Survival (1979) - Bob Marley & The Wailers

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#Survival #BobMarley #Survival #BobMarleyAndTheWailers
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It’s the world that forces life long insecurity’s, nuclear Mis energy, acrostic, music still relevant today. He died the day I was born minutes apart
Praise the father, the son and the Holy Spirit 🤙🏽


The undisputed King of Reggae! He started the modern day Reggae Revolution. A true pioneer. ‘Love Always’ Galatians 6:9


Friday the 17th week in ordinary time. The Catholic Mass gospel reading Matthew 13:54-58
"is this not the carpenters son? Where then did this man get all this? A good man is never honoured in his yard"
This is prolific and it inspired the song survival!


su musica es el refugio de las almas de todo este mundo de carton...


This remembers me my youth days, really these songs never die, each time you listen to again you feel that you are born again.Leave or die, laugh or cry, this is the life my friend.


Yeah, yeah, yeah!
How can you be sitting there
Telling me that you care
That you care?
When every time I look around,
The people suffer in the suffering
In every way, in everywhere
Say, na-na-na-na-na (na-na, na-na!)
We're the survivors
Yes, the Black survivors!
I tell you what some people got everything
Some people got nothing
Some people got hopes and dreams
Some people got ways and means
Na-na-na-na-na (na-na, na-na!)
We're the survivors
Yes, the Black survivors!
Yes, we're the survivors, like Daniel out of the lions' den
(Black survivors) Survivors, survivors!
So I Idren, I sistren,
A-which way will we choose?
We better hurry oh, hurry oh, hurry wo, now!
'Cause we got no time to lose
Some people got facts and claims
Some people got pride and shame
Some people got the plots and schemes
Some people got no aim it seems
Na-na-na-na-na, (na-na, na-na!)
We're the survivors,
Yes, the Black survivors!
Tell you what, we're the survivors
Yeah! the Black survivors
Yeah! we're the survivors, like Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego
(Black survivors), thrown in the fire, but never get burn
So I Idren, I sistren,
The preaching and talkin' is done
We've gotta live up, wo now, wo now!
'Cause the Father's time has come
Some people put the best outside
Some people keep the best inside
Some people can't stand up strong
Some people won't wait for long
Na-na-na, na-na-na na!
We're the survivors
In this age of technological inhumanity (Black survival)
Scientific atrocity (survivors)
Atomic misphilosophy (Black survival)
Nuclear misenergy (survivors)
It's a world that forces lifelong insecurity (Black survival)
Together now
(Na-na-na-na-na!) Na na-na na na! (Na na-na na na!)
We're the survivors, yeah!
We're the survivors!
Yes, the Black survivors!
We're the survivors
A good man is never honored (survivors)
in his own country (Black survival)
Nothing change, nothing strange (survivors)
Nothing change, nothing strange (Black survivors)
We got to survive, y'all! (survivors)


A masterpiece and so is Wake Up And Live. When one fully believes they are living for a purpose they can do great things. Exodus and Survival are truly great recordings.


I dedicate this track to the covid 19 affected Nations, , , Black man survival!!! Very true scientific atrocities


In honor of those ones who against all odds endured the Trans Atlantic journeys of the Slave that we could live to sing the tale....the Black Survivors....


Some people put the: best outside.
Some people keep the: best inside.


This man was way ahead of his time... I pray his words from the word, actually starts to manifest in the hearts and minds of Ja (Ya's) people. 🙏🏾


These lyrics hit my soul in a way few things can


Oui, oui, oui! Comment peux-tu être assis làà me dire que tu te soucies Que tu te soucies ? Quand chaque fois que je regarde autour de moi, les gens souffrent dans la souffranceDe toutes les manières, partoutDites, na-na-na-na-na (na-na, na-na!) Nous sommes les survivants Oui, les survivants noirs! Je vous dis ce que certaines personnes ont tout obtenu Certaines personnes n’ont rien eu Certaines personnes ont des espoirs et des rêves Certainespersonnes ont obtenu des moyens Na-na-na-na-na (na-na, na-na!) Nous sommes les survivants Oui, les survivants noirs! Oui, nous sommes les survivants, comme Daniel sorti de la fosse aux lions (survivants noirs) Survivants, survivants! Alors je Idren, I sistren, A-quelle voie allons-nous choisir? Nous ferions mieux de nous dépêcher oh, dépêchez-vous oh, dépêchez-vous wo, maintenant! Parce que nous n’avons pas de temps à perdre Certaines personnes ont obtenu des faits et des affirmations Certaines personnes ont eu de la fierté et de la honte Certaines personnes ont eu les complots et les stratagèmesCertaines personnes n’ont pas de but il sembleNa-na-na-na-na, (na-na, na-na!) Nous sommes les survivants, oui, les survivants noirs! Dites-vous quoi, nous sommes les survivants oui! les survivants noirs oui! nous sommes les survivants, comme Shadrac, Méschac et Abednego (survivants noirs), jetés dans le feu, mais ne se brûlant jamais Alors je Idren, je sistren, la prédication et la discussion sont terminéesNous devons vivre, wo maintenant, wo maintenant! Parce que le temps du Père est venu Certaines personnes mettent le meilleur à l’extérieur Certaines personnes gardent le meilleur à l’intérieur Certaines personnes ne peuvent pas tenir debout fortesCertaines personnes n’attendront pas longtemps Na-na-na, na-na-na na! Nous sommes les survivants En cette ère d’inhumanité technologique (survie des Noirs)Atrocité scientifique (survivants)Erreur de philosophie atomique (survie des Noirs)Énergie nucléaire (survivants)C’est un monde qui force l’insécurité à vie (survie des Noirs)Ensemble maintenant (Na-na-na-na-na!) Na na-na na na! (Na na-na na na!) Nous sommes les survivants, oui ! Nous sommes les survivants! Oui, les survivants noirs! Nous sommes les survivants Un homme bon n’est jamais honoré (survivants) dans son propre pays (survie noire)Rien ne change, rien d’étrange (survivants)Rien de changement, rien d’étrange (survivants noirs)Nous devons survivre, vous tous! (survivants)


Oh Praise The Lord! Oh mystery Babylon yuh doomed !!!!


We are the SURVIVORS👑💎
the 🏆 WINNERS💙🧡💚💛💎🔑 Praise YAH 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙏🏾


Like Shadrak, Misha and Abednego. Do yo remember bro?...Survivals!!!💥💫


Babylon survivor here. Better recognize before its too late. Bob aint about the black, he is warning about the Babylon


It's a world that forces lifelong insecurities.


2021! Deus abençoe a todos de coraçãoes bom


Best album ever. So deep, so true, he saw it all.
