Can Extra Dimensional Codes Unlock Mysteries of the Universe?

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Join us in exploring Emergence Theory and The Self-Simulation Hypothesis. The video covers E8, Emergence Theory basics, and the mystical aspects of future physics.

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Consider the following: Language, the very thing we utilize to think thoughts and convey ideas.

Un-named Concepts -> Given a Name (could be a sound, symbol, etc) -> With an attached meaning -> And maybe even other meanings depending upon context -> And maybe even other names with the same meaning.

(Basically a Dictionary and a Thesaurus for a language).

a. How exactly do we know for 100% certainty that we have all the un-named concepts that could ever be named?
b. How exactly do we know for 100% certainty that the meanings we give named concepts are 100% correct?

We truly do not know what we do not know.

This is a part of the 'Great Unknown'. Never stop learning.

(Always have an 'unknown' in every analysis and an 'oops' in every experiment.)

Of which, an entity or a society of entities:
1. Can name their own un-named concepts.
2. Can give their own meanings to named concepts.
3. Can have alternative meanings to named concepts depending upon context.
4. Can have alternative names with the same meaning.

(Basically, create their own language that only they and they alone know).

Learn to function in the 'Great Unknown'.



If we evaluate the frequency with which similarity shows up in nature will we get a model that adheres to E8? Can it be almost predictive of how many pigeons will exist in a given area based on how many are headed that way? I'm more curious about the potential than the pigeons obviously.


I think the collatz conjecture is in there some where.🤔🤔🤔


The mission starts with the hardest thing to comprehend and the goal is to correlate it's intricacies with that which can be measured.
6:23 "...even the idea of consciousnesses from the future being able to come back here and observe or even interact with us."
err... time has no directionality, but maybe some people have a false world model which they are able to believe in.
that said, have you guys ever changed the rod-angle of a precessing gyroscope, it lowers it's inertia against gravity.
That's a bit of "new" physics, so, if a mass has speed in three directions it's easier to move.
According to Einstein, the faster you go, the faster everything else experiences time, so maybe it has something to do with that.


This is so hard to explain to friends and family who don't want to know the true nature of reality...I share this and other QGR videos with them all the time to make it easier to understand. I donate but a dream of mine is to be a part of this team. I believe in Klee and what his group has found...let's help all of humanity!


Does adinkras code align with e8 lattices


I Feel soooo much Love- inside- just watching this ❤️ ❤❤❤ 🤷‍♀️ I do not know exactly sure why?? I have an idea- but .. wt…how INTERESTING 🤔 revealing more of who or what I Am lol.. i reckon! Have great day night now everyone! 🧐
From my Heart to all of yours— 🤷‍♀️ ❤❤❤❤😊


Incredible! ....and so well said that even I could understand. Thank you for your work.


you're almost there, keep it going!


sometime, i thought The universe may be a generative adversarial network(GAN),
with you as the discriminator and the rest as the generator(vs E8), matching across scales to create your-reality


The podcasters look as if they popped a couple gummies; maybe that is the key to unlocking the mysteries of the universe!


a. Whatever 'reality' actually is, it appears to allow numbers and certain mathematical constants to exist so that mathematics can be able to do what mathematics does. Otherwise, how could mathematics do what mathematics currently appears to do in this existence?

b. "IF" my current theory of everything idea is correct (currently dependent upon the results of my gravity test, but 'if' true), that the energy unit of this existence is the eternally existent 'gem' photon, then see a post after this one as to how numbers and certain mathematical constants might exist in this existence.

c. See also after this post, some of the things that my TOE idea can currently potentially answer. And 'if' my TOE idea is not correct, then please show me a logical and coherent answer that can potentially answer all of those items.

d. As a extra, see also after this post the potential completion of the Periodic Table of the Elements.


That model can be used to configure a large set of data or work as a pool mechanism to link up data sets for large language modules for machine learning and deep learning.
Sad to hear that a level of self gratification is all with the scientists and a complex model is explored that is not easily to wrap around for certain audiences. So further advances in technology are only for those who keep up and are on the field.
Whether binary code is relevant here is also impossible to know. Because likely the model of algebrae is not touching that possibility. Rather testing the possibility of self replicating crystal shapes in mozaic fashion.


Dude is speaking in Rubix Cube.😆😆
its funny cause the girl keeps saying "mmm" like she gets it. 🤣🤣😭


Hidden code you say, try every which way, still no revelation. Reality isn't esoteric nor does it have a function, it is. However it's structure and structure has a geometry. Trouble is you're profoundly limited by example.


In chess humans decided the rules or syntactical freedom of the piece but in case of our reality who decided that, you termed it pan consciousness, how this thing emerged from absolutely nothing


the answer is in front of us like in the Kabbalah or the Torah. We just have to figure out how to decoded everything and then use it to unlock the mysterious of the universe.


This is not even guasi-science. This is woohoo science. 😅


Hey I just want to let you know you are wrong about it self-actualizing itself as a whole. You are it! You have to self-actualize yourself within it! You don't want to selfie actualize the whole thing!!! That would not be good that would be something just stuck in its own head. That has no eyes no ears nothing outside of itself. It'd be like the movie Johnny got a gun. It would want to commit suicide and then you're making something conscious of all the pain and suffering and crimes that have ever happened within it, and it would be Psycho. You are it you self-actualizing yourself within itself. You are the emergence not the whole thing, not the whole 8D sphere.

I like the Vishnu analogy there is wisdom in that metaphorically. If we are a dream within itself you make the dream a lucid dream so we can live in it in a paradise forever. You don't make the dream itself real. You make the dream a lucid dream do you understand?


i can help u locate this "theory" you are looking for.... I know the game you are talking about... I can explain it
