Build your first plugin: 4. Building Your Plugin

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In this video series we'll learn together, and build a plugin that creates a customizable post for a social media app design. We'll start with a basic overview, go through an introduction to plugins and APIs, walk through how to set up your environment, take you step-by step-through building our first plugin and finally, show you how to publish to the community.

This video will show you how to build your plugin.

00:00 - Introduction
00:10 - Overview
00:23 - The Design File
00:45 - What Are We Building and Why?
01:43 - Card Components
02:23 - Third Party APIs
03:05 - Project Requirements
04:40 - Tom Lowry's UI Library
05:09 - Logic Overview
06:30 - Building UI
07:02 - Creating A Module
07:59 - Running The Plugin
08:50 - Creating Input Fields and Labels for Username, Name, and Description
10:20 - Adding Block Styling
10:34 - Switch
11:03 - Tom Lowry's UI Library
11:36 - Adding Classes
12:09 - Adding A Switch 12:10
12:38 - Adding Radio Buttons
13:26 - Adding the Submit Button
13:48 - UI Finishing Touches
14:39 - Adding Logic
14:47 - Event Listener
16:10 - Adding The Event Listener
16:49 - Checking The Event Listener
17:15 - Creating Constant Variables
18:05 - Logging The Variables
18:43 - Dark Mode Constants
19:18 - Adding Variant Values and Query Selector
20:03 - Logging The Variants
20:33 - Parent Post Message Method
22:25 - Running The Logs
22:47 - Closing The Plugin
23:13 - Dark Mode Conditional
24:10 - Figma API Reference
25:08 - Exploring Component Set Nodes and the Find One Method
26:26 - Exploring the Property Tags
27:08 - Adding The Find One Method to Code.TS
27:45 - Checking The Component Set Node Find One Method
28:00 - Default Variants
28:48 - Creating a Default Instance
29:21 - Adding a Create Instance to Code.TS
30:00 - Creating Variations
31:03 - Checking the Dark Mode Conditional
31:39 - Creating Other Variants
32:13 - Logging the Variants
32:31 - Nested If Else Statements
33:19 - Switch Case Statement
34:41 - Other Switch Cases
35:15 - Creating Variants
36:00 - Let Variable
37:15 - Completing The Switch Case Statements
37:30 - Creating the Instance of the Selected Variant
37:41 - Testing the Switch Cases
38:15 - Selecting the Text Nodes
39:45 - Checking the Text Node Logs
39:57 - Overwriting the Default Text
40:20 - Font Loading Error
40:50 - Loading the Font Family
41:55 - Testing the Text Overwrites
42:14 - Finishing Touches
42:54 - Scroll and Zoom Into View
44:30 - Wrapping Up

#Figma #FigJam #Plugin #Tutorial #NothingGreatIsMadeAlone
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Also, at 13:00 the class names for the labels should be "radio__label" instead of "radio__button". Sorry for the confusion!


For those having issue with the styles from figma-plugin-ds not showing up: An error in the Figma console log says "Refused to load the stylesheet because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive..." which means <link> tag is probably not going to work.

What can fix this: Open the css file via the CDN link, and copy the styles over into the <style> tag in your ui.html file as suggested by another comment.


Thank you for this tutorial. As of November 2023, and on a Mac, this needs quite a few changes to get around errors and issues with the external stylesheet from Tom. It took me a while to work this out (especially as a Figma plugin beginner), and it would be nice to see an updated version with all the fixes that Figma requires. For what it’s worth. ⭐


For people having problem with the styles from figma-plugin-ds carrying through to figma from the <link> tag or a separate CSS file, I copied the entire thing into my <styles> tag inside the ui.html file ad it worked.
Hope that works for you also. Cheers!


ty for the dora-like interactive pauses. I yell out the answers i can't help it 😀


I think the properties "value" inside element label in input div should be "placeholder". Is it right?


Hey there, unfortunately I am not able to use the UI library within Figma -- it doesn't seem to apply the styling but I can see it on an external browser. Would really appreciate some help with this!


A good challenge here is to try and remove the need for if and switch statements by using template literals to convert your imageVariant and darkModeState into a string representing your components name to be used when calling postComponentSet.findOne(). Also add a default checked state to one of your radio buttons to keep from getting errors for null values!


hi can you make a video on creating a plugin that works with images (like the unsplash). the docs is kinda confusing, thanks


Hey, Amazing tutorial!

This plugin only works on that specific Figma file. How can I make it in a way that I can use it in other files and yet get the same results?


I don't know why. Tom Lowry's UI library it not work in my file. is anybody know why?


<input id="username" class="input__field" type="text">
assign ID to input rather than label. I am beginner and spent whole afternoon why my log is always showing null or undefined.


Thanks for this tut. Im getting a typescript error on Property 'createInstance' does not exist on type 'SceneNode'.
Property 'createInstance' does not exist on type 'ComponentSetNode'.


My radio button value is showing "Null" everytime, can you explain why ?


Hi dear figma
When i added style tags like video
My first style's color changed to red.
Now i wanna know how can i send photo and describe my issus completly🤗🙃


The radio button didn't work on me, is there any problem? But for the label, i've change it from radio__button to label in the <label> tag. Any help?


I tried to use the styles from Github it doesn't work!!
I copied this 👇 to my html file, changed classes / modifiers and it doesn't change input field style!
<!-- Standard link tag-->
<link rel="stylesheet"


radio buttons don't appear (I copied your exact code)


Unable to try the call to `figma.root.findOne()` in console at @25:56 . `figma` is undefined. Please someone tell if I'm missing something obvious. Just checked that this works from within code.ts though.


She became totally different person than the previous 3 lessons 😂
