The Monad - Soul Matrix

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In this video I will share the knowledge I have about Monad, our soul matrix.
Hope you enjoy it :)

About me:
I am Fabi!
I am a Reiki Master & Seichen Master. I work with spiritual guidance through Pendulum Reading as well as Aura Reading. I love to talk about spirituality in a simple way, so everybody can understand.

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I believe you. I too have been on a spiritual journey. Although my picture is not my true age or appearance presently, it is the one I love the most! I'm 66 now. Still handsome! But, as I said I have been on a spiritual quest for truth of where I come from. To me, 'Love' is one of the most important possessions in life. Compassion and forgiveness are most essential not only for growth but for survival in this world. Bitterness, anger and hatred can only hold us captive and back from our forward journey. Much love to you dear lady and thank you for sharing this bit of treasured knowledge with everyone!


Thank you. I just recently found the term monad. Thank you for sharing your information. Blessings.


Please continue posting these videos. They are very insightful. Thank you!


You are very nice. Thank you for sharing this high quality information. ❤


This is brilliant, Fabi! I resonated with EVERY word! Well done, You! Respect!


Two monks went to a sage and asked how many lives they had to live to escape samsara. The first monk was told 100 and he was disappointed that so much lay before him. The second monk was told he had more lives to live than all the leaves in a nearby tree. But instead of being discouraged, he was happy, because he knew he would eventually make it and looked forward to all the experiences that were before him.


What if this was your last time?

We think of reincarnation as this endless wheel of samsara that we are trying to escape. But what if you knew this was your last life, last incarnation? What would you do different NOW?

Would you be afraid
Would you feel unworthy
Would you waste one moment in
Jealousy, judgement, hurt
Or wrath…

Love your neighbor
As yourself
The incarnation of God

Be no martyr
Therefore have no need of one
No power over your sovereignty
Discern for yourself

Choose to create the world you see
The projection of your heart
That is the reflection of your soul
And this is what you manifest

As within
So with out

Best possible world
If you can leave it behind
Stay attached
and the OUTCOME collapses

Before you go
Take one last look at the world
It is as you see it


I believe you ✨️💛 I've only recently in the last week heard the term monad. Your sincerety and inner truth radiate throughout your whole message. I'm following the breadcrumbs of the guidance I'm being given to learn as much as possible. This is such a beautiful message. Thank you Fabi 💚💫


Monad = the zero-dimensional (0D) space holding our quarks together with the Strong Nuclear Force.

Soul = the totality of a person's quark mass (measured in Megaelectron Volts).

Quarks have mass but no size (no spatial extension) and if they aren't here, they're there.

The "other side" is the other side of the Monad.


I Believe you. Thank you 🙏 for sharing this knowledge. I heard the word Monad from a Reiki master, and it resonated with me immediately and for some time, when I prayed, I started calling for my Monad. I felt a hunger for “integration of my many selves, and attract them to myself to gather strength and clear vision of my Divine origin and purpose. I found your video this morning, after listening to the gnostic version of the monad. Something was missing from this interpretation of ancient texts. Your explanation made perfect sense to me. I feel a sense of relief. That I somehow sense this Truth inwardly, but did not know how to explain it. Your teaching and channeled message was clear and simple, yet rich in meaning and deep in its truth. I celebrate your courage to share. I know how it feels when you think of sharing a message that is not a popular belief. Once again, I am truly grateful. I will be watching your videos and opening my heart to this wisdom. You are truly blessed.


Interesting. This might be 4 years old by now but it still checks out for me. :)
I heard that angels refer to themselves as "divine flames" and that they describe us (aka our souls) as "divine sparks". How cool is that. :)
Thank you. I send love.


Thank you for This, Your Crystal Clarity💎🙏I Appreciate You my Dear Sister 🌹Bless You Always ✨️🪽🤍💛


Resonated so much with me. Thank you, Fabi, for sharing your knowledge. Many blessings to you. 🙏


I connected with my monad in a recent 🍄 experience. This helps me so much to understand more about it! SO amazing. ❤️‍🔥 Thank you!


I feel chosen ones will take the all souls back to their Monad. They will inspire people of their group and we will go back.


Beautiful! I am also a monad. A monadic twin on my last life. Its a great discovery. I am ready to learn as this is all so amazing to have found out exists.


Thank you❤ I’m grateful I found you here on YouTube 🙏


Thank you so much Fabi! I just pulled archangel Raziel card and was reading the guide book and it mentioned the Monad and just had to know what that was. You described it perfectly


Thank you so much Fabi !! As someone whose native language is not English you did a perfect job explaining this, well done. I believe what you say is true. I have heard parts of this here and there, so this really joined a lot of dots for me. I understand the "past" lives and parallel lives better now also.


Very true, also maybe mention the pleroma, and Sophia...thx


Reminds me of what I read in the prism of Lyra by Lyssa Holt. Great explanation!
