LiFePO4 Server Rack Battery Buyer's Guide! For Off-grid Solar Systems

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Server Rack Batteries mentioned in the video (affiliate links):

EG4 Line Up:

SOK Line Up:
48V Server Rack Battery:

Trophy Line Up:

Jakiper Line Up:

0:00 Intro
1:35 EG4 Battery
4:15 SOK Battery
7:40 Jakiper Battery
9:20 Trophy Battery
12:48 EG4LL Pro Model
14:08 Solar Golf Cart Server Rack Packs
16:32 Conclusion

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*Current Connected*
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My favorite 12V budget battery!:

*Epoch Batteries*
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DIY Solar Power with Will Prowse is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program,
Рекомендации по теме

Server Rack Batteries mentioned in the video (affiliate links):

EG4 Line Up:

SOK Line Up:
48V Server Rack Battery:

Trophy Line Up:

Jakiper Line Up:

0:00 Intro
1:35 EG4 Battery
4:15 SOK Battery
7:40 Jakiper Battery
9:20 Trophy Battery
12:48 EG4LL Pro Model
14:08 Solar Golf Cart Server Rack Packs
16:32 Conclusion

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Check out my best-selling, beginner-friendly 12V off-grid solar book (affiliate link):

*My Solar Equipment Recommendations (Constantly updated! Check here first):*

*My Favorite Online Stores for DIY Solar Products:*

*Signature Solar*
Offgrid One-Stop-Shop. Best Value 48V LiFePO4, Victron and Offgrid Specific Heat Pumps:

*Current Connected*
SOK, Victron, Mr.Cool Heatpumps and High Quality Components:

*Ecoflow Delta*
My favorite plug-n-play solar generator:

Cheapest 12V batteries around:

A classic 12V solar store that has been around for ages!

*Rich Solar*
Renogy's biggest competitor! Similar products, but at a better price:

*Battery Hookup*
Cheap cell deals
5% off code: diysolar

*Contact Information:*

*FTC Disclosure Statement and Disclaimers:*
Every video includes some form of paid promotion or sponsorship. Some links on this youtube channel may be affiliate links. We may get paid if you buy something or take an action after clicking one of these. My videos are for educational purposes only. Information is subject to change/update at any time. Electricity is DANGEROUS and can kill. Be smart and use common sense :)

DIY Solar Power with Will Prowse is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program,
An affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to


Good lord, I'm looking at those 17+ rack mounted batteries and just drooling. I just wish I could afford 5 (currently have 1 and expanding as I can).


Never thought I would enjoy watching an 18-minute battery video


Very effective, concise and informative. It's a breath of fresh air to see a person who is passionate about something and then delivers quality, edited videos in order to share what is actual helpful and meaningful information. Congrats on your life choices and your vision of how life should be. Keep doin you man cuz it's contagious. :)


Love that you made this. I so could have used something this simple when I was pulling my hair out. Aside from the lack of documentation on the capacitors, Signature Solar has become so popular thanks to your forum and DIYers' recommendations, that I don't know that their staffing is up to the influx of orders. They absolutely did their best to help us make it right after I put my foot down on being overlooked for multiple shipments. We're happy overall.


People used to look for the Gold Seal of Approval we look for the Will Prowse seal of approval. Thanks man your videos are always so informative. Even when your "it's so easy" makes me say "for you". Thanks🙂


Thank you so much for continuing to make these videos I can’t tell you how useful this has been I’m about to upgrade my cabin to a house and will be using a lot of what I’ve learned here again thank you so much😁


Those Trophy batteries with the heaters are really cool. The RV and off-grid customers should be buying those like crazy!


Totally agree! These need to be manufactured in North America so that we're not as reliant on overseas; you'd think shipping costs alone would make up the difference. But I'm sure it still comes down to labour costs. Thanks for this quick overview!


You're the best Will! Love your helpful videos. You helped me realize we are going into a golden age of offgrid living and responsible sustainable independent living.


Will, you are awesome, been following you since your van stuff. Really proud of how far you have gone and cant wait to see where you go. Such a good looking guy with knowledge beyond most 2x your age. Continue your good work, always happy to logging into youtube and seeing a new video by you.


This guy is the ultimate prepper of doom on YT. Well done sir.


I have a single 24v EG4-LL, and I love it. I built my own rack and made slots for 3 batteries. So hopefully I can get 2 more in the future.


So glad to see you posting again my friend. Was starting to worry about you.


This might sound strange, but I think a lot of people do not understand what a "Server Rack Battery" is and so they do not bother to click these type of very useful videos. They need to understand it is just a typical shelf (i.e. rack) that holds several batteries connected in series or parallel to provide electrical storage power. A very simple thing. Once they understand, you will get many more hits.
Bty, I love my Dewalt Rack!!!


Great video. Felt like forever since you’ve dropped a video


Yeah, Current Connected has OUTSTANDING support. I'm a DIYer in a dinky mountain town so support had a lot to do with purchasing 3 48s. Other contenders fell way short in pre-sale questions and it cost them the sale.


I just stared using the Growatt 48v 5kwh Axe battery through Signature Solar. They are the easiest battery I have ever used. They plug into each other in stacks of up to 10 high. So far so good.


He's BAAAACK! I've been checking on the daily for a new video, glad to see one pop up. Perfect timing since I got a cabin recently and am making a plan to use all server rack batteries for the cabin and then the garage I'll be building on the property.


Wow, that's a lot of rack batteries! Interesting to hear of pre-charge problems with the EG4 - mine worked perfectly with one LV6548 (haven't tried it with two).
