Tesla FSD - First Impressions

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We regression test FSD to see if there are any major regressions also to check the progress of curb proximity.


Car: Model S
Trim: Plaid
Hardware: 4.0
MCU: 3.0
Full Self-Driving: Enabled
FSD Profile: Assertive
Auto-Offset: ON


#Tesla #FSD #teslaplaid #fullselfdriving
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On my first drive with this update, I was on the highway driving next to a concrete barrier/dividers. It suddenly and very abruptly pulled hard to the right and had I not had my hands on the yoke, I would have crashed into it at highway speeds. I could not see any reason for why it did this. I reported it. I was surprised, since it’s been several software iterations since I’ve experienced anything like this.


I have a 2024 model Y long range with hardware 4 build. I use FSD for 90% of my driving. Here are some issues that I am experiencing with FSD

Phantom breaking approaching an intersection on a green light with no visible traffic hazards.

Trying to make a U-turn on a street to narrow to complete the U-turn safely or successfully.

Speed offset: consistently running 5 miles slower than the speed limit on service streets without any traffic issues.

Lane centering issues when curving around to enter a freeway. Car seems to drift into the gutter and not stay centered.

Failure to recognize well marked speed bumps. Does a better job at night.

While driving on service streets car seems to stay in the right lane behind other cars driving at a slower speed, failing to move around them.

Difficulty sometimes picking which lane to be in at approaching an intersection to make a left turn.

Missing freeway offramp as the car stayed too long in other lanes to successfully merge into the right lane to exit the freeway.

Caught midway in an intersection during a yellow light. Couldn’t decide what to do so it froze in the middle of the intersection.

Didn’t know what to do at an intersection with flashing red lights.

Has difficulty deciding what to do in heavy construction zones lots of traffic cones.

Larry Baker


One issue I’ve noticed in my 23 MS is that FSD gives little room for pedestrians walking on or near the shoulder on our local streets. We have narrow country roads and idiots walk their dogs literally in the road. To make things even worse, they commonly seem to be walking in the morning when everyone’s on their way to work and the sun’s in drivers’ eyes, and also around 5 - 6 PM in the evening when people are driving home from work. In FSD, my MS gave a couple of people only maybe 24 inches inches of space while passing. If I was driving, I would usually swerve almost into the other lane to give these idiots ample room. One lady was cursing me up and down as I drove past viewing her from my rearview mirror. I felt bad but the car wasn’t going to hit her, but it was much closer than I myself would drive.


Perfect play by play. I'm listening to your video while I work almost like a podcast. Didn't feel like I missed too much not seeing it. Great video


My had some real HARD BRAKING regression for no reason.

One awful one is when entering a major highway with plenty of ingress lane and nobody in right travel lane. Turn signal is on...begins accelerating and suddenly and abruptly hard braking..then entering the lane!!

Another one is a constant tap of brakes while traveling with no obstacles around..both rural and city driving.

Last one is...stopped at an intersection. Already creeped up to limit and with cars coming from left or right, begins an acceleration, like darting into the intersection. I disengage because I feel like it's playing chicken with drivers. UGH!!

2 days is RoboTaxi announcement. Is this one of those give them a crappy release..then release the good stuff??? LOL


They are churning out these updates faster than you can make videos😂. I believe 12.5.6 came out yesterday.


Thanks for suggesting to pull the cameras up. I will do that in the future in tight two way streets. For me you always show the best use of FSD, and I have suggested to my friends on Facebook to look at your videos to get a good feel for using FSD. As always very job.


Great commentary as always; you're displaying a touch of humor which is appreciated. I just downloaded 4.1 while watching, gonna try it now in a M3P on W Coast. Yesterday path planner correctly said 1.9 mi to School Rd, but it wouldn't go into the traffic lane, and was headed for the large green sign (effectually splitting the difference) till I took over and stayed in exit lane. You wanta talk PTSD! Doing about 35 mph.


Most of us still have HW3. On HW3, v12.5.4.1 has been jerky on turns and auto-speed has been under the speed limit. Otherwise, the ride is smoother, doesn't hug the yellow line anymore, and curb clearances on turns are better. BTW...I live near Montclair, NJ too and have the same conditions as you have.


10/10 event soon! thanks for the FSD video as always


It does NOT like tight right turns pulling off a main road. Twice it knew there was a turn there, and twice it overshot the small turn and went into the wrong lane and stopped dead. Luckily neither time there was a car. The second time as I was approaching the turn and watching, I had my hands on the wheel and break ready to take over because I knew it was going to struggle.


Great video. This release is much better at avoiding curbs in my experience. Also recognizes the correct lane better. Still to fast over speed bumps and often does not see speed bumps at all.


Nice drive. You’re a critical judge, but that’s necessary. Definitely the bus/truck speed limit signs need to be ignored, the car needs to slow down for speed bumps under all conditions, and then pot holes need to be avoided. All doable I think. Once the car has this stuff down it will have it forever. Go Tesla!


Ha ha ha …love that video vignette “Common don’t hit that curb”


Some states also have daytime and nighttime speed limits (usually 10mph difference) but FSD always uses the daytime limit.


I really like this version. Still have to pedal it and it has trouble with some turns but overall usable


My 2017 Tesla Model S 75D just updated to today (2024-10-21) was using 12.3.x yesterday. I’m hoping to see some improvements. It made some mistakes that it was making six months ago, like trying to use a painted-off lane (large chevrons filling the space between two lanes) to make a left-hand turn at a light.
It was Accelerating way too hard ~100kW from 0-35 vs TA Autopilot would accelerate with less than ~50kW on the highway while traffic is up my rear.
It was Braking way too late & hard when coming up to stopped cars at a traffic light or empty stop sign.
It took a 90º turn WAY too fast from a 35 to highway on-ramp.
It would stay at 45 MPH from the service road after entering the highway with a 65 MPH limit.


I have a 24 MX plaid. I drive the same route using FSD sometimes. ha ha. I am always afraid of the curb as well.


I'm installing this update on my tesla model 3 now


Actually, I have a stretch of a big hill here in California with those different truck speed limits posted. It’s down right dangerous when FSD slams on the brakes to slow down to 35 mph in a 65-70 mph hwy.
