CSS em and rem explained #CSS #responsive

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A look at the CSS units EM and REM, how they work and when you might want to use one over the other!
First I take a look at some basic examples of both ems and rems, then move onto some more interesting things with buttons and a call to action, as well how we can take advantage of both the em and rem with media queries.
The way the em unit is calculated actually changes depending on if being used for that element's font-size or if it's being used for any other property, and this can be leveraged in some pretty awesome ways!
Knowing when to use em vs rem can be a tricky business, but hopefully this video can help put you on the right track!
I'm on some other places on the internet too!
If you'd like a behind the scenes and previews of what's coming up on my YouTube channel, make sure to follow me on Instagram and Twitter.
First I take a look at some basic examples of both ems and rems, then move onto some more interesting things with buttons and a call to action, as well how we can take advantage of both the em and rem with media queries.
The way the em unit is calculated actually changes depending on if being used for that element's font-size or if it's being used for any other property, and this can be leveraged in some pretty awesome ways!
Knowing when to use em vs rem can be a tricky business, but hopefully this video can help put you on the right track!
I'm on some other places on the internet too!
If you'd like a behind the scenes and previews of what's coming up on my YouTube channel, make sure to follow me on Instagram and Twitter.
CSS em and rem explained #CSS #responsive
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22 | EM VS REM MEASUREMENTS EXPLAINED IN CSS | 2023 | Learn HTML and CSS Full Course for Beginners
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