Chiropractic Adjustment - The Activator #shorts | Mississauga Chiropractor Dr Suharto Ongko

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Chiropractic Adjustment - The Activator #shorts | Mississauga Chiropractor Dr Suharto Ongko

Your Mississauga Chiropractors work with a number of techniques to better suit your needs. Check out this particular adjustment called the Activator and find out how the Chiropractors use this to cater to your spine.

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Brought to you by Dr. Suharto Ongko & Dr. AJ Pacis, Chiropractors in Mississauga, ON

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80 Queen St S
Mississauga, ON L5M 1K4

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The Active Family Chiropractic and Wellness Centre has been serving Mississauga residents since 1999 with chiropractic care, registered massage therapy and chiropody. Our Mississauga chiropractors strive to bring you the best that chiropractic has to offer.

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