved by Satan in the cave ?
2:43:21 - Analysing Paul's vision & his teachings contradicting with the Disciples
2:45:00 - Claim of Satan creating Trinity & Islam to deter people from the truth
2:52:50 - No Original Sin in Islam
2:55:35 - God requiring payment through the sacrifice of Christ in Christianity
3:02:15 - Claim of Gabriel not visiting Prophet Muhammad ﷺ & his experiences after that encounter
3:05:14 - The Doctor's Diagnosis 🩺 of the previous claims
3:11:42 - Angel Gabriel not identifying himself to various other people
3:14:46 - Invitation offered to Christian to come on the perfect storm
3:15:50 - Christian explains his views
3:17:53 - Belief in Crucifixion & Resurrection being necessary for Salvation
3:22:42 - Can God forgive sin or does he need blood payment ?
3:24:09 - Closing Statements, Updates & Wrapping Up

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0:00 - Intro
0:49 - Brothers Abbas & Imran join
1:00 - Purpose of this stream & other stream
2:12 - Stream being only for Non-Muslims
2:58 - Trying to verify Sheen's identity
4:44 - Muslim guest joins & salams exchanged
5:00 - Dawah discussion in VR
7:43 - Pastor Jason: connecting issues
9:26 - Continued Discussion on VR Dawah
10:10 - Young Welsh: Corruption of previous revelations if Allah's ﷻ words can't be changed
23:58 - Suleiman asks to the link for the previous arena stream
24:33 - Muslim guest given information about the streams
25:51 - Sean (Christian): echo issues
26:38 - The message of the Bible being consistent despite the contradictions
30:13 - Catholics vs Protestants on changing the Bible
33:41 - Issue of the Preservation of the Bible
39:40 - Message of the Bible being that Jesus is God
40:33 - The Doctor's Diagnosis 🩺 on the previous two topics
49:16 - Claim of Qur'an saying that previous scriptures aren't corrupted
50:16 - Corruption of the previous scriptures
52:17 - Why is the Bible Holy ?
52:42 - Prophecies in the Bible
57:23 - Anonymous authors of the Bible
59:24 - Prophecy vs Foreshadowing in the Bible regarding the sacrifice
1:03:56 - Message of the Bible regarding the nature of Jesus PBUH
1:05:05 - The Consistent and simple message of the Qur'an
1:10:19 - Christian academia differing on the nature of Jesus PBUH
1:14:23 - Following the authentic teachings of Jesus PBUH & struggle of faith in Christianity
1:18:00 - Guidance from God in a clear manner
1:21:50 - Carol: fails to join
1:22:30 - Seeker of truth (Hindu): Sects in Hinduism
1:24:13 - Goal of the muslims
1:25:25 - Definition of truth
1:27:25 - Beliefs of Vaishnavism: Reincarnation
1:28:28 - What is the goal of a human in Islam ?
1:29:24 - Avatars (Manifestation) in Hinduism
1:31:11 - Nature of God in Hinduism
1:37:55 - Worshipping Only Vishnu/Krishna out of the other deities
1:39:45 - Differentiating between different Avatars
1:41:56 - God's nature and message of Islam
1:44:27 - Establishing the truth of Sources of Hinduism
1:46:05 - Personal journey of the guest and leaving Celibacy
1:50:26 - Robust concept of One God in Islam
1:52:37 - Leaving the presence of God to face trials on Earth
2:03:25 - Pleasures of Paradise in Islam
2:08:00 - Is God personal or impersonal ?
2:10:21 - Humans being driven by pleasure & enjoying it in Paradise
2:15:18 - Salvation not being exclusive in Hinduism
2:17:25 - Concept of Karma
2:19:30 - Brothers Nazam & Jake pay a surprise visit
2:21:46 - Unitarian Christian: Monotheism in the Bible & Prophets representing God
2:27:35 - Interacting with Muslims in Alaska
2:28:47 - Brothers Yusuf, Jake and Nazam join
2:29:32 - Unitarian Christians' view on Islam
2:32:58 - God's role in spreading Monotheism through Islam from the perspective of a Christian/Jew
2:38:54 - Was Prophet Muhammad ﷺ decieved by Satan in the cave ?
2:43:21 - Analysing Paul's vision & his teachings contradicting with the Disciples
2:45:00 - Claim of Satan creating Trinity & Islam to deter people from the truth
2:52:50 - No Original Sin in Islam
2:55:35 - God requiring payment through the sacrifice of Christ in Christianity
3:02:15 - Claim of Gabriel not visiting Prophet Muhammad ﷺ & his experiences after that encounter
3:05:14 - The Doctor's Diagnosis 🩺 of the previous claims
3:11:42 - Angel Gabriel not identifying himself to various other people
3:14:46 - Invitation offered to Christian to come on the perfect storm
3:15:50 - Christian explains his views
3:17:53 - Belief in Crucifixion & Resurrection being necessary for Salvation
3:22:42 - Can God forgive sin or does he need blood payment ?
3:24:09 - Closing Statements, Updates & Wrapping Up

Excellent Stream 👍🏻👌🏻
_May Allah ﷻ bless you all and reward you for your efforts._ 🤲🏻


I'm so glad the hindu guy come on. I'm so lucky and blessed to be Muslim. I feel tearful in greatfulness that I am Muslim.


Just have to say that Abbas is a great moderator and a underrated debater he makes excellent points. Imran is just so measured and precise and surgical he really systematically deconstructs arguments, Sadat was on fire 🔥 this stream excellent points and rebuttals a very knowledgeable brother follow him if you haven’t already…..still though I missed the Lion Hamza there was a lot of machine gun tactics and waffles and red herrings. Young Welsh was just determined to score a point and nommatyer what was said and explained had his biased mind made up. The Unitarian literally admitted that those who came before Jesus and didn’t even know if his message and those that came AFTER Jesus who didn’t know if his message could STILL enter Heaven without believing in him…..if this is the case what is the point of cruxifixction and resurrection??


Assalamu alaikum, my beautiful brothers. I give dawah on TikTok and I run into these sorts all the time. The understanding is so inept, it's impossible to get through to these people. May Allah grant you sabr and goodness in this world and the next. Ameen ameen ameen.


The way the brothers communicate and get the points across is next level. I find I learn allot from this in my own day to day life.


I love these common/interfaith discourses; especially, when, like here, they are conducted with, civility, decorum and respect. These uploads are always educational and worthwhile tuning into; so, just to say, well done to all contributors, on both sides of the debate and looking forward to further uploads and debates/discussions.


I think Brother Hamza is tired i watched him the whole weekend working for the sake of Allah. Brother i admire your commitment to spreading Islam may Allah reward you in abundance....


When I saw some non Muslim believes, i remember Allah blessed me with islam


Good to see my friend Christian Man on the show at 2:21:41. A fellow Christian Unitarian here.


*_If Trinity is a mystery, then Hindusism is a huge conundrum._*


EFDawah has educated me more than any Islamic channel on YouTube. Thanks brothers. My Dua goes for you ❤️


I enjoy and learn from this stream a lot so far bc the discussion was done very respectfully, no cutting and talking over each other, everyone was patient. It should be the golden rule of dawah.


Suggestion: Have a caption permanently displayed on the screen with "Stream for Non Muslims Only" written across it to prevent Muslims joining and wasting time


Br hamzas absence made some things clear. Without hamza it was great to hear more from Abbass Imran and especially Sadat who often doesn’t get that much time . His knowledge is amazing.
Without hamza it’s also apparent that the wafflers really do waffle on. Hamza really controls everything to keep it on point and doesn’t let anyone get away with any nonsense. It’s also fun with him.
I guess if hamza could slightly adjust to be mindful not to interrupt the brothers as much then the balance would be perfect. It’s already pretty much perfect. Absolutely love your channel.


الحمد لله على نعمة الإسلام وكفى بها نعمة وآخر دعوانا أن الحمد لله رب العالمين والصلاة والسلام على رسولنا الكريم ❤
محمد صل الله عليه وسلم 💕


Love brother Sadats points. Masha Allah he really hones in and shines a light on the inconsistencies of Christianity and Hinduism. May Allah swt preserve him, ameen. So glad he’s back!


I think young welsh has asked the same question about 5 times over many gets the same answer. SubhanAllah


Masa Allah what a nice stream again with the beloved brothers. Nice brother Jake has jumped into the stream to say hi. My Allah bless you all.




I like how doctor Imran started wobbling his head when he was talking to Indian caller. 😂😂😂I used to do the same when dealing with Indian colleagues. They somehow understood me better when I wobbled my head
