My HIFi Audio System Tips after 35 Years as an Audiophile!

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#HiFi #Audiophile #Stereo

Instagram: @stevehuffofficial

Today I talk about eight things that I have learned in my over 35 years of having HIfI systems in my life. I talk about the most important things related to setting up a system as well as what NOT to worry about. I have been what some would call an "Audiophile" since 1984 and have always had a two channel system. These are just a few of the many tips I can talk about. If you like this video I will make a part 2 with a few more tips, some that are not often talked about!


Great Audio Buys 2021:

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My main setup is a super stripped-down vintage system: A Sherwood S-110CP receiver (110 wpc) driving a pair of Ohm Walsh 2 speakers as well as a pair of Bose 201 bookshelf speakers. To my ears this system has great synergy, works very well for the space it's in and the sound I'm going for. I mostly listen to digital files these days.


Spent the last 3 years putting together my "grownup" hifi, piece by piece. You're advice is spot on. Not everyone has a dealer around. Finding synergy among hifi components is difficult. I picked speakers that fit my small room, Magnepan .7, then matched amp to speakers, Schiit Vidar, added a Schiit Freya S preamp, and like you probably spent about 20% of the total cost on cables - ac, speaker cables and interconnects. Sounds lovely.


Agree the front end makes a lot of difference. You mentioned your streamer not making a lot of difference. Recently replaced my Bluesound 2i with an ifi Zen streamer and my jaw dropped. I use the Chord Dave with Rogue amplification and Harbeth speakers. Agree wholeheartedly with all that you have said. My quest is now into its 5th decade!


I agree with most of the points made. I think that the most important part of my systems has been the speakers/room. Remember, speakers produce far more distortion than most competent electronics. Bass can be easily over 10%, even at modest levels. A pair of speakers with 8 inch woofers wont tend to really put out much clean sound below 60-70 hz in medium rooms. Unless, of course, the woofers are in a horn or TL cabinet. If you listen at 90dB peaks, then maybe its OK.


Exogal Comet DAC-> Parasound JC2-> Sansui AU-717-> Klipsch Original Fortes with Bob Crites Crossovers/Tweeters
I love the Fortes in a small room because they work well against walls and are shallow. No sub needed


I’ve been listening vinyl since about 1983 and I started my system in Germany in about 85-86 while on active duty Army.
Now at 57 I’m moving from JVC receiver to a McIntosh amp preamp combo for the first time.


Analogue vs digital costs; have always thought this, I think you are the first guy to go there! What's more, I think diminishing returns start to kick in at a much lower cost with digital - possibly even below true 'entry' level of analogue. This is why I disagree with guys recommending TT's for budget systems (and they don't seem to factor in media costs either...)


I appreciate your tips and advice, and i agree with what you said . I have often stated that the source is the most important component in a hi hi system. I have been told i am wrong by some audiophiles who claim the speakers are, or the amps are. They think these components can improve the source ! I still prefer analogue over digital. It might cost more but it's worth the trouble. To get the best out of your records, you have to spend some time in thoroughly cleaning them, both new and used. When this is done the sound quality is amazing.


There's a saying that goes, 'it don't mean a thing if it ain't got that swing'. If your just experiencing a cerebral response then something is missing and I have found I increased my enjoyment of music by changing from a high quality, highly regarded preamp to a much cheaper and lesser quality one because the expensive one never managed to get my feet tapping. It is important to note the cheap unit did not go as deep and tight or as high but it was perfectly acceptable and much more engaging.


Beat you, I have had 45 years of audio. But I just know what I hear & mainly listening picking up tweaks along the way. My shortfall is my budget with 4 kids & 8 grandchildren. But I am happy still. ( I wonder what I would buy if I came into a massive windfall though) lol.


Excellent advice--I agree with everything said. Synergy amongst components and room Acoustics is tricky and difficult to get right.


Thank you. This is one of the most comprehensive videos regarding two channel listening that I have ever watched period. Cheers


I have a pair of Pioneer Prologue 70-s. I used old JVC R-2X to drive these. Bass was great but highs were really dull. I came upon a deal of Kenwood receiver, and it completely transformed the sound quality - lost some bass but highs are crisp and mids are lovely


I was very happy to find out that I actually run a piece of equipment you've recommended: the PS Audio Sprout 100. It's the focal point of my system and is currently connected to a heavily customized Rega Planar 3 TT - I'm also planning on adding a Marantz 5005 CD player to that. My speakers are a pair of DALI Oberon 5's, and my cables are Chord Clearways.

I could probably try and wax lyrical about how much I get out of a rather budget-level system - but I really don't. The speaker positioning is beyond terrible, among a ton of other compromises - and that's simply because the living room in our apartment will not allow for 'proper' audiophile arrangement of the components. And you know what, I'm fine with that. That's also the reason why I'm not currently considering any upgrades - since I wouldn't be able to actually 'hear' them either way. But that doesn't take away from the fact that we all love our audio system at home, even if we know it's quite cramped, and it's a hassle even keeping it in clean & running order with two doggos and a toddler running riot around... Music is still at the very heart of our home and putting on a vinyl represents a blissfully homey experience. So it doesn't sound as great as it could/should - oh well; there's a ton of things to make up for that.

Besides, when I want some more intimate hi-fi time, I can always reach for my HiFiMan Deva's. Wireless, of course - as audiophile compromises go, this is another one that I'm more than willing to make.


From what you have described, you will love the Holo May. I moved from my Pontus to May KTE and I can call it a day. Insane realism with the musicality.


Pure wisdom. So easy to get lost in the quest for perfection, which is not reachable by definition. Thanx a lot Steve. That was a pleasure to watch.


I agree with your tips and can share your experience. One of the things I think is useful to know also is not all recordings sound great whether played on a vinyl, CD or streaming. End of the day it’s about the performance, the recording, mixing and mastering process. All these steps if done correctly just brings so much enjoyment and just sounds more refined, at least to me.

I currently own a great audio system which works for me with a Marantz Ruby driving my KEF R700 speakers, Pontus II Dac and the next journey to where I want to be is still something I am thinking about. I ask myself this question: what do I hope to achieve next? Once I figure that out I may go bold with a pre-amp and monoblocs! Passlabs is definitely a product I am interested in. Cheers!


What a great list, I think there may be one more important (there is of cause countless things) the "head in a screw stick": you have to decide if you are able / willing to have one precise spot where your system sounds rally magic, or you will be able to move a bit, is it only you in a dedicated room with one chair or is it in a sofa in the living room. When deciding speakers, is it a great idea to also look at how critical the speakers are when it is about the listening spot.


Well put and can't disagree with any of your tips. I am definitely in the camp of speakers have the biggest influence over the sound of the components. The system and the room acoustics are equally important as to what you hear. One blessing of this pandemic mess is it incentivised me to get back into music listening. Consequently, I put together a second system and dedicated an upstairs bedroom into a listening room. Use to be a diehard analog guy so I started with a VPI Scout TT and Ortofon 2M black cartridge, Rouge RP1 preamp, and a Carver Crimson 275 tube amp. Wanted to better appreciate all the digital advances over the past 10 years so I modded out my OPPO 103d CD/DVD player and added a Gustard X26 dac. The detail and resolution was incredible along with the imaging. Of course, as mentioned earlier, I am in the speaker camp so I felt my next step was speaker upgrade. My speakers were Totem ARRO and they were seemingly perfect for my small room of 11'x13'. But I couldn't resist the DALI Epicon 2s for sale on Audiogon. The listening experience now seems magical and I truly enjoy spending time again listening to my collection of vinyl and CDs. Not sure if I'm done yet but my wife says I am!


Btw, my system,
Nottingham turntable, sumiko cartridge, clearaudio phonoamp
Classe pre
Jeff Rowland power
Accuphase power
Digital: bel canto, topping with powersuply(fun!)
Energy veritas v2.8
2x rel subs
Damped and diffused audioroom
Cables : nordost, cardas, vd hul, jorma design, chord, straight wire
