What is...the Erdős-Gallai theorem?
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I would like to tell you a bit about my favorite theorems, ideas or concepts in mathematics and why I like them so much.
This time.
What is...the Erdős-Gallai theorem? Or: Realizing graphs.
Nobody is perfect, and I might have said something silly. If there is any doubt, then please check the references.
Main theorem.
Graph background.
Pictures used.
YouTube and co.
I would like to tell you a bit about my favorite theorems, ideas or concepts in mathematics and why I like them so much.
This time.
What is...the Erdős-Gallai theorem? Or: Realizing graphs.
Nobody is perfect, and I might have said something silly. If there is any doubt, then please check the references.
Main theorem.
Graph background.
Pictures used.
YouTube and co.
What is...the Erdős-Gallai theorem?
Oct. 8, 202, Michael Barrus: The Erdős-Gallai differences of a degree sequence
Which Sequences are Graphical? (Degree Sequences and Havel-Hakimi algorithm) | Graph Theory
Graph Theory lecture#12 Erdos Gallai Theorem Directed Graphs
extremal graph theory: explain Erdos Stone Simonovits theorems
STOC 2023 - 4C - Towards the Erdős-Gallai Cycle Decomposition Conjecture.
Robust sublinear expanders, and an application towards the Erdos-Gallai conjecture - Matija Bucic
Petr Golovach: Longest cycle above Paul Erdős-Gallai bound
Introduction to Gallai's Theorem - Theorem 7.2
Erdős–Szemerédi theorem
Proving the Erdős Primitive Set Conjecture
Sophie Spirkl - The Erdős-Hajnal conjecture for the five-cycle (CMSA Combinatorics seminar)
Le Théorème d'Erdős-Szekeres [Com-D-4]
Erdös Hajnal Conjecture | Recent advancement
Graph Theory 7-3: Erdos Posa Theorem
Solve a Graph theory problem using Topology | Bruijn Erdos Theorem
Matchings 05 - Gallai's Theorem
The Icosian Game
Graph Theory 10-2: Erdos Stone Theorem
Erdős–Stone Theorem. MATH 492/529 Extremal Combinatorics, University of Victoria.
Erdős–Ko–Rado Theorem. MATH 492/529 Extremal Combinatorics, University of Victoria.
10.4. Gallai's theorem
Probabilistic Methods 2-1: Erdos-Ko-Rado