Radiation Oncology for Primary Brain Tumors – What You Need to Know

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Questions Answered:
1. What is radiation oncology? 0:16
2. When is radiation therapy used for a Primary Brain Tumor? 1:08
3. What can someone expect with radiation therapy? 3:17
4. Are there any side-effects from radiation therapy? 5:17
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My wife had whole brain radiation in 2000 for a metastatic breast cancer. If we knew what the long term effects would have been, we probably wouldn't have gone through with it. The last 6 or 8 years have been brutal. Serious long and short term memory issues, double vision, deafness, balance issues, and speed of mental processing and comprehension. And, of course, her hair never came back after the treatment. We did have some good years, but the long-term effects have been multiplying and getting much worse.


So grateful to these folks who spend years of their lives and hundreds of thousands of dollars so they can help others. 💙


Man. I’ve had an initial surgery for a pineal Ependymoma, and imrt for another recurrence. I’m undergoing stereotactic radiation therapy now for a 3rd recurrence now. Post-op, I lost my ability to walk without an assistive device because of scar tissue that formed on my cerebellum that was resected. The neuro-surgeons, and all people working with patients are unbelievably kind, and helpful. I have nothing but good things to say about the doctors, and others working with patients. I’ve heard nothing but good things about Johns Hopkins in the past by the way, and considered treatment at this facility when I was diagnosed, but decided against it when considering the lengthy transportation time.


I am a Nuclear Tech and now at 43 hoping to get to Dosimetry school. Dad died of a very difficult cancer to treat ( bile duct cancer), which is not radio sensitive for most part but we did our best. Luckily there are these technologies though, if not always saving a life, which it can/does but some specific cancers just are not responsive unfortunately ( yet still always try if allowed !), but can help ease pain or extend life a bit. You need a perfectionist in the field of Dosimetry and treatment planning as they conform beams as not to destroy the patients "good" cells. I cant wait to be involved and do my best to help "ideally" SAVE the lives of those inflicted with this horrible disease. This was a very good video. PS: For all those alternative med folks, dont be fooled. Go conventional, and as last resort or in combination, try that, but alot of that new age hokey pokey ( is that how you spell it) is hogwash. You are not going to fight a serious cancer by drinking apple cider vinegar and taking bubble baths! Go aggressive first. If you are serious about trying to beat this.


I never thought I would be commenting in these types of videos….we discovered on my 13 year old son that he had access fluid in his brain which the doctors were so good and removed it but what caused that was a little brain tumor and we still haven’t discussed any radiation treatment with our doctors yet because the biopsy was just recently done…so to have this information it really gives me and my wife hope because we have been devastated by the news which im sure a lot of other parents would feel so thank you so much for this video it really helps my family to know that there is treatment and to have some type of normalcy ❤❤❤


Have a look at medical cannibus it has some positive effect on reducing the problem


I had a radiation treatment for an acoustic neuroma in May of 2023 and I am still having side effects and I want to know if that is normal? I still get dizzy spells and some of the dizzy spells last for hours and I have to take medication in order to calm it down. The last dizzy spell that I had also came with double vision and it lasted the rest of the day and into the next day. I'm worried that I won't be able to survive the next one because I may have to go to the hospital. I want to know why I keep getting dizzy spells and vertigo because my doctor can't give me any information and I am getting scared


Im starting this next week im scared about it because its in such a bad place its hard to remove. Hope this works


My father brain tumer size 4.3x3.5x4.5 can u plz tell me what can I do


I have a brain tumour and have had surgery and about to commence radiation and chemo. You have not mentioned the joint effect of radiation and chemo. I am in Australia.


I heard about a fruit therapy that was applied on a patient and he was healed. You will need to listen to the testimony sent through voice recording . If you are interested in listening to it, let me know, it may help someone. Good luck.


Has modafinil ever been trialled for the fatigue?


Hallo Doctor
What happens if I stop a week between radiation sessions to treat begin tumor in the brain
Thank you


What about the other way? The all in one treatment
