EPIC Soviet Orchestral Theme - Wonderous Future (Прекрасное далёко)

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"Wondrous Future" (also spelled Wonderous), or Прекрасное Далеко, is a 1985 Soviet song from the incredibly popular TV series "Guest from the Future" (Гостья из будущего), which focuses on 80s-era Soviet aspirations for a world fueled by space exploration, technological development, and fully-realized communism.

The TV series is based on the 1978 novel One Hundred Years Ahead (Сто лет тому вперёд) by Kir Bulychov. The series starred Natalya Guseva as Alisa Selezneva, a girl from the future that travels to the present and Aleksei Fomkin as Kolya Gerasimov, a boy, who lives in the year 1984 and travels to the year 2084. The series was highly popular in the Soviet Union. It is still periodically reran in former Soviet nations, as well as other countries.
Рекомендации по теме

My Fine and distant future please don't be so cruel..
We should not give up dream of a stellar future..
The Ultravisionary dream is still present in our hearts..


I was born in one of the ex-Soviet republics and this song used to be my favorite as a child. Now it makes me sad, because we, most likely, have lost this «Wondrous Future»...


The only song about the future but actually about the past


"А сегодня что для завтра заделал ты?"


Remained me about my childhood when I was a young Soviet citizen now I came to Germany but this song filled my heart with my old memories keep it up tovarishch


I'm sure we can rebuild USSR on whole planet. We need to unite the world by socialistic ideas and that would our way to peaceful and prosper future for our children and their children


The sound of childhood... if only the future went how it does in the song ((


Музыка - гимн несбывшейся коммунистической мечты...


Ah, the Galactic Union of Soviet Socialist Republics!


May the USSR rise again and bring peace and glory to mankind and the human civilization
Long live the revolution and it's ideals!
For the workers, For the farmers for all those who work for their betterment!!
Down with the bourgeois who have oppressed the lower classes and the poor!!
We will rise up like Lenin and rebuild our nations following Stalin's glorious path!
With paths laid by Castro, Che and Allende freedom shall prevail!!
The world is ours from Latin America to Asia the proletariat is rising!!!


Extremely good! This is one of your best ones yet!


Слышу голос из Прекрасного Далека,
Голос утренний в серебряной росе.
Слышу голос - и манящая дорога
Кружит голову, как в детстве карусель.

Прекрасное далеко!
Не будь ко мне жестоко,
Не будь ко мне жестоко,
Жестоко не будь!
От чистого истока
В Прекрасное Далеко,
В Прекрасное Далеко
Я начинаю путь.

Слышу голос из Прекрасного Далека,
Он зовет меня в чудесные края.
Слышу голос - голос спрашивает строго:
А сегодня что для завтра сделал я?

Я клянусь, что стану чище и добрее
И в беде не брошу друга никогда.
Слышу голос - и спешу на зов скорее
По дороге, на которой нет следа.


Beautiful as always! keep up the good work!


Honestly this music just makes me feel a bit melancholic, it makes me think of a future that never was to be. It makes me think of how the world would have looked like without the Cold War happening, without capitalism restraining communist and socialist countries. Just imagine what sort of society the Soviet Union could have been if the money spend on all those missiles and militaries to fend off the capitalists was spend on its people. There could be free housing, free energy, free education, you name it. People wouldn’t have to toil to make ends meet. Every family could be well fed and have an income with which they could sustain themselves and live a happy life, children would never have to worry about tremendous debts or whether they could afford a roof over their heads. They’d be free to grow and explore their interests. And perhaps one day they would build rockets again, but this time bound not for earth but for beyond.


It was a better time when the people of the Soviet Union lived in peace with each other instead of murdering each other :'(


This fills me with hope and desire.... I grew up in the West, during the 50's and 60's when we had hope and fear mixed together. I first heard this in 2020 in a post soviet era tv drama about children seeing the end of the USSR. In the West we has "The Age of Aquarius" "Let the Sunshine In" The Age of Pisces is ended, and we are now in Aquarius. Don't lose hope. What is happening now is just the birth pangs of the age to come. My desire is to live to see the age. We are on the cusp. 2045 > 2059


It's a long way to the world of our Alisa. Dont be cruel to me... and dont be afraid, to walk this way to a very far away and distant future. We just begun. ❤❤❤


I once saw a Russian comment on a video about the прескрасное далеко becoming reality, in china.


For power engineers, mechanics, electromechanics, as well as all lovers of machinery a song about our favorite profession "Beautiful Motors", which is a parody of the song "Beautiful future"


Esta canción me devuelve la vida al chile <3.
