How God of War Ragnarok Butchered The 'Quick Turn'

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In today's combat video, i explain how God of War Ragnarok didn't understand why the quick turn was important and how the designer completely butchered it (possibly, unintentionally).
I hope this gets fixed with NG+
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Absolutely despise quick turn in Ragnarok. This alternative is clutch


Wow. I never knew the retreat attacks give invincibility. Thank you for the info


Man, I loved using quick turn in God of War 2018.


The L1+down quick turn was kinda buggy so I changed it to L3... I did have an issue where I would accidentally quick turn but I've gotten better with it


i set mine to the down swipe on the d-pad
works perfectly


It would make more sense if you could active the spear while you have your shield open and deactivate it by simply switching weapons, because the Spear is ALWAYS used with a shield, a Spartan without a shield is no Spartan


I 100% agree with this, but I have gotten used to it. Another great vid.


The thing about the Quickturn in this game is obviously you have to press L1 more than down on the d pad, or you could just hold L1 then press down on the d pad, but everyone doesn’t want to be blocking while you’re quick turning


I don’t think they even showed you how to do quick turn in the tutorial for ragnarok. My issue is that once I got the spear it made me equip that when I pressed down on the d pad, even when I was still holding L1. So sometimes it worked and sometimes it didn’t.


Played this game for 5 days and couldn't figure quick turn until now, appreciate it


Ok I wanna finally put this out there, the survival mode in 2018 was way better...yup...I said it. Oh and the training room in Niflheim is worse too. So often I find myself trying to pull off combos only for Freya to yell "BEHIND YOU" seconds before I'm clobbered 40 times in the head while trying to pull off a stylish combo. Pulling on stylish moves is so much harder because the enemies are so much more aggressive and are ALWAYS somehow behind you....and WTF are u supposed to do when the QUICK TURN DOESNT EXIST least not in its former glory, but I rest my case. I love Ragnorok and I love the spear so damn much and the story and the characters but GOD DAMN this has been bugging me.


I also liked how u can take out the axe faster in gow 4 (if u have the blades of chaos equipped) with Triangle. Even though thats gone now, the extra abilities are good but I don't use them as often.


The input might not be the issue, but for me it certainly felt like one. It was easy and quick to do 2018, not so much in Ragnarok in my opinion. It would also have been nice if they had offered other options for the input that what we got or that we could configure it ourselves.


I just mapped the quick turn to a downward swipe on the touchpad. But never even ended up using it


0:08 absolutely agree for this . But same time they had fix by touch pad controls. I guss they should make R1+L1 for spear like gow 1 had


Hot take: God of war 2’s blood looks better than God of war 3’s blood.God of war 2’s blood looks more like blood whilst God of war 3’s blood looks more like a shiny jelly liquid.God of war 2’s blood in the Zeus QTE is what I mean that looks better than god of war

Note: If you actually mention this in a video I will shout “ Zeus, Your son has returned I bring the destruction of Olympus.

Note 2: I’m not saying God of war 3’s blood is bad I do think it does look good.


Finally someone is talking about this. I love the game but damn is the quick turn just so inconvenient.


The quick turn was extremely useful in GoW 2018. I had a lot of troubles with off screen enemies because they nerfed it to only be available while defending. I felt obligated to activate the accessibility settings to the target see what's near me


Idk if I’m in the minority but I never used quick turn, in either games. Except in 2018 with the one valkyrie that had the blinding attack. Sucks that nerfed it so hard but it made zero difference to someone like me who never used it anyway. Also nice tip at the end with the retreat attacks. That’s something I can see myself using. Also do you have a video link for the valkyrie music you used in the beginning? I can’t find that version anywhere


the scroll down d-pad is the best option, easy to get used to
