M50X? Watch this first!!

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Resolve checks out the Audio Technica ATH-M50X to see how it stacks up in 2022. This review compares the well known M50x to the more recent AKG K371, that also comes in at around $170.
Measurement Index
Resolve's Headphone Ranking:
How to read headphone measurements
00:00 - Intro
00:37 - Build, Design & Comfort
03:52 - Sound: Objective
07:43 - Sound: Subjective & Comparison
10:53 - Conclusion
Measurement Index
Resolve's Headphone Ranking:
How to read headphone measurements
00:00 - Intro
00:37 - Build, Design & Comfort
03:52 - Sound: Objective
07:43 - Sound: Subjective & Comparison
10:53 - Conclusion
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