7 Change labels & colors in Q-GIS. Work with a vector map

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Author: Abdal Shaker Shah

How to change the color of a geometry feature in Q-GIS?
How to labels the geometry feature in Q-GIS?

The symbology of a layer is its visual appearance on the map. The basic strength of GIS over other ways of representing data with spatial aspects is that with GIS, you have a dynamic visual representation of the data you’re working with.

To change a layer’s symbology, open its Layer Properties. Let’s begin by changing the color of the land use layer. Right-click on the land use layer in the layers list.
The symbology button at the top of the Layers panel will open the Layer Styling panel. You can use this panel to change some properties of the layer: by default, changes will be applied immediately!
In the Layer Properties window, select the symbology tab:
Click the color select button next to the Color label. A standard color dialog will appear.
Choose a gray color and click OK.
Click OK again in the Layer Properties window, and you will see the color change being applied to the layer.
Change the labels
before being able to access the Label tool, you will need to ensure that it has been activated.
Go to the menu item View / Toolbars.
Ensure that the Label item has a check mark next to it. If it doesn’t, click on the Label item, and it will be activated
Click on the places layer in the Layers panel, so that it is highlighted.
Click on the following toolbar button: labeling
This gives you the Layer labeling settings dialog.
Check the box next to Label this layer with
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