Patch 14.23 Preview | League of Legends

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0:00 - Intro
1:13 - How the Swain update is going
5:44 - A quick update since the last video
10:43 - Ranged AD items
17:19 - Buffs and adjustments
28:08 - Nerfs
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Whats up Phreak, fellow gamers here ;D.


I think Yun Tal's real problem is its build recipe. Having bf sword be the only real ad the item has before completion makes it an item hard to purchase which is bad for a rush item that needs to scale.
Collector is the opposite in that it's an okay to good item with a really good build path that ensures it provides a reliable and strong early spike.


Adore that you are making these videos and explaining your thinking and how the design team is approaching balance. Makes changes infinitely more palatable in that we can see your, and your teams perspective. Thank you for taking the time to make these videos. Its awesome. Thank you.


Phreak got rid of flashbangs with spreadsheets but replaced them with his head.


Do you even know that shyvana E mark is capped to 150 on dragons too, and that it's the vast majority of her damage to first two drakes, meaning that her 20% to dragons is fake?

I bet you don't.


Absolute goat. I may not be always happy with the buffs/nerfs. But taking your time and explaining patches so thoroughly BESIDE working at riot is completely respectable.


Keep in mind rengar's armor shred on R literally does nothing to the dmg on the initial jump, it does not apply since all the dmg comes before the shred for some reason.


Hey Phreak, fellow data scientist here. I think it would make sense to have champ win rate by mastery (and other similar stats) just displayed on a tableau dashboard so you don't have to go around pulling the data newly every time. You can also just have these for every champ so you can keep an eye on them. You could have a table that has the delta and stuff too. You could probably do this with items also.


Phreak: Yesterday I met a Garen support in solo queue during champion selection. Someone dodged and receive a time penalty because of it. It is certain that this Garen is not playing league for the mutal enjoyment of the rest of the teammates but only himself. He even bring teleport which has no support value except for minion wave push in his desire. However, even though I did not enter the game thanks to someone else, we, as a player, have no counter strategy to deal or let say report such behavior becase the name id is blocked in champ select. I hereby pledge you to revoke this function for partially, for the purpose of trolling the trolling support by trolling them first (because they are so smart to pick at last (perhaps the system favor them?)


Phreak have you ever thought about giving bot lane minions some base magic resist to systematically nerf mages bot? That could go away at like 15 or 20 mins (or honestly not, since eventually mages get pen anyway).

Seems that the problem with almost all mages in bot is that they can destroy waves too quickly so adcs dont get time to interact with them (hence the fact mages have been topping wr charts bot lane for years), doing that would maybe make them more balanceable bot lane, what do you think about it?


I have one concern when smolder is being adjusted: "Will we have a smolder hitting the stack mark by just a few minutes after the laning phase, that is about 25 mins (for low mmr)?" Because that's infinite scaling without even needing to purchase items and is a nightmare to many players to play against given that smolder appears inclusively in every single lane.


Always appreciate your videos! They're well done and informative. This may be more work, but adding specific time stamps for each champ in the buffs/nerfs sections would help viewers find the nerfs/buffs they're interested in.


hope you know how much most of us appreciate you phreak. thx for these videos and all your work👍


Thank you for listening to the players and rolling back at least some of the changes on Aurora. In my opinion, she should have her passive MS back to retain her identity, but I'm willing to accept and try these changes instead.
Overall, thank you for listening, Phreak.


" and ya i bet you in most cases caitlyn R deals more damage then syndra R " do we forget syndra R has an execute??


Even Tank support cant stand the damage from brand and veigar, not to mention ad...


my favourite baldman spitting facts as I wake up for work in the morning, couldn't be better


Appreciated as always. Thanks for taking the time to educate us on what is going on and why:)


Love the transparency. Thanks as always Phreak


8:44 i still don’t understand the overall changes. What is smolder supposed to build now? IE and collector? Essence reaver and navori? Hubris and eclipse? Youmuu’s and Opportunity? Muramana and Ravenous Hydra? The only item that fits him is Essence Reaver with Hubris and Eclipse looking like the next best items. I think seeing his Tri force, spear of shojin build be gutted is going to leave his win rate and pick rate lower with only otps building high AD since no one understands how hubris is one of his core items with Essence reaver.
