Dr Luke Sakalosky - Activator Method of Spinal Adjusting

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My father had severe, paralyzing lower back and sciatic pain. A chiropractor used this thing on him for several sessions (complete with the "leg-length differential before and after improvement" comparison). After several sessions and no alleviation of the pain, we went to a real doctor who did scans and discovered bone spurs poking into his spinal cord. These were surgically removed and his severe pain was then gone.

Prior to the surgery, as we wrapped up the chiropractic visits, the chiropractor insisted that my dad just needed more sessions to make the problem subside. Truly -- clicking this Activator thingy was never going to make anyone's bone spurs go away.

I also remember inquiring about an assortment of candles in the corner of the chiropractic office. The chiropractor said it was for patients who wanted him to pray with them. I can't speak for all chiropractic "medicine" but I get a sense of this stuff being largely just woo woo woo.


I am not a chiropractor fan, but several years ago, I had severe sciatica pain where I could barely walk. Out of desperation, I went to a Chiro who did this exact method/procedure and right from the first treatment, the excruciating pain started to reduce. Over the course of a few weeks, I was pain-free. Even my husband was complaining that I was going to see a Chiro. But after a few treatments, he would say he didn't know how it worked, but it did.


I borrowed money from the mob and was late in paying it back. Two Italian chiropractors showed up at my door and gave me a full body massage with their bats. Now, my back is better and my legs are even. Thanks Dr. Mob!


This is how i played doctor with my friends at age 5


The Activator changed my life, i use it to heal muscles, headaches, chronic disease, cold and flu. The way it works is very similar to how a child uses a Children's Fisher-Price Injector Toy while they pretend to be a Doctor or Nurse. I don't think there are any limits to an Activators use.


I have bone on bone cervical discs 1, 2, and 3 in my neck. I will not let anyone twist my head and neck around in an effort to give me cracks and pops…..it’s dangerous. I could end up paralyzed. I have had the activator procedure done several times and I’ve always had relief afterwards. My chiropractor said they (he and his wife partner) stopped cracking and popping vertebrae many years ago.


Does the activator inject the snake oil directly into the afflicted areas or do you still apply it manually?


Activator adjustment seems interesting. Such a seemingly simple tool can fix complex problems. I dislocated my right shoulder 2 years ago and had my dad pop it back in and it never healed properly. Definitely want to see a chiropractor for that, hopefully I can see the activator in action!


I have lower back and spine problems, quite big pain.. Can these chiropractors and these adjustments really help??!!


The tool is effective when used properly. It does move bones and loosen joints, freeing nerves. Nerves control and regulate almost all body functions and of course are the carriers of pain. Chiropractic done properly is advanced practical neurology, mockers notwithstanding. An incredible number of mocking comments!


Informative video. Can i refer you to a chiropractic directory with over 1k members to publish your video? No charge


Activator is an incredible technique and works very well.  But this doc is not using proper Activator Methods protocol.  Does a T1 test and and adjusts T4.  That is not activator protocol.


iam still in doubt this lil device does anything., i think its a good way to make money and even more with x-rays and such but this little activator i dunno i have my  doubts i think i need to undergo a treatment to find out! but i have my doubts!


How about clients with real leg length difference?


How do conclude if the activator has done it's job correctly


Does this tap into left-helical chakras or right-helical chakras? Because one of these causes impotency in men and the other doesn't, and I'm not saying which is which.


It looks like something which makes the chiropractor's life very easy, and does nothing for the patient. I've never had it done on me, but it does look like quackery.


I wish my job was as easy as pressing a button.


You pretty much skipped the entire Basic Scan. If you're going to do the Activator method, at least do it properly. I am a chiropractor, I love using the Activator method for my patients, but you're doing it wrong and if this is how your were taught they were incorrect too. The legs never lie, they tell the story, x-ray is unnecessary. You're doing the patient a dis-service not checking the rest of the body for subluxations. You start with the knees and progressively work your way up the body. Nice table though! Those are nice High-Lows with the drop away foot pad. Reading these comments, most of these don't buy it because you went straight for her S2 and her Ischial crest. Tsk Tsk


I want to see an illustration how exactly this little bitty “click” is adjusting muscle, cartridge, and bones to straighten out somebody’s unequal legs length. 🤔
