The #1 Reason You Are ADDICTED to Motorcycles!

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Let's uncover the real reason why so many of us are addicted to motorcycles and life on two wheels.

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If you’re addicted to motorcycles, leave a comment below! 👇😅


Well, my addiction has been a lifetime. I started riding at age 14 on a Honda 90 and had a motorcycle my entire life except for the 2 years I was in the Army. I am 73 now and just bought another Suzuki V-Storm 650. I have owned 3 of these in the past 5 years and they are one of my favorite bikes. I still love to ride but most of my riding buddies have either passed on or are not able to ride anymore. Yes, I am still addicted and will keep riding as long as I am able.


Excellently written my man! And you're right - as far as addictions go, motorcycles are one of the best!


The Moto Barista is BACK BABY!! Been a minute mate, good to see you on the big screen again!


Great videos my fellow addict! Really well considered, quality stuff and not over the top with your editing. Nice!


Good vid man🤙🏻 Clicked on the video to look for a way to cure this addiction, but all it made me want to do is go ride!


hi barista..more than a Bravando, bold, couragious, eem to me, a great professor of harward University director..i love everything you say, do and teach ..thank you sir you are a real frind to inspire, motivate and educate all the very best for your peaceful, joyful and adventurios successss


You described it exactly. Great video again. Keep your energy man 😉


I am quite impressed with this production; You have clearly expressed the scientific data and how that applies to we who enjoy our bikes. As a new watcher, you appease to the intellect as well as the practical application on riding and bikes. Thanks I am getting hooked. Excellent presentation. Do you ever get to Adelaide? You are most welcome David...Adelaide...Tiger 900GT....


Great video! Love the thoughtful and meaningful narrative. Spot on and yes, I’m addicted. The way I put myself to sleep many nights is imagining myself riding down that less traveled dirt path surrounded by nature and with the steady humming of my motorcycle engine. That’s a sign of addiction but a healthy one. When life and work has me stressed no better way for a mental health day than on my motorcycle. Cheers!


There are worse addictions, but maybe not many that can be as expensive!


I’m assuming you have read or listened to “The rise of Superman” by Steven Kolter. If you haven’t the audiobook is pretty good. I went through a ultrarunning bender and absorbed a lot of books putting in miles. Really kind of clicked after that book. My main hobby’s are competitive shooting, motorcycle (KTM 790) and ultrarunning. Flow is ridiculously addictive. Teaching my kids about has has been really interesting.
The book we are listening to now is call “Range” by David Epstein (Why generalist triumph in a specialized world) its a good one digest as well.
790 talk. Have you figured out a good sweet spot for suspension settings yet or are you running 2 different settings? I just resprung mine for my weight. Should have done that first thing after I bought it. Magical now but starting from scratch for my settings….


Yeah I’m the rat fully addicted since 5 years old there’s nothing that comes close to fangin round the bush mate great vid cheers


I have had several crashes and I am turning 60 this year. Recently I had a severe concussion and bleeding in my skull from a drop going over slippery sand. For the first time I have to decided if I want to continue. Because I may not survive another impact to my head and yes I always wear a helmet. I didn’t expect to be at this point in my life but nothing last forever my bikes are in my garage and I yearn to get on them but when do we realize it’s not a good idea to do so?


I have been addicted to many substances in my life my only addiction now is motorcycles it is my only escape from the stress in my life


🙃i hate being addicted to bikes cauzz my focus on college is getting worsened day by day watching bike review and stuffs🥺plz help me overcome this
