Worship Tech Booth Makeover Grace Church Ep. 1 | Streaming Encoder, Broadcast Mix, Camera Exposure

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Glad I could make a cameo haha - definitely looking forward to seeing some cleanup!


Thanks for walking through this and look forward to seeing the rest of the videos


This video was pretty informative and constructive, I’m still learning about church tech, I personally don’t have any ideas of your questions but i appreciate the way you are upgrading the church production and tech in this church.
Can’t wait for the Episode 2 !


WLM Plus Loudness Meter
A great loudness metering plugin that also has a built in limiter. You want to be hitting between 18 and 15 LUFS during worship and between 20 and 18 for any talking head moments.


Definitely go decimator design for the HDMI<>SDI multiview run the HD-LX is great. The failure rate compared to other brands is so much better. Either that or we really like using NDI for that stuff so you can pull up a multiview anywhere.

Loudness is tough, a LUFS meter as some others have mentioned is great, in conjunction with a reference track that you can solo without interrupting the stream audio is a big win. That way you can monitor like you mentioned, bass balance or any overall tone compared to a well mixed track, it could be smashing your limiter without you knowing. Our ears adjust pretty quickly to what we are listening to so having the reference there is game changing.

Blessing mate, appreciate the humility being open to others ideas and working together as God's global church. There is great power in that


I've been running the 2me production studio 4k on a streamdeck xl for over a year now. It works well. Allows me to customize all my buttons and automate the whole broadcast. Just got my last two pieces of hardware (wing and novastar) networked in to control from the same panel.


Great video. Thanks for all of the awesome view points and tips when addressing this kind of stuff


Great video! I highly recommend the audio for broadcast is to use a USB sound card and run it to a separate mixer next to the video switch and run the audio to the switch


@Jake have you considered automating stream start and stop from companion ? Since version 2.2 you can use the "triggers" option to do that kind of things. For exemple one trigger could be schedule to run every Sunday at 9:45 am : Set ATEM program to input 8; start stream. Would save you the monthly Boxcast fee.


For monitoring the stream audio I think it is helpful to listen at the absolute last place in the signal flow you can to know what is really being sent to the encoder. I use the headphone out of the ATEM Television Studio HD because it is the last step before the encoder and it works great for this, is simple and is the best way to catch is something is wrong further up the signal flow. As an extra benefit of this approach we are using a separate Aux mix from our Allen & Heath SQ for the stream and we don't need to constantly switch settings on the mixer between house and stream headphone mixes (we simply switch headphones).


This video is very informative, I enjoyed watching it. At my church, in our booth we have a Behringer X32 that we use for our sound, then our sound from the X32 goes to our video switcher which is the Roland V60HD, and we have two PTZ Optics cameras that go into that, we also have a computer that we have PowerPoints that go along with Sunday services. The computer is also connected to our Roland video switcher. We also have a Matrox Monarch encoder which streams to Facebook.


First, thanks for the video Jake. You helped me a lot with thinking through some stuff for our live stream that we can implement. Especially for our audio. I’m still dialing everything in — we don’t mix in a daw — but I will say this past week I feel like I was able to get our mix to a good starting point.

I meant not be able to answer the other questions you asked in the video but I think that having a LUFS meter on the master bus will really help with the metering for y’all. We’re probably gonna use the same thing this week too. I think the “standard” for loudness is ~23dB LUFS or so.


Here are the before and after of the live stream for these changes.


The H-Delay plugin from Waves has a Tap tempo button on it. That's what I use.


I'm the "one-armed wallpaper hanger" guy. But we have dante, so I get all the PT channels from dante. Mix 'em in Ableton, send a stereo pair via dante to the Yamaha TF-5. Then a stereo aux pair goes into Datavideo switcher. Given the newness of our volunteers, I have a pretty hefty compressor on the TF5 stereo aux output. I also have a separate iMac monitoring the youtube channel, so I get a 15sec delayed video/audio feed, that's the final check for possible distortion. I try to monitor the PT during their rehearsal at the TF5 and/or switcher headphones for quality. Primitive, eh?


Florida Man makes church audio videos every week.


We just switched to boxcast, and now the boxcaster is free when you sign up for the $150 a month plan on a year contract.


23:50 we use a Nobsound db meter from aliexpress that is very easy to read and helps everyone see how loud the stream volume is.


We use a MOTU M2 to monitor & adjust our live stream audio levels. The meters are much more detailed than many other interfaces. Our setup is very basic, using it to capture audio into a PC for OBS. But it could be used in other scenarios too.


I would slap Dante virtual soundcard on the broadcast computer and use a Dante to analog converter and the small mixer you already have at the switching station.
