Game jam tips and tricks. GMTK game jam 2020. Game design lesson on example.

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There are many game jam tips and tricks out there, but none of them is nearly as powerful as... prototyping!

Last weekend I took part in GMTK game jam 2020. I made some game art assets, but there wasn't much time left for me to implement the game mechanics. Let's take a look at my mistakes and hopefully learn something from them!

Welcome to "Khud0 - Indie Game Dev" channel. Today we'll talk about game development tips and tricks. We have already talked a lot about how to make a simple game on unity. And I want to give you some indie game development advice, among which are how to make your first game on unity and what you need to make your first game on unity. What mistakes you can make and what tips for indie game developers can be useful. I'll try to show these on my example. Game design lesson on example is easier to learn, so I want so share the game jam tips and tricks I learned by participating in GMTK game jam 2020. If you have a task of making a game in two days you don't have much time to think. But how to make a video game in such short time? I'll tell you what you need to know before making a game. These simple game design lessons will show you what you should do. Watch the video till the end to learn how to make an indie game. It's always better to learn from other people's mistakes. Subscribe to the channel for more devlogs and thanks for watching!
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Thank you for the video. On an example is always easier to perceive information


I participated in my first jam recently and learned the importance of trying to prototype first. Knowing whether or not an idea will work is one thing but I think for me it was more of a confidence booster to show that I had a game once I had a working prototype. It just needed a bit more. I'd say any tips I'd have just from my very limited experience (so to anyone else, take it with a grain of salt) would be obviously to keep the scope of the game small since you only have a limited time. And for beginners, I would honestly suggest limiting the game jam project to be something that you already know how to do. Maybe one mechanic that you're not as sure of, but for me my game was a process of relearning things I had already learned before. I originally planned something that had way too many unknowns and was frustrated but when I scaled it back and worked on stuff I had exposure to already it made the task much more manageable.

Also, that's really cool with the parallax trick. I'd say, I'd be the same with art as well but joke's on me because I can't draw haha.


“Once I start drawing the levels, there is nothing that can stop me” sounds like a good thing, especially since the art in this game is truly beautiful for a 1-man army in 48 hours


I really like the art you produced for this game. You can definitely see the influence Hollow Knight had on this.


I think that among other things, you got art inspiration from the same Hollow Knight, too! Your character certainly reminds me about this game.


At first you need to write down simple sketch of the game. After this it's the time to implement it on the basic assets. That's all folks hehehe


A cool game turned out. Only left to release two more parts. Seven DLCs. And of course MMO version)


Any chanse for sourse code or full tutorial for this game?


I tried it. A funny game. Has anyone managed to get over the right edge?
