Implantation Bleeding Vs. Period (Menstrual Bleeding)

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Implantation bleeding is light bleeding from vagina that occurs after 10 to 14 days following implantation of a fertilized egg into the uterine endometrium.
Implantation bleeding is considered a normal physiological phenomenon of pregnancy and about 25% of pregnant women experience it.
When the fertilized egg, or the embryo attaches to the uterus, it causes a slight disruption of the integrity of the uterine endometrium, which gives rise to implantation bleeding.
Implantation bleeding typically occurs around the time of menstruation.
So, most women confuse implantation bleeding with normal menstruation.
Therefore, it is important to know the difference between implantation bleeding and normal menstruation.
Implantation bleeding is just spotting or a very light flow of blood.
However, as you have experienced every month, menstrual flow starts heavy, and the flow decreases as you reach the end of menstruation.
Implantation bleeding typically lasts for about 1 to 3 days.
But menstrual flow can last for about 4 to 7 days.
Implantation bleeding is not associated with abdominal cramps, or there may be only mild cramps.
However, menstruation is often associated with severe cramps.
The blood in implantation bleeding is light pink or brown in color. And it is not associated with the passage of clots.
But menstrual blood is bright or dark red in color and may be associated with passing clots.
Additionally, implantation bleeding may be associated with other signs of pregnancy.
But it is important to keep in mind that as implantation bleeding occurs very early in pregnancy, these signs may not be present at all.
Some of them include morning sickness, breast tenderness, food cravings or aversions, mood swings, and headaches.
If you are not sure whether it is implantation bleeding or menstruation, take a home pregnancy test, or consult your doctor for confirmation.
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Docter, I terminated my pregnancy 3 years ago. My bleeding was 2 months 6:20 5 days late. But the bleeding was normal. Menses date is 5th of August. I didn't get menses that day. On the 14th day there was a little bleeding. On the 15th, 16th, 17th and 18th, I did not have to use anything except for a little bleeding in the morning. There was a small breast pine. Now there is little back pain and why is that? Is the pregnancy positive now? Please answer


Have desame case in my wife .. but we tried pregnancy test turns positive and 2 others was negative .. about 1 week delayed with pregnant symptoms .. we are confused


"following 10-14 days following IMPLANTATION"? Do you mean 10-14 days following Ovulation? Otherwise this is a little wild to have implantation bleeding almost 2 weeks after implantation itself!


I tick every box for implantation bleeding but I have tiny little stringy bits like 1 or 2 sorry for the TMI, not sure if it’s clots or not


I'm only 15 😭😭
I haven't done anything just kissed my boyfriend and went swimming


Hii, does implantation bleeding occur day 28 of a 28 day cycle?my cycle is regular day 28 cycle, i always had my period on the day 28, im been using birth control pills for over 5 years, i taking off, then when may period day arrive, the day 28, because i track my cycle on a flo apps, why its just spotting?hope you notice me


my period was one week delayed and now im experiencing severe cramps but the blood is light and not that thick. idk if im preg or not, i took pregnancy test before getting cramps and it was negative so im really confused


My cycle was irregular but before 4days I got slightly second line and today'morning I tested again it got negativi but same day afternoon i got bleeding. This means pregnant or not ?


I have a regular period but on the 15th day of my cycle I saw some brown discharge and now it is the 3rd day, is it implantation bleeding as I think my ovulation for this cycle was on the 9/10 day ? Is it possible to be implantation bleeding?


After missed 4 days spotting but negative card test why??


I was supposed to start 3 days ago buh it’s been pinkish sticky discharge and mild cramping but I don’t think I’m pregnant


I just had a baby I didn’t wait 6 weeks and I’m spotting just a little when I wipe it’s pinkish light pink


Me april8 start period until now I have menstruation 😢


Can implantation bleeding happen on 25th day ? I have regular cycle of 28- 30 day. I had brown discharge and very less spotting


Implantation nangyari saakin ngaung Sept 9-12 firstime kac nangyari saakin....masakit pti breast ko...gsto ko lge may kinakaen...😊😊😊
